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Judge Orders Virginia to Restore 1,600 People to Voter Rolls

Judge Orders Virginia to Restore 1,600 People to Voter Rolls

The judge found “that the removals had been in fact ‘systematic,’ not individualized, and were thus a violation of federal law.”

U.S. Judge Patricia Giles issued a preliminary injunction, telling Virginia to restore 1,600 people to the state’s voter rolls.

Giles found “that the removals had been in fact ‘systematic,’ not individualized, and were thus a violation of federal law.”

In August, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin told state agencies to remove ineligible people from the state’s voter rolls.

The DOJ sued Virginia, claiming the state violated Section 8(c)(2) of the NVRA, also known as the Quiet Period Provision.

That rule states that states cannot remove voters from the rolls “no later than 90 days before federal elections.”

Youngkin signed the EO on August 7. The election is November 5.

The DOJ said in the lawsuit that “systematic removal programs are more error-prone than other forms of list maintenance, and eligible voters placed on the path to removal days or weeks before Election Day may be deterred from voting or unable to participate in the election on the same terms that they would have but for the Commonwealth’s error.”

The DOJ also claimed that the state removed 43 “likely U.S. citizens” in Prince William County.

Lawyers admitted the state removed 18 citizens:

“How many more are there?” Giles asked rhetorically at a hearing Friday.

Giles said it was “not happenstance” that Youngkin had issued his executive order to purge the voter rolls exactly 90 days before Election Day.

She rejected a request to pause her ruling, despite an argument by Virginia’s lawyer Charles Cooper, who told her, “There are going to be hundreds of noncitizens back on these rolls.”

“Every time a noncitizen votes it cancels out a legal vote,” Cooper said.

Youngkin responded:

“Let’s be clear about what just happened: only eleven days before a Presidential election, a federal judge ordered Virginia to reinstate over 1,500 individuals – who self-identified themselves as noncitizens – back onto the voter rolls.”

“Almost all these individuals had previously presented immigration documents confirming their noncitizen status, a fact recently verified by federal authorities,” the governor said.

“Virginia will immediately petition the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals and, if necessary, the U.S. Supreme Court, for an emergency stay of the injunction,” Youngkin said.


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Dolce Far Niente | October 25, 2024 at 11:57 am

You can’t make this up.

They believe the only way Harris wins is with The Cheat in place.

Make sure you complete this by November 15th….

destroycommunism | October 25, 2024 at 12:18 pm

ohhhh so NOWWWWW

The left is in favor of the individual

I can think of one judge that needs to be impeached.

    Milhouse in reply to EBurke. | October 27, 2024 at 9:04 am

    First of all, her ruling was clearly correct.

    Second, even if it were incorrect, judges can only be removed for misconduct in office, not for their decisions. Removing a judge because Congress doesn’t like her decisions would violate the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary. The Supreme Court would likely strike down such a removal, order the judge to remain in office, and to hold in contempt any executive officer who refused to obey her orders.

TargaGTS | October 25, 2024 at 12:45 pm

Absolutely insane. The same people who said we didn’t need the Safe Act because there were already robust laws on the books to keep aliens from voting have now successfully sued VA to stop them from removing aliens from voting rolls.

They’re not even trying to paper-over their attempt to rig the election.

CommoChief | October 25, 2024 at 1:01 pm

Cleaning up the voter registration roll is step one to honest elections. Every other election integrity policy rests on having clean, accurate voter registration rolls. If you suspect your County isn’t doing its job get hot, find like minded people and begin to force them to clean the rolls. Under motor voter they have an affirmative duty to do so but many will drag their feet until forced into performing required ‘maintenance’ by a CT.

inspectorudy | October 25, 2024 at 1:25 pm

It would appear that signing up to vote as a non-citizen is a crime in and of itself. Therefore the non-citizen is a felon and can be arrested before voting. I don’t see how a judge can prevent their removal.

    OwenKellogg-Engineer in reply to inspectorudy. | October 25, 2024 at 2:10 pm

    That would definitely be “individualized” per the judge’s directive

      CommoChief in reply to OwenKellogg-Engineer. | October 25, 2024 at 3:23 pm

      Indeed. Provide the list of names for these voters to poll officials. This is where volunteers as poll watchers come in. They can then issue a ‘challenge’ to the ballot and in most jurisdictions that voter would be issued a provisional ballot that won’t be counted until the challenge is cleared up. Then have the Sheriff arrest the illegal voters.

      All that takes people willing to volunteer their time and endure the slings and arrows that come with those actions. This is where ordinary Citizens can and do make a difference in the electoral process.

      IMO, before we try blaming the ‘GoPe’, ‘rinos’, the ‘weak/limp National party’ or anyone else about ‘their’ lack of willingness to push back and make the d/prog earn each election victory in our County and State b/c we see room for improvement ….we should ask ourselves why we didn’t get off our own ass and volunteer. I suspect many will enthusiastically offer criticism from the comfort of their couch instead.

        tbonesays in reply to CommoChief. | October 25, 2024 at 4:33 pm

        Rs are more likely to have jobs and families.

          CommoChief in reply to tbonesays. | October 25, 2024 at 6:15 pm

          Non sequitur.

          Why should anyone become a trained poll watcher? Lots of other way more fun, far less potentially stressful things to do instead.
          Answer is b/c they prioritize it. If others choose to do other things …No whining from those who chose to sit on their couch and expect someone else to do the heavy lifting for them.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to inspectorudy. | October 25, 2024 at 6:16 pm

    Granted, but in today’s America any hostile foreign national invader is above and outside the rule of law and if at all possible the government will not arrest and hold them for anything if they can dodge it

    Subotai Bahadur.

