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Report: British Advisors to Harris Campaign Want to ‘Kill Musk’s Twitter’

Report: British Advisors to Harris Campaign Want to ‘Kill Musk’s Twitter’

Elon Musk responded: “This is war.”

Journalists Paul Thacker and Matt Taibbi revealed internal documents from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) planning to “kill Musk’s Twitter.”

CCDH also hopes to strengthen ties with VP Kamala Harris and other Democrats.

CCDH’s founder, Morgan McSweeney, is already advising Harris’s campaign.

“Our mission is to protect human rights and civil liberties online,” according to CCDH’s website. “Social media companies erode basic human rights and civil liberties by enabling the spread of online hate and disinformation.”

In other words, CCDG wants censorship.

The CCDH moved to the United States in 2021.

Hmmm…who took office in 2021? Yes, President Joe Biden. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

This is insane:

“The Disinformation Dozen” report coincided nicely with a Biden administration campaign to beat back American fears of the COVID vaccine and was referenced by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki in a warning that social media companies should censor the accounts.

“There’s about 12 people who are producing 65% of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms,” Psaki claimed, citing the CCDH’s work. Three years later the truth finally caught up with [CCDH’s current CEO Imran] Ahmed’s misinformation. In recent months, Forbes, The Independent, and The Guardian have all issued corrections to articles on CCDH’s 2021 report noting that Facebook investigated CCDH’s allegations and found them baseless and without proven methodology.

According to documents provided to both publications along with interviews with CCDH whistleblowers, an invitation-only conference held this past summer in Washington underscores the group’s priorities. Attendees at CCDH’s private event included a slew of liberal groups now organizing against Musk including a senior advisor at the White House, a Democratic Party staffer in the office of Congressman Adam Schiff, Biden/Harris State Department officials, Canadian MP Peter Julian (recently tweeted “Boycott all advertisers on Twitter”) and Media Matters for America (a Democratic party-aligned watchdog now locked in a lawsuit with Musk).

The second annual CCDH priority on the document reads, “Advertising focus.” This likely references the group’s apparent strategy of publishing reports that claim Musk allowed hate to proliferate on X, followed by efforts to drive away the company’s advertisers.

CCDH hides its donors and employees. Yes, it’s a dark money organization.

In 2021, Ahmed raked in $1.47 million in donations.

One donor from that year gave CCDH $1.1 million. A whistleblower claims the anonymous donor is Aleen Keshishian, actor Mark Ruffalo’s agent.

Selena Gomez, another Keshishian client, supposedly has donated to CCDH.

Harris Campaign

I believe this is what we call foreign election interference:

The Center for Countering Digital Hate is the anti-disinformation activist ally of Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, and a messaging vehicle for Labour’s neoliberal think tank, Labour Together. Both the CCDH and Labour Together were founded by Morgan McSweeney, a Svengali credited with piloting Starmer’s rise to Downing Street, much as Karl Rove is credited with guiding George W. Bush to the White House.

The CCDH documents carry particular importance because McSweeney’s Labour Together political operatives have been teaching election strategy to Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, leading Politico to call Labour and the Democrats “sister parties.” CCDH’s focus on “Kill Musk’s Twitter” also adds to legal questions about the nonprofit’s tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(3) organization.

In the last two months, the Washington Post and Politico, among others, have run a series of features about British advisors from Labour Together rescuing the distressed political damsel that is the Harris/Walz campaign. Politico casts McSweeney as the “election mastermind” who first helped Keir Starmer defeat leftist Jeremy Corbyn to become the head of Labour, all the way to Starmer’s “landslide” win over Conservatives to become Prime Minister this past July, implying that McSweeney and his team can perform a similar miracle for Harris.

UK’s Labour government wants Harris to win so she could stand with Starmer.

We’ve already seen Labour staffers knocking on doors for Harris over the summer.

However, Thacker and Taibbi disclosed that McSweeney’s groups started infiltrating themselves into America years ago:

In the U.S., a now-defunct CCDH offshoot called Stop Funding Fake News led multiple successful boycotts of media figures across the spectrum, from Zero Hedge during the BLM riots to The Federalist. The formula often involved collaborating with a mainstream media outlet to level an accusation of bigotry, followed by a pressure campaign against advertisers to shut off revenue to the target.

“CCDH went directly after us and he worked with Google when they briefly suspended all advertising on Zero Hedge, our primary source of revenue then,” recalls Zero Hedge editor Tyler Durden, noting that the boycott came after CCDH worked with NBC on an article depicting them as racist for claiming damage from BLM riots was under-covered. Similar tactics led to demonetization of The Federalist, whose apparent crime was a June 3, 2020 piece called, “The Media Are Lying to You About Everything, Including the Riots.” Like Zero Hedge, The Federalist criticized mainstream coverage of BLM protests, including calling not-yet-fired CNNanchor Don Lemon a “not very bright man.”

