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‘Science Guy’ Bill Nye Uses Hurricane Milton to Push Climate Cultism, Slam Trump

‘Science Guy’ Bill Nye Uses Hurricane Milton to Push Climate Cultism, Slam Trump

The interview is another great example of MSNBC doing all it can to promote Kamala Harris.

We have been following the preparations for Hurricane Milton’s arrival in Florida.

The storm is apparently generating wind gusts topping 200 miles per hour, as some are clamoring for a new hurricane category designation.

The blistering power of the storm — the second most powerful ever recorded in the Gulf of Mexico — prompted calls for a new Category 6 designation.

“This is nothing short of astronomical,” Florida meteorologist Noah Bergren said as Milton reached sustained winds of 180 mph and “gusts 200+ mph.”

…If the hurricane reached winds of 192 mph, it would have surpassed a rare threshold that just five storms have reached since 1980, USA Today reported.

Its exceptional intensity has prompted calls from some meteorologists to expand the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale to include a new Category 6 for hurricanes.

While no such official category exists, professor Michael E. Mann tweeted that “Milton might have actually breached the 192 mph ‘Cat 6′ cutoff.”

By way of background, 38 Category 5 hurricanes have been officially recorded in the Atlantic Ocean since reliable records began in 1932. These are storms with sustained wind speeds exceeding 157 mph.

The earliest recorded hurricane, for which we have solid documentation, occurred in 1494 near the Caribbean. During his first voyage to the New World, Christopher Columbus encountered a storm that’s often considered the first recorded hurricane by Europeans in the Atlantic. This is from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

On July 16, 1494, Christopher Columbus ran afoul of a hurricane while sailing south of Cuba during his second voyage to the New World. Having established a new colony on the north coast of Hispañola in April, Columbus sailed westward along what he thought was a peninsula of China for the next four months. After an excursion to explore Jamaica, he was anchored at what is now Santa Cruz del Sur on the 16th when a storm of great ferocity came upon his four ships. He later wrote to Queen Isabella, offering the first recorded description of a hurricane by a European. He assured her that only his dedication to God and to the extension of the Spanish monarchy would compel him to face such dangers.

Of course, such storms have raged on this planet since oceans formed.

MSNBC recently invited “Science Guy” Bill Nye (who has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University) to offer his thoughts on Hurricane Milton and Category 5 catastrophic storms.

The key portion is here:

The other side, as we often call it, as no plans to address climate change. No plans for long-term dealing with the sorts of problems.

If you have young voters out there, encourage them to vote. People say, “What can I do about climate change?” If we are talking about it, and associating it with big storms like this, that would be really good. But the main thing is vote.

By “the other side,” Nye clearly means President Donald Trump and his team, who have been organizing private donations and helping with the response to Hurricane Helene.

It must also be remembered that MSNBC is doing everything possible to elect Vice President Kamala Harris.

Category 5 hurricanes have occurred in eras before the use of internal combustion engines. They have occurred during both Democratic and Republican administrations. No matter who wins in 2024, chances are high there will be at least one catastrophic storm in the 4 years that follow.

In the wake of both Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton, I suspect Americans now would prefer a leader who chooses a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administrator with effective planning, response, and mitigation related to American natural disasters as the sole priority. You know…its original mission.

This is in contrast to “the other side,” which has steeped its response principles in “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.”

A few last, related items from Chris Martz, an actual student of meteorology.

Some of our past stories on Bill Nye:


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rhhardin | October 9, 2024 at 7:11 am

Cat 11 is the one to watch out for.

RITaxpayer | October 9, 2024 at 7:18 am

If Bill Nye says it…/s

nordic prince | October 9, 2024 at 7:41 am

Bill Nye, the pseudoscience guy who pushes “more than two genders” nonsense, shilling for Da Ho and “climate change.” Sounds about right.

Too bad Cornell doesn’t disavow him by taking back the degree they granted him, but they’re probably on board with his message anyway.

