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Report: Democrat Donors Aware of Biden’s ‘Frighteningly Awful’ Cognitive Issues As Early as June 2023

Report: Democrat Donors Aware of Biden’s ‘Frighteningly Awful’ Cognitive Issues As Early as June 2023

“Guests, however, said that Biden was ‘frighteningly awful.’ It was ‘like your 87-year-old senile grandfather’ wandering around the room, saying to women guests, ‘your eyes are so beautiful.'”

Author and Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward’s word is often considered sacrosanct in leftist/media circles. But he’s thrown them for a bit of a loop in a new book called “War,” released October 15th, which gives fresh insight into what some Democrat movers and shakers knew about Biden’s cognitive issues and when they knew it.

In the book, Woodward quotes some donors on and off the record talking about how Biden looked and sounded “frighteningly awful” when they saw him, with others comparing him to “your 87-year-old senile grandfather” who complimented women’s eyes as he walked around the room:

The first fundraiser hosted by Kevin Scott, the chief technology officer of Microsoft, at his home in Los Gatos on June 19 [2023], was attended by 38 guests, including some of the most serious Democratic donors in [Silicon Valley]. The event raised $2.7 million for Biden’s re-election fund. Guests, however, said that Biden was “frighteningly awful.” It was “like your 87-year-old senile grandfather” wandering around the room, saying to women guests, “your eyes are so beautiful.”


And after a small “meet the president” fundraiser attended by about 20 people at the home of philanthroposts Susie and Michael Gelman in Chevy Chase, Maryland, on June 27, 2023, guests described their interactions with Biden as “painful.”

“He never completed a sentence ” said Bill Reichblum , cofounder and president of Liberties Journal Foundation, who attended with his wife and father-in-law, a former U.S. ambassador to Romania. “He would start to talk about something, jump somewhere else. He told the same story three times in exactly the same way and it meandered so much. … It was striking.

“Frankly, my impression was there were times,” Reichblum said, “it was as though we didn’t exist. He was just rambling and talking as to what came into his head.” Biden seemed to Reichblum like an elderly grandparent or a parent who talks and talks but “makes no sense.”

Axios national political correspondent Alex Thompson shared some of the book’s excerpts on Twitter/X:

If any of this sounds familiar it’s because most of the people reading this could see for the last four years what the media and many on the left tried to hide about Biden, things that spilled out into the open in June 2024 during that now-infamous George Clooney/Julia Roberts fundraiser for Biden and then his disastrous debate performance not long after that:

The revelations from Woodward’s book shine an unflattering spotlight once again on Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris, who has been asked several different times by national media reporters about what she knew and when she knew it about Biden’s cognitive health.

In each instance, the most recent one being an NBC News interview from earlier this week, she’s refused to admit that she saw anything concerning about Biden:

And from the Fox News interview:

And from the CNN interview:

Just as a reminder, during the 2019-2020 Democrat presidential primary campaign season, Biden’s cognitive fitness was an open question among members of the media and some Democrats including a few candidates, as documented at the time by independent journalist Glenn Greenwald, who made the following observation after the Woodward book pages were posted to Twitter/X:

… and because they successfully forced Joe Biden out of the presidential race, installing a candidate in his place that hadn’t earned a single vote as a presidential candidate ever.

Something that should never be forgotten at the end of the day is that the exact same people who now say Kamala Harris is capable and ready to lead this country for four years are the exact same people who told us the same thing about Joe Biden – including Kamala Harris herself.

This is not just a media scandal but a White House scandal, and if Harris wins next month she will have gotten away with it. That’s one of the things people should take into serious consideration before they head to the ballot box.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Joe-dallas | October 24, 2024 at 9:19 am

I was aware of Biden’s dementia / Alzheimers during the summer of 2020.

Granted, if a person is unfamiliar with the dealing with someone with dementia, then it is very difficult to recognize. On the other hand, once you are familiar with the signs, its very easy to spot someone with the early stages of Alzheimers. In my case, as a CPA, I have dealt with 11-12 clients with Alzheimers. I didnt recognize the first two clients who were in the middle stages because at that time I had not been exposed to anyone with dementia or Alzheimers, while I subsequently recognized the others who were in the early/mid stages.

    TargaGTS in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 24, 2024 at 10:05 am

    From a professional standpoint, are there ethical guidelines in place that help you measure when a client is able to make financial decisions for themselves? I’ve long wondered if at some point in the future, people who were adversely affected by Biden’s decisions might have some ability to challenge those decisions based on his cognitively decline, which is now obvious to everyone. Are you seeing the kind of decline in Biden that would worry you with a client?