    Milhouse in reply to inspectorudy. | October 27, 2024 at 9:10 am

    1. Arresting someone before they vote can’t prevent them from voting. People under arrest are entitled to vote from jail.

    2. To convict someone you’d have to prove they’re is not a citizen. Beyond reasonable doubt. Even to arrest them you’d need a prima facie case that they’re not a citizen. And you’d need that for each individual. In none of these cases does the state have such proof.

NavyMustang | October 25, 2024 at 1:28 pm

Okay. Youngkin can’t remove the names, but he can quarantine them. When they search for their record it will advise the poll watcher that this is not a U.S. citizen. I bet the DOJ didn’t think of that.

Virginia42 | October 25, 2024 at 1:48 pm

Dear Judge: Bite Me. Sincerely, the Commonwealth of Virginia.

“Giles said it was “not happenstance” that Youngkin had issued his executive order to purge the voter rolls exactly 90 days before Election Day.”

So what? So she gets to extend the period to 91 days? Is she “above the law”?

    Milhouse in reply to gibbie. | October 27, 2024 at 9:13 am

    No, she’s not extending the 90-day period. Youngkin issued his order 90 days before the election. That means the program started then, and every single removal under it happened within the 90 days, which is illegal.

Ironclaw | October 25, 2024 at 2:32 pm

Do with the Communist dude, slow walk it, really freaking slow

destroycommunism | October 25, 2024 at 2:36 pm

wait until people with the agenda of voting more than once and/or voting when not being allowed to

show up on election day at the polling locations demanding to be allowed to vote!!

uhhhh…who’s going to stop them?

b/c ANY SHOW OF FORCE will be considered racism/disenfranchisement etc etc

destroycommunism | October 25, 2024 at 2:40 pm

French authorities say they have charged seven individuals for allegedly harassing Thomas Jolly, the artistic director for the 2024 Summer Olympics. The suspects must appear at a hearing in March 2025, where they will face charges of making death threats, aggravated insults, and cyberbullying, with potential prison sentences and fines.

making fun of his presentation was called cyberbullying

who really knows if death threats existed

thhis is the lying cheating murderous left who is saying that is happening

    destroycommunism in reply to destroycommunism. | October 25, 2024 at 2:40 pm

    Jolly’s opening ceremony was a daring blend of French tradition and LGBTQ+ expression, featuring drag performers, flamboyant runway sequences, and a scene that some have drawn parallels with Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper.”

      destroycommunism in reply to destroycommunism. | October 25, 2024 at 2:43 pm

      so why is his bullying of christians and hetros NOT CALLED OUT AS BULLYING ETC!!!


      to think otherwise would be ignoring how its happening here

      Hungary’s ambassador to the Vatican, Eduard Habsburg, denounced the scene as disrespectful, noting wryly that “decapitating Habsburgs and ridiculizing central Christian events are really the FIRST two things that spring to mind when you think of #OlympicGames.” U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump went even further, calling the scene “a disgrace.”

Paul Compton | October 25, 2024 at 5:10 pm

To be fair; if the law says 90 days, it HAS TO BE 90 days.

Aren’t we the group that support the law?

This was a failure on behalf of Govenor Younkin and his crew, pure and simple. You might argue that the Judge wouldn’t have ruled this way if Younkin was a Democrat and did something similar which might benefit Democrats; but that’s mind reading, and again, we need to leave that to the Democrats.

    kelly_3406 in reply to Paul Compton. | October 25, 2024 at 6:00 pm

    We are indeed a group that respects and follows laws, unless a particular law is unconstitutional. The removal of non-citizens from voter registration is a constitutional duty that should take precedence over any law that prevents the governor from carrying out that duty.

    The 90-day quiet period should apply to citizens, but not to non-citizens.

      Milhouse in reply to kelly_3406. | October 27, 2024 at 9:16 am

      Not even VA claims the law is unconstitutional.

      The removal of non-citizens from voter registration is a constitutional duty

      No, it is not. Nothing in the constitution prevents aliens from voting.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Paul Compton. | October 25, 2024 at 10:08 pm

    Here’s your Lilly white clean rope.

    Republicans love to have Lilly white clean ropes for Marxists to use.

Subotai Bahadur | October 25, 2024 at 6:21 pm

This is a country ruled by the Left. Right now the Leftists in government, and those not on the Left who are willing collaborators for their own benefit, value the desires of any hostile foreign invader over the legal rights of any American citizen unless said citizen is a protected class based on race, color, creed, gender, gender-preference, wealth, or political power status. Protected classes are above and outside the rule of law.

Subotai Bahadur

Judge Giles is happily carrying MORE water for the left. Mr. Soros must be SO proud!

Let them vote on a provisional basis, then show up and arrest every non citizen that has voted, then don’t count the vote and use the provisional ballot as evidence in their trial.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | October 25, 2024 at 10:02 pm

Petition the courts? Nope. Just tell the judge to go fuck herself.

ebola131 | October 26, 2024 at 2:25 pm

Judge: I order you to return them to the rolls.

Youngkin: NO!

    Milhouse in reply to ebola131. | October 27, 2024 at 9:19 am

    Then Youngkin ends up in a cell, and the names are restored to the roll.

    Except that the order wouldn’t be to Youngkin, it would be to the election officials who are in charge of the rolls. And they are the ones who would end up in a cell if they refused it. And they would deserve it.

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