Democrat Civil War Heats Up As Biden, Harris, Obama, and Pelosi Camps Point Fingers
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Democrat Civil War Heats Up As Biden, Harris, Obama, and Pelosi Camps Point Fingers

Democrat Civil War Heats Up As Biden, Harris, Obama, and Pelosi Camps Point Fingers

“How did you spend $1 billion and not win? What the f***?”

While leftists across America are melting down, including late-night talk show hosts crying on air and women on TikTok threatening violence and murder on white men, the Democrat civil war over Donald Trump’s Election Day victory has spilled out into the open.

The fighting is not confined just to rank-and-file Democrat members of Congress and TV commentators; team members of many of the various players involved in what some have called the “soft coup” that pushed Joe Biden out of the presidential race are also speaking out, pointing fingers at everyone but themselves over Kamala Harris’ electoral drubbing.

We’ll start with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who has been credited with getting the behind-the-scenes movement rolling to force Biden’s hand on the issue back in July. She is now saying they had no time to put a campaign together because Biden waited too late to pass the torch:

“Had the president gotten out sooner, there may have been other candidates in the race,” Pelosi (D-Calif.) told the New York Times in comments published Friday.

“The anticipation was that, if the president were to step aside, that there would be an open primary.”


“We live with what happened, and because the president endorsed Kamala Harris immediately, that really made it almost impossible to have a primary at that time. If it had been much earlier, it would have been different.”

Harris staffers are also getting into the mix, blaming Biden as well:

“We ran the best campaign we could, considering Joe Biden was president,” grumbled one Harris aide granted anonymity to speak freely. “Joe Biden is the singular reason Kamala Harris and Democrats lost tonight.”

Another Harris aide said it was clear Biden should have made a graceful exit much sooner, allowing Democrats to hold a primary they believed Harris would have won.

People in the Biden camp pushed back:

A former Biden staffer dismissed the Harris team’s criticisms as making excuses for the vice president’s failures: “How did you spend $1 billion and not win? What the f***?”


Another person familiar with the dynamics said that some on Biden’s team resent Harris for not using the president more during the campaign, even though he is unpopular and prone to gaffes.

“The Harris team benched [Biden] and then they lost, so now the people who represent Biden are saying, ‘Maybe you shouldn’t have benched him,’ ” they said.


Some Harris officials felt that many of the former Biden aides resented Harris and her ascension to the top of the ticket, even as Biden personally and enthusiastically backed her.

Some on the Biden side are also pointing fingers at former President Barack Obama and his advisors:

“There is no singular reason why we lost, but a big reason is because the Obama advisers publicly encouraged Democratic infighting to push Joe Biden out, didn’t even want Kamala Harris as the nominee, and then signed up as the saviors of the campaign only to run outdated Obama-era playbooks for a candidate that wasn’t Obama,” one former Biden staffer told our colleague Chris Cadelago. The aide snarked that they’d love to have “whatever they’re drinking if 100 extra days of campaigning for Harris instead of Biden would have changed the results of last night!”

Meanwhile, former Obama senior advisor turned Harris campaign senior advisor David Plouffe has deleted his Twitter account after a tweet he posted talking about how “We dug out of a deep hole but not enough” got highlighted by the New York Times:

According to Fox News White House senior correspondent Jacqui Heinrich one source in the Biden camp branded Plouffe a “sanctimonious ass” and another told her the tweet was “unproductive” – adding: “Joe Biden is the President of the United States and won without [Plouffe]. He successfully beat Donald Trump – something [Plouffe] never did.”

Meanwhile, who is probably laughing while this all plays out?  This guy:

And this lady, who wore red to the voting booth on Election Day:

Joe and Jill are loving it. Prove me wrong. 😉

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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I think that the Harris campaign should be commended on getting 48 percent of the country to vote for such a shockingly stupid, inept and unlikeable, lazy fool.

    What does that say about the 48 Percent then if they would vote for such a shockingly stupid, inept and unlikeable, lazy fool.

      henrybowman in reply to TimMc. | November 9, 2024 at 4:08 pm

      Every bell curve has 50% at the bottom. Ain’t nothing you’re gonna do about that.

        JohnSmith100 in reply to henrybowman. | November 9, 2024 at 6:52 pm

        Not 50% at bottom, just 50% on the right side (smarter) and 50% on the LEFT side (dumber). I get a kick out of left side of the Bell Curve corresponding to the political left, poetic.