“NBC News colluded with a foreign left-wing group in an attempt to destroy us because it disagrees with our political commentary and media criticism,” The Federalist editor Mollie Hemingway told The Wall Street Journal at the time.

CCDH attempted to take down Substack over supposed vaccine disinformation.

The group failed when Substack “essentially told them to fuck off” when they demanded the removal of Alex Berenson and Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign filed a complaint with the FEC claiming foreign interference due to the U.K. Labour strategists advising the Harris campaign.

However, as far as we know, the Labour Party staff have not made any financial contributions.


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rhhardin | October 22, 2024 at 7:06 pm

Stamping out opposing interpretations is a pretty universal inclination online.

    AlecRawls in reply to rhhardin. | October 23, 2024 at 12:38 am

    Censorship is not a universal inclination. Only Democrats want this. People who think frontwards, following reason and evidence, don’t want to censor because we arrive at supportable conclusions. That makes debating fun. We don’t want to avoid debate, we want to win it.

    Democrats are the opposite. They think backwards, starting with the conclusions they want to arrive at and looking for how to avoid or dismiss whatever makes what they take to be “their side” look bad, including all contrary reason and evidence.

    They inculcate this backwards thinking mode directly from their Democrat-controlled information sources. This is what all of our “mainstream” news outlets always do: they are always looking for how to present that day’s information landscape in the way that makes their side (the Democrats) look as good as possible and the other side (conservatives) look as bad as possible, with no regard for the truth.

    The human mind is mimetic so people who consume this product automatically start looking themselves for how to avoid and dismiss whatever exposes their side and wrong or bad.

    This constant avoiding of reason and evidence causes two things. First, Democrats’ ideas about what is right or in their interest get more and more divorced from reality, and second, they lose their ability to follow reason and evidence.

    This is the great divide between left and right in the Western world. Conservatives think frontwards and leftists think backwards, with the result that conservatives end up being right about a lot of things, while leftists, with their growing disconnect from reality, inevitably end up being completely wrong about virtually everything.

    People who have truth on their side never want to censor. They always want to have the debate, so that they can expose the ignorance and idiocy of their opposites.

    Only people who know they can’t win the debate want to censor, and that’s why free speech is the perfect solution to the problem of bad information and bad ideas.

    When anyone calls for censorship on any issue, you know they are wrong on that issue, and are trying to avoid exposure, like the above mentioned effort to censor people who were pointing out the obvious reasons why people who were not at significant risk from Covid not, in an attempt to defend against this non-threat, participate in the most radical medical experiment in human history.

    Too many people were figuring out that taking the shot could not possibly be wise in terms of their own health, so the Democrats adverted to a different excuse: “do it for grandma,” making people who refused the shot “grandma killers”!

    But it was known from the beginning that “saving grandma” was a lie too. The shots would not stop people from catching and transmitting Covid. It would actually turn their bodies, when they did catch Covid, into Petri dishes for breeding escape variants of the SarsCov2 virus (“the China Virus”).

    The more people who were unnecessarily injected, the faster escape variants would emerge, and that’s exactly what happened. The vaccination rate hit 50% at the beginning of June 2021 and the Delta variant had its big public outbreak amongst the vaccinated over the ensuing July 4th weekend on Cape Cod.

    Injecting those not at risk from Covid squandered the vaccine efficacy that MIGHT have helped grandma. And the CDC knew this would happen. They even officially changed their definition of a vaccine to cover the mRNA gene-therapy shots.

    “Gene therapy” is such an alarming term, reeking of the radically experimental truth. So the CDC removed the requirement that a vaccine had to prevent transmission, and voila, a gene therapy could now be given the trusted “vaccine” label.

    Why such recklessness? Democrats were trying to get to the ultimate mechanism of totalitarian control: vaccine passports, constantly needing a current thumbs-up from the government or you can’t enter a store or other public accommodation, you can’t enter most workplaces, use public transportation, get medical care. You can’t have a life.

    That’s what Democrats wanted, and now they are trying to accomplish the same thing via a digital currency, where everyone keep all their money in an account with the Treasury, and this is a predictable progression.

    When people think backwards, focusing constantly on advantage for their own side, while dissolving all comprehension of the substance of issues, the result is a naked fixation on nothing but power.

    Please do not make the mistake of thinking this is something everybody does. That is a part of the left’s self-justification. The central pillar of post-modernism is the assertion that “there is no such thing as truth, only competing narratives.”

