Political Imbalance on Campus Week in Education
Your weekly report on education news.

Nothing shines a spotlight on the topic of political imbalance in higher education like an election year.
- UPenn Working With Kamala Harris Adviser’s Group to do ‘Non-Partisan’ Voter Outreach
- Admissions Counselor at Gettysburg College Trashes Trump Supporters on Social Media
- Parents From Blue States Urge Their Kids at Georgia Tech to Vote in Swing State
The far left owns higher ed.
- Faculty at Mount Holyoke College Told to Report ‘Misgendering’ and ‘Incorrect’ Pronoun Use
- University of Alberta Hires New Provost Fellow in ‘Decolonizing Policies’
- University of Southern California Hosting ‘Demonic’ Drag Show Called ‘Drag Me to Hell’
Which is why this is happening.
- Student at Hamilton College Admits to Posting Antisemitic Remarks on Campus
- Northwestern University Graduate Workers Adopt Anti-Israel BDS Resolution
- Columbia University Bars Pro-Israel Prof From Campus
This may be one of the only things that can stop it.
- Harvard Sees Drastic Drop in Donations After Alumni Cut Ties Over School’s Response to Antisemitism
- UPenn Donor Who Cut Ties With School Now Redirecting Millions to Israeli Universities
DEI needs to go.
- University of Michigan’s Embrace of DEI Policies Has Backfired
- Academic Scholars Using Junk Science to Prop Up DEI Policies
- Board of Supervisors at Louisiana State U. Eliminating Some DEI Programs
This is great.
And now, sports.
- U. Nevada-Reno Female Volleyball Team Forfeits Game Against Team With Male Player
- U. Georgia System Wants NCAA to Ban Males From Female Sports
What could possibly go wrong?

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Do university administrations really care about losing American students and American donor money? I doubt it. There are more than 360,000 Chinese students enrolled in American universities. Most (all?) pay full tuition and provide a source of revenue. Add to that students from India and the Middle East. Arab money also pours into American universities and that buys influence. I don’t think university administrators are much worried about losing American students. They might even prefer having a student body that’s 100% foreign.
We should not be educating students from potentially adversarial countries. Engineering students from China will graduate and return to work in the Chinese war industry. We could end up at war with China if they invade Taiwan. The Chinese have developed meter wavelength radar which defeats stealth. The are angle resolution problems with meter wavelengths, and the Chinese boast that they have overcome these problems. Stealth technology applies to centimeter wavelength radar.
What is the origin of our radar stealth technology? A report by Pyotr Ya, Ufimtsev which the Pentagon had translated ended up at the Lockheed Skunk Works. Denys Overholser engineer/mathematican there realized the significance of Ufimstsev’s work on edge waves and convinced his bosses to pursue stealth technology. To get pass the censors, Ufimtsev had to bury the main ideas in a mess of abstractions which Overholser penetrated. The rest is history. Ufimtsev’s bosses didn’t realize the signicance of his work and the Soviet Union missed the boat on stealth.
This academic stuff matters. Let’s not educate our enemies.
You know how in a pre-caffeinated state you can sometimes misread things?
I looked at the photo of Kamala Harris, skimmed the headline and my brain’s first interpretation was:
“Political Imbecile of the Week”
Hey, on second thought, I was correct!
I know Kamala’s pant suits are very expensive and tailored to disguise this reputed beauty’s borderline obesity, but they remind me of those awful 70s double knits that people cringe to see themselves wearing in old photo albums.