      Joe-dallas in reply to TargaGTS. | October 24, 2024 at 11:00 am

      Yes there are both personal and professional Ethical guidelines – and a serious catch 22.

      First all financial professionals are legally barred from disclosing any financial information to other individuals including their clients family without the expressed authorization from the client.

      The approach I have taken is to get the children involved – or at least informing the children that I suspect that there is some mental decline, and they should get involved.

      Of the 12 clients with alzheimers, two had post death probate will contests (lawsuits contesting the will), three had pre death fraud.

      One of the major problems is demonstrating lack of “capacity” . The legal standard to prove lack of “capacity” is extremely high, at least in Texas. In Texas, the individual has to be at or near the end stages of alzheimers before the are declared as lacking capacity.

      les in reply to TargaGTS. | October 25, 2024 at 1:15 pm

      I have wondered the same thing about judicial appointments. If appointed by a President who holds office via a stolen election, is their judgeship legitimate, or stolen property?

    WTPuck in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 24, 2024 at 10:16 am

    Yup. I was going to say that those “donors and insiders” weren’t very observant, because I knew he was demented before the 2020 election.

    gonzotx in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 24, 2024 at 10:59 am

    It was clear in 2019

    You dog faced pony soldier

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 24, 2024 at 11:02 am

    Millions of Americans have watched a loved one or friend descend into dementia; the signs may be subtle to anyone not exposed to the process, but there were many experienced voices raised about Biden very early on.

    We knew, despite the prepping and the sanitizing (and absolutely they knew as well). If there IS a history in the era going forward, the cover-up and denial of Biden’s cognition by the entire Dem apparatus, including media, will be the apotheosis of criminal political behavior in this country. Worse than the assassination’s of a President.

      DaveGinOly in reply to Dolce Far Niente. | October 24, 2024 at 11:29 am

      I think one of the reasons mental decline isn’t initially obvious to those close to the subject is because they get used to the decline over time. Constant observation of incremental decline is likely to not be noticed or not considered serious as memory of the subject’s past acuity fades from memory. With Joe, he was out of the limelight after Obama’s last term. For outside observers without regular contact with him (which should have included many who had contact with him during his campaign, including Harris) the decline should have been jarringly obvious by comparison to the Joe they knew from his term as VP. Probably everyone here is in this latter group of observers. Many of us are old enough to recall Joe’s mental acuity over the decades. To see him take the public stage after a period of absence caused us to take notice. This was obviously not the Biden we knew.

        Joe-dallas in reply to DaveGinOly. | October 24, 2024 at 12:32 pm

        A friend of mine put his mom in nursing home with alzheimers, and his comment was the kids notice 4-5 years ago that they brushed on the alzheimer’s signs as just typical old folks forgetting things. The time from initial onset to the late stage alzheimers is 5-10 years with a minimum of 5-6 years.

      DocSam in reply to Dolce Far Niente. | October 25, 2024 at 9:41 am

      Your final paragraph should be put in bold text and published widely. It is a crime that the Dems blatantly have and continue to LIE about what they knew, including Kamala Harris.
      Their moral integrity does not exist.

    Tiki in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 24, 2024 at 1:58 pm

    Forbes Magazine
    Elizabeth Bauer
    Senior Contributor Retirement

    Does Joe Biden Have Dementia? Does It Matter?
    Editors’ Pick Mar 11, 2020, 01:20 am EST


    Everyone knew Biden was compromised. The 11 March 2020 article was removed from Forbes’ website after a very aggressive left wing Twitter mobbing.

This story is only about one thing: senile Biden wandering around brain-dead “…saying to women guests, ‘your eyes are so beautiful.”

I grasp your point. He’s senile, he was senile by 2020, and everybody in the inner Democratic circles knew it and willfully hid that fact.

But – Geez what a poorly written article. I can’t be assed to actually count them but this point and/or its accompanying picture of the page from the book are repeated 8 or 9 time at least.

I have have the impression lately that some of these articles are AI generated because of a similar pattern albeit not as severe redundancies…

To summarize this article “….told the same story three a zillion times in exactly the same way and it meandered so much…

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Hodge. | October 24, 2024 at 10:06 am

    Eleven embedded X posts in this post alone. Six simply self-important Blue Check X users reposting the same thing multiple times and 5 of other stuff on X with a couple paragraphs at the beginning and end to round it off. And that’s what passes for “journalism” these days. It’s like I tell people these days. There’s a serious lapse of Standards & Practices these days. And it shows.

      henrybowman in reply to Lucifer Morningstar. | October 24, 2024 at 3:47 pm

      I used to complain about articles where tweets were shown, and then reiterated, word for word, in the text below. It seemed like middle-schoolers padding their essays. Then I came across an article that made me realize why this is done. All the tweets are live links — if the poster retracts them, they disappear. Then you are left with an article with lots of empty holes in it. If the author hadn’t replicated the tweets as part of the article, you would have no idea what they were about,

      Since the tweets are live links you can’t show just the cogent responses without including the original tweet they included. So you get a LOT of duplication.