    REDACTED in reply to E Howard Hunt. | November 9, 2024 at 1:52 pm

    Plouffe’s final tweet before appearing to delete his account.
    “We dug out of a deep hole”

    but enuff about Dave’s sex life

    The Harris campaign and all the other Democrats who forced Biden out to undemocratically install Harris as the person to run against Trump underestimated how mean and vindictive not only Biden is but also his wife.
    As for Trump being unlikeable, maybe to you but not to a clear majority of the country. I know it’s hard to cut through your TDS but you are in the minority of the country. Not a very good troll, either

All of this Dem second-guessing and infighting is endlessly entertaining. Thank you, Ms. Matthews!

I heard that they are stiffing payment of some of the Hollywood folks. Will we ever get a reliable accounting of where the campaign’s $1 Billion went?

    diver64 in reply to Q. | November 10, 2024 at 6:09 am

    I would be very interested in seeing what they did with all that money. Some has leaked out. $1,000,000 to Oprah, $2,300,000 to Lizzo with more to Cardi B, $430,000 a day to advertise on the Las Vegas Sphere, over $100,000 to fly banners over NFL games, tens of thousands hiring media influencers and so on.

McDonalds should create a new menu item — The McTrump. Double quarter pounder with double cheese and a value fries right between the patties. Served with whine.

For a party that would lockstep right off a cliff they sure have a lot of battles. They remind me of siblings. We can fight each other but we will join forces if you attack us.

    henrybowman in reply to 2smartforlibs. | November 9, 2024 at 12:57 pm

    Well, they can’t blame Trump because he won. And they can’t blame themselves, because they are Democrats. So all that’s left to blame is… Democrats that aren’t themselves.

Democrats are all upset, pointing fingers and experiencing a lot pain.

A bit of good news: Rumble is reporting that the Heaven’s Gate guy has returned to planet Earth on the Hale-Bopp comet to offer solace to the TDS afflicted.

MynameisallthatIhave | November 9, 2024 at 12:46 pm

No Kamala/#teringNancy, if Kamala would have longer you would have lost by a GREATER number!
The American people saw you, heard the word salads of STUPIDITY and decided they didn’t like you!
Note your ratings went down as the 100 days went along!

Kamala spent $1,020,000,000 and didn’t even get a lousy T shirt! And the campaign is reported $20,000,000 in debt. Good luck to the vendors who are still not paid.

irishgladiator63 | November 9, 2024 at 12:49 pm

“A former Biden staffer dismissed the Harris team’s criticisms as making excuses for the vice president’s failures: “How did you spend $1 billion and not win? What the f***?””

Starting to sound like taxpayers when the government does pretty much anything.

Michael Johnson | November 9, 2024 at 12:50 pm

It was the “Biden” record that defeated them. Trump was able to run on his record compared to theirs. Importing foreign criminals and inflation caused by deficit spending were the major reasons people voted for Trump.

“A former Biden staffer dismissed the Harris team’s criticisms as making excuses for the vice president’s failures: “How did you spend $1 billion and not win? What the f***?”

…says the team who has pissed half the Treasury away on someone else’s war and isn’t going to win that, either.

Few things:

1) Harris isn’t qualified to be the fry cook at McDonald’s. She has a room temperature IQ, her qualifications are DEI rubber stamps, even her racial bona fides are bogus. She was the absolute worst candidate for the presidency in my lifetime. Period.

2) Joe Biden is a legend in his own mind. He wants you to think that his legal prowess is akin to Professor Kingsfield in The Paper Chase, while the reality is that he graduated at the bottom of his third tier law school. I’d venture to say that 95% of the staff he employed as Senator, VP and POTUS were both smarter and better credentialed than he.

3) If the Democrats are truly interested in why they find themselves in the pickle their in they need look no further than this guy right here:

This crypto-communist promised a “fundamental transformation” (his words, not mine) of the United States. To act upon that pledge is a violation of his oath of office. He inflicted maximum damage to the constitution and the republic during his 8 years in office (that reelection seems fishy now doesn’t it?).

So convinced of his own omnipotence, he decided to insult an iconic New Yorker, a man that everyone in America knew. It was a petty, mean spirited act (because Obama is a petty and mean spirited man) that Trump took offense to. And Trump identified as a moderate democrat!

So, as we embark upon Trump II, the Democrats have no one to blame except themselves and Barry Soetoro, the real life Manchurian candidate.

Good riddance to them.

    mailman in reply to Peter Moss. | November 9, 2024 at 1:20 pm

    1. The true beauty of this is that this will be with her for the rest of her life 😂🤣

    2. As I tell me boss, this is why you surround yourself with brilliant people 😁

    3. They will not learn from this.

    henrybowman in reply to Peter Moss. | November 9, 2024 at 4:11 pm

    “(that reelection seems fishy now doesn’t it?)”
    Not when you remember who the Rinos put up as his “opponent.”