Pre history. Last Glacial Maximum. […] dry cyclonic winds blowing across glaciers created storm front wind shear as the dry northern glacier air met moist southern air.

That’s along the whole of the LGM’s glacier fronts.

CommoChief | October 9, 2024 at 8:09 am

The wokiesta leftists are seemingly fixated on boogeymen and voodoo/make believe. If they can’t find flimsy evidence to try and blame a specific person (DJT/Vance/DeSantis and so on) they blame systems; the ‘patriarchy’, ‘White Privilege’, ‘Climate Change’.

Whay wokiesta leftists will not do is look inward, engage in honest self reflection and confess that they themselves are the cause of their problems. That’s would be to accept individual responsibility and that’s not in the wokiesta leftist DNA. Individual consequences caused by individual choices directed at the persons who made the choices is their kryptonite. They are emotive not rational beings clinging to fantasy like young children b/c the real world, the adult world, is a harsh place where only winners get a trophy and everyone else is disappointed.

“What can I do about climate change?” Not a thing

UnCivilServant | October 9, 2024 at 8:16 am

Go away, Bill.

thalesofmiletus | October 9, 2024 at 8:25 am

Now that is a White Dude for Harris if I ever saw one.

Kamala Harris has proven unable to fix a single problem facing our nation. In fact, she has exacerbated every preexisting problem she has touched and caused numerous more.

Yet the Dim progs think she can ‘fix’ the climate?


TargaGTS | October 9, 2024 at 8:52 am

There are 14 named Atlantic storms on average. This year, NOAA and other agencies predicted an appreciably elevated level of hurricane activity and said there could be as many as 25 named storms. We’re nearing the end of the season, particularly the end of the most active part of the season, and there have only been – checks notes – 13 named storms thus far.

Lastly, it’s very difficult, probably impossible, to apply current hurricane metrics in a historical context because we didn’t have satellite surveillance of most of the Atlantic ocean until the 1970s. While today we’re able to carefully watch the entire Atlantic for storms as they form and can count, measure and name those storms (when applicable) even if they never come close to land, that wasn’t the case before the 1960. So, we really have no idea how many storms formed in 1900 that would today be large enough to qualify as a ‘named’ storm. We have no idea what ‘normal’ hurricane activity is over a period of time that is geological significant.

2smartforlibs | October 9, 2024 at 9:06 am

Why does anyone put any stock in the mechanical engineer? He’s no scientist.

I have to contain myself from breaking out in curse words when it comes to Bill Nye. You might as well get your science from the old “Captain Video” programs, which appeared on Dumont TV (channel 5 in NYC) in the early 1950s.

Steve Koonin covers hurricanes in Chapter 6 (Tempest Terrors) of his book “Unsettled.” Those interested should get the updated (2024) version of the original 2021 edition. Koonin quotes from the National Climate Assessment issued by the US government (NCA2014). “The intensity, frequency and duration of North Atlantic Hurricanes … have all increased since the 1980s.” As evidence, the report presents graphs of Power Dissipation Index, and the sea surface temperature. They seen to show correlation. The idea being warmer water produces more frequent, and powerful storms. Koonin wondered what the data would show for the years before 1970, and found out. No significant trends. Then he discovered some text in Appendix 3 (page 769) to the effect that there are no global trends in the frequency of tropical cyclones (hurricanes are such) nor any trends in the number of land falling hurricanes. WTF! This important result should have been up front in the report, not buried in an appendix. Moreover a plot of the Power Dissipation Index starting in 1945 shows a decrease and then an increase starting in 1980. Yep once again our government has been deceptive. The deception continues in AR6 (the most recent UN report) which says that natural variability cannot explain the increase in tropical cyclones. But that’s based on a paper by Kossin et al. However a correction to Kossin eliminates the statistical significance of the trends.

Ugh. This whole business of climate science is extremely complicated. Beyond the ability of the average citizen to understand and track the back and forth publications. Certainly beyond Bill Nye the anti-science guy.

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