George S | October 24, 2024 at 9:26 am

These donors witnessed a President Vegetable in person, most likely thereafter spread the word amongst their tribe, and yet one year later Democrat donors raise a record $28 million? Woodward’s big reveal says more about the cult-like idiocy of liberal democrats than Biden’s cognitive health.

    henrybowman in reply to George S. | October 24, 2024 at 3:50 pm

    No, worse than that.
    It shows that they fully understand the sleight of hand being committed — an amorphous, unelected cabal of swampies making decisions and taking actions in lieu of the president, using his presidential authority — and that they are OK with it.

Every time that man got on a stage he got lost trying to find his way off. And when he was meeting with other world leaders, they could all see it.

Please. Anyone who was paying attention and was honest with themselves could see it well before the 2020 election.

1A_Rules | October 24, 2024 at 9:39 am

Oh Woodward is such a pioneer, he’s risking it all to tell the truth! Haha (sarcasm). Has this book come out a year ago, he might be viewed as bold. It is “approved” now to tear down Biden, so there is nothing bold about it. And besides, average people across the country no matter their politics have observed the same thing since 2021 without even being in the same room. So gusty of Woodward…..hahahaha.

What kind of person sees with their own eyes that the candidate is senile, then donates money to the campaign anyway? What do they think they’re buying and from whom?

    DaveGinOly in reply to irv. | October 24, 2024 at 11:33 am

    What are they buying? Access. Imagine you had access to the most powerful man in the world and he was senile. What could you not get from him? What could you not talk him into? I would think access to this person could possibly be quite valuable.

    Martin in reply to irv. | October 24, 2024 at 2:23 pm

    They are buying four more years of what they paid for in 2020. Democrat control primarily centered around the Obama team.

rhhardin | October 24, 2024 at 9:51 am

Donors want favors not intelligence.

E Howard Hunt | October 24, 2024 at 9:54 am

What’s next? Obama’s birth certificate, ss # and selective service cards are phony? No, that blockbuster book will be published in 50, you all, folks.

CommoChief | October 24, 2024 at 10:04 am

This needs to be beat into the d/prog and their media allies like Sugar Ray Leonard did to Roberto Duran until they start yelling ‘No Mas’. Until they admit that either their judgement about Biden was wrong, that they knew and lied or both….they don’t get respectful treatment. Shove this inside them repeatedly like a PO prison inmate shaking his rival.

Some of them were aware at least as far back as 2021. Unless they’re all imbeciles (in the medical sense).

    Martin in reply to GWB. | October 24, 2024 at 2:29 pm

    You can’t see if you choose not to. Republicans pointed it out repeatedly since 2019 and that just hardened the Lefts resolve to ignore it. I thing the early debate was their way out of a certain loss since 3 debates with Joe after the conventions would have been too much to overcome with cheating. They didn’t force a primary because they didn’t want to let the rank and file Democrats vote since their core primary voters are actually committed leftists and they would have pick some real loon unwilling to hide their real beliefs from the public.

theduchessofkitty | October 24, 2024 at 10:24 am

Anyone who watched the primary debates in 2020 could sense something was off.

I have known people with ALZ/dementia in the past. I have seen them in the present. There are external signs of it that are undeniable. In fact, right now, I have serious suspicions about my own mother. Walking around aimlessly, speaking nonsense gibberish, not finding words, temper tantrums, especially in the evening hours… you get the idea,

The minute Biden started to walk around the primary stage aimlessly while Bernie Sanders was speaking at his podium in 2020, I knew he wasn’t ok.

That alone should have sent alarm bells all over the place. It did for me.

Is it just me, or aren’t there enough people out there who don’t know what external signs of dementia look like? There are millions of caregivers for ALZ/dementia patients in this country as we speak. I’m certain many of them also vote. Where were they? Were they also gaslighting the public and hiding Biden’s condition, even back then?

I’m very certain his own family and closest advisors and friends did a bang up job gaslighting the people in this matter. I believe Obama himself knew and led the effort. They knew. They all knew, and well before 2023. Why does it have to take an Easter Bunny and a Georgia Meloni to show the world something is wrong?

I have been screaming for years all over the place Biden has some sort of dementia. I’ve felt like the kid yelling against the crowd that The Emperor has no clothes. Yet, when Trump himself said at that debate, “I don’t know what he’s saying. And I’m certain he doesn’t know, either”, people knew the jig was up.