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | November 9, 2024 at 1:19 pm

David Plouffe @davidplouffe

It was a privilege to spend the last 100 days with @KamalaHarris and the amazing staff led by @jomalleydillon who left it all on the field for their country.

LOL. I keep seeing them explicitly refer to “100 days” or “107 days” …
Komrade Kamala spent the first 40-odd days of the so-called “campaign” hiding in the basement, refusing to talk to anyone, say anything, or communicate in any way.

As to the actual country they were working for … it certainly wasn’t America. They were trying to finish off America – the treasonous dirtbags.

    That’s a good point. Pelosi is complaining Joe didn’t get off the throne soon enough, but Harris wasted precious time because she wasn’t prepared for a campaign. (Harris may have anticipated being prepared at some time in the very near future, when in fact that was something that probably wasn’t going to happen if we waited for the heat death of the universe).

What’s going on with the house election? Will Republicans get the two sears they need to hold it?

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to mailman. | November 9, 2024 at 1:30 pm

    Mail-in ballots.

    No election with mail-in ballots can be trusted. On top of that, mail-in ballots take away one of the most important features of our electoral processes – anonymity and secrecy. Before, a person or group could get someone to promise to vote a certain way (for money or from coercion) but now, with mail-in ballots (even legitimate ones) those same bad actors can now make sure that they get the exact votes they are paying for or threatening – merely by sitting with the voter and watching him actually fill out the ballot by the dinner table before it gets mailed.

    But in these House cases, it’s pretty certain that the “late arriving” mail-in ballots are merely produced out of thin air (and maybe some double counting, too, as they did quite a bit in Georgia in 2020).

      Last count I saw on red state was republicans sitting at 216! Fingers crossed it’s easier for them to get the 2 seats needed than it is for Democrats to get the 10 they need!! 🤞

    henrybowman in reply to mailman. | November 9, 2024 at 4:13 pm

    Arizona still hasn’t finished counting the ballots for Kari Lake. And already a recount seems a certainty. What’s that gonna take us to, January?

Excellent article on the election and state of things: “How Trump crushed Obama’s legacy”

Obama is done! Time for historians to dissect his deceptions and poisonous influence, INCLUDING turning the state against Trump.

    He should be given a Roman generals retirement options to either go quietly in to retirement in the countryside and stay there or stay here and suffer the very real and very serious consequences of not going quietly.

You can leave Sundowner out of it, he hasn’t made a decision in years. They tossed him out in a soft Coup d’etat.

    henrybowman in reply to Skip. | November 9, 2024 at 4:15 pm

    He’s just fortunate that the people who wrote “his” anonymous resignation tweet didn’t include a suicide note.

Harris was a horrible candidate. She has been horrible at every job she has ever held. Truth be told, I bet Willie Brown would tell you that she doesn’t even give that great of a BJ.

Jill’s red suit wasn’t even subtle. It was a big screaming FU to the democrats.

Pelosi should contribute to cover some of the Harris campaign’s unpaid debts. After all, Harris was Pelosi’s idea. Perhaps Pelosi could use some of the funds she was putting aside to add Biden’s face to Mt. Rushmore.

They are doing Kari Lake dirty yet again in Arizona. Trump should fly out there and bring that bully pulpit with him. All the usual shenanigans are going on. Bring the lawyers with him.. no way she lost this election.

Biden is genuinely beaming in that photo. He was delighted with the outcome (meaning Harris’ loss/Dem defeat).

If she had a longer time to campaign she would have lost by a larger margin. She was a terrible cadidate. If the Dems had wanted to win they would have dumped Joe last year and held a compteitive primary and picked a new standard bearer. Obama et. al. wanted to keep Joe the puppet so they stopped that. Kamala didn’t think she could win an open primary so she didn’t use the 25th amendment. They were afraid of Joe couldn’t manage a debate in September after it would be impossible to change candidates so the push it up to June. He proved he was senile. At that point the could cast aside the first black, Asian, woman candidate and obvious heir to the nomination or pick someone else probably a white man and shatter their party. They chose to go with her and be the Joy!! campaign and hope that would work.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Martin. | November 9, 2024 at 6:49 pm

    Whoever came up with that “Joy!” BS should be shown the door and never again be allowed near so much as a campaign for dog catcher.

      henrybowman in reply to DaveGinOly. | November 11, 2024 at 1:20 am

      Nah, he was a trouper. “Write what you know.” Well, Kamala didn’t know ANYTHING. But anybody can prattle on about joy and justice and ho they grew up. There WAS nothing else there.

What’s not to love about circular firing squads?