    In effect, they self-justify their constant lying by claiming everybody does it. They even claim there is nothing else anybody can do, and in their minds they may really think that.

    Since they never think frontwards, the very concept may really be beyond their comprehension. But no. Not only is frontwards thinking possible, along with the truth seeking, anti-censorship views, that it leads to, but it really is the main dividing line in our country.

    All who get their information from our Democrat-controlled press WILL fall into backwards thinking. They will subconsciously imitate what they consume every day, and once they have fallen into the backwards thinking mode they can’t escape because that would mean looking at what is wrong with what their side is doing, and that is exactly what they are being conditioned to avoid.

    It’s like they have paper bags over their heads and they don’t have the strength to tear them off because each one’s own mind has been manipulated to enfeeble itself.

    You wouldn’t think people could be that dumb, but we are all seeing it. Almost half the country has fallen into this blob, enough to bring the upcoming election possibly within the Democrats’ current margin of fraud, maybe well within it.

    Our current peril is extreme.

alaskabob | October 22, 2024 at 7:08 pm

More importantly, what do the Iranian and Chinese CCP consultants want?

Tim Walz is certainly piling on Musk, but unable to see himself in the mirror.

She sure know how to pick em. He’s one obnoxious blowhard and poor decision maker. An inauthetic fraud.

Imagining Harris-Walz in charge is a scary proposition under the best of circumstances.

guyjones | October 22, 2024 at 7:51 pm

The same vile, Dhimmi-crat pukes who cooked up the “Russian Collusion” dirty tricks scandal, who are neck-deep in unsavory, compromised and national security-endangering associations with Chinese and Iranian agents and proxies, and, who complain about alleged foreign “election interference,” now unabashedly recruit British leftists to campaign on crone-harlot-dunce, Harris’s behalf, and, to “advise her.”

You cannot make this stuff up. These reprobates are shameless.

guyjones | October 22, 2024 at 7:53 pm

BTW, Mark Ruffalo is a pro-Islamofascist/Muslim terrorists/supremacist, anti-Israel fanatic and general POS.

CommoChief | October 22, 2024 at 7:54 pm

How about we tell them to FOAD instead? Nothing says we have to continue to be in NATO or support the UK, share intel, grant favored trade status, enroll them in Visa waiver program or a host of other things a large group of folks seems to take for granted as external and unchangeable.

gonzotx | October 22, 2024 at 8:00 pm

If this election is stolen

We have to separate

The middle will not hold

scooterjay | October 22, 2024 at 10:55 pm

Second Amendment will soon be in use, as sad as it is to say.
Seeing their own blood is the only way to halt a progressive.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | October 23, 2024 at 12:44 am

It is illegal to have foreign advisors to an American political campaign.

Of course, this nation let Barky get away with holding what was, perhaps, the largest American campaign rally in history … in a friggin foreign nation … for a bunch of friggin foreigners … paid for, in part, by a friggin foreign government … and the only reaction we got – from the author of one of the most insane, un-Constitutional, restrictive campaign finance bills ever – was … “CELEBRITY!!!!” … and then that same d-bag McShame did not even have any problems with Barky’s campaign having intentionally turned off the AVS checks on credit card donations on his campaign site, thereby allowing millions and millions of anonymous funds to flow in from anyone, anywhere, to any total …

But it is pretty clear that you are not allowed to hire foreigners as advisors for a domestic political campaign. Of course, anyone with a brain knows that the dems hate America and don’t even accept our status as a sovereign nation, as clearly and irrefutably demonstrated in their practices of completely open borders and orchestrating a foreign invasion of our land.

henrybowman | October 23, 2024 at 1:43 am

“Social media companies erode basic human rights and civil liberties by enabling the spread of online hate and disinformation.”

A lot of fancy words that boil down to “free speech would easily defeat us.”

diver64 | October 23, 2024 at 6:46 am

Not only did this foreign group go after Substack, they were also one of the AstroTurf groups who tried to take out Joe Rogan on Spotify over his letting “banned” doctors who questioned Covid on his show. Spotify joined Substack and told them Rogan wasn’t going anywhere and he remains the biggest podcast on Earth.
Funny that when companies are run by people with a backbone and refuse to cave to the mob that it all goes away.

George_Kaplan | October 23, 2024 at 9:36 am

Is Morgan McSweeney a founder or simply a former board member? I’ve seen different claims.

2nd Ammendment Mother | October 23, 2024 at 11:11 am

Someone help me here….

Russia buying a $100k in badly done Facebook ads is foreign election interference on Trumps part

Several hundred Brittish Labour party members, flying to the US, being housed by the Harris campaign and working with the Harris campaign to persuade voters is not foreign election interference

not commenting on Obama donations from African countries (those were already suspicious anyway)

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