This was a real case of elder abuse. Where is the damned outrage? Where are the calls for accountability? If he was treated like this for the sake of power, what does it tell for the millions of people with dementia and without power? And don’t ignore the fact that millions more are going to be diagnosed in the coming decades. Memory care is already expensive as it is. In 20 years, it can bankrupt Medicare.

(I’m taking my Mom to a neurologist next month, to see what’s really going on.)

    DaveGinOly in reply to theduchessofkitty. | October 24, 2024 at 11:37 am

    There’s a difference between being able to deliver a clinical diagnose of dementia or senility and the ability to observe someone who isn’t behaving normally. Abnormal behavior is identifiable precisely because it’s abnormal. You may not know what’s wrong with the subject, but you know something is wrong.

    henrybowman in reply to theduchessofkitty. | October 24, 2024 at 3:55 pm

    “And don’t ignore the fact that millions more are going to be diagnosed in the coming decades. Memory care is already expensive as it is. In 20 years, it can bankrupt Medicare.”
    Not if the COVID vax works as planned. (Not what they told YOU it was for,)

Peter Moss | October 24, 2024 at 10:30 am

You’ll have to pardon me for the remainder of the day because apparently I qualify as a Professor at Harvard Medical School because a) I recognized that Joe Biden was a racist & a moron in 1991 (Thomas hearings), that he was bereft of any morals in 2014 (skinny dipping/USSS agent + Ashley) and was suffering from dementia in 2020 (basement campaign)

If cognitive dissonance were toxic, the gutters would be filled with Democrats.

DaveGinOly | October 24, 2024 at 11:18 am

So, Harris is lying again? There’s a surprise.
Presuming Harris is telling the truth about her observations of Biden’s mental acuity, we can surmise a thing or two about Harris:
1. She’s completely unobservant
2. Her standard for mental acuity is extremely low

There is no scenario in which Harris’ claims concerning her observations speaks well of her.

    henrybowman in reply to DaveGinOly. | October 24, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    It ought to crater her.
    Remember Watergate? Nixon didn’t know about the crime, but he did participate in the coverup, and that’s what sank him.
    Now do Kamala.

Another possibly confounding aspect of this is that Biden had two brain surgeries in 1988 for aneurysms, one of which had burst. Both short and long term cognitive deficits are often consequences of this, if you do not die (as my brother-in-law did). Biden appears to have many of the deficits that a Google search lists.

alaskabob | October 24, 2024 at 11:42 am

When is “too late”..too late? When it is obvious!!!! Just shut up and give your donations to The Party……fools.

Hiding a president’s mental and physical problems has ample precedent. For example: FDR had serious cardiovascular problems, and was certainly non compos mentis by 1944. He had a systolic blood pressure of 250 (normal 120), He was so infirm he did not attend the 1944 convention. Yet his personal physician and friend, Vice Admiral Ross T. McIntire covered up his true condition. By the time of the Yalta Conference in early 1945 FDR was extremely mentally deficient, and in no condition to negotiate with Stalin. Indeed FDR died in April 1945. His medical chart which was kept in a safe at the U.S. Naval Hospital disappeared. Then as now the press covered for the president. The public could only see FDR in newsreels. No Internet, no TV. Nevertheless people who met FDR in 1944 reported that he seemed frail and near death.

Today we have alternative media, and anyone can observe Biden’s declining mental and physical condition. One wonders how the public can be so gullible as not to conclude the obvious. Well a staffer at MSNBC admits his network contributes to dumbing down their viewers. Will anyone get punished for this massive and coordinated deception? Certainly not if Harris get elected. Even if Trump wins, I doubt it. His own party along with the judiciary will oppose any attempts to punish the lying doctors and officials. Will Biden get punished? I doubt that too. He will pardon himself, or resign and let Harris do it.

As noted by many here, we were commenting on Biden’s mental infirmity since at least as early as the early part of 2020.

destroycommunism | October 24, 2024 at 12:32 pm

leftism is a mental illness unto itself

so of course it didnt raise any alarms

these people want to destroy america

thattttt is a sickness

healthguyfsu | October 24, 2024 at 2:06 pm

And his political cronies and handlers knew well before that.

bflat879 | October 24, 2024 at 2:28 pm

Why is there no discussion, none that I’ve seen anyway, that this decline was enough so he wouldn’t run to be President , but he still IS the President? Doesn’t anyone wonder who’s running the country? It’s not cognitively declining Joe.

Aarradin | October 25, 2024 at 12:44 am

Anyone that says they couldn’t see it during the lead up to the 2020 election is lying.

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