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IG: DHS Doesn’t ‘Fully Access Risks’ When Releasing Illegal Aliens Without IDs Into U.S.

IG: DHS Doesn’t ‘Fully Access Risks’ When Releasing Illegal Aliens Without IDs Into U.S.

“If CBP and ICE continue to allow noncitizens — whose identities immigration officers cannot confirm — to enter the country, they may inadvertently increase national security risks.”

The Biden-Harris administration is literally allowing illegal aliens to infiltrate our country.

The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Inspector General concluded that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), ICS, and TSA didn’t “fully assess risks associated with releasing” illegal aliens without any identification into the country and “allowing them to travel on domestic flights.”

Unfortunately, the IG blacked out a lot of information.

So not only are they allowing random people into this country but these people don’t have to go through the headaches pushed on us every time we fly?

“Under current processes, CBP and ICE cannot ensure they are keeping high-risk noncitizens without identification from entering the country,” wrote the IG. “Additionally, TSA cannot ensure its vetting and screening procedures prevent high-risk noncitizens who may pose a threat to the flying public from boarding domestic flights.”

The IG reminded everyone that it is federal law to detain illegal aliens who do not have identification.

CBP and ICE have a few options to release illegal aliens:

However, CBP and ICE officials are permitted to release noncitizens into the United States based on various considerations. Prior to releasing these individuals, CBP and ICE immigration officers accept self-reported biographical information, which they use to issue various immigration forms. Once in the United States, noncitizens can travel on domestic flights. By ignoring the process, the threat level towards America continues to rise.

Apparently, the TSA can allow illegal aliens to board domestic flights:

Noncitizens without Transportation Security Administration (TSA)- acceptable identification are allowed to board domestic flights. Before doing so, TSA requires them to undergo vetting and additional screening. Transportation security officers query law enforcement and immigration databases to validate the information on Department of Homeland Security–issued immigration forms and then conduct additional screening procedures such as pat downs. TSA’s vetting and screening procedures do not eliminate the risk that noncitizens who may pose a threat to fellow passengers could board domestic flights.

However, none of those processes do any good. The IG stressed that what’s going on now increases risks to America.

I mean, how many times has Fox News’s Bill Melugin documented agents apprehending special interest illegal aliens? Way too many!

“If CBP and ICE continue to allow noncitizens — whose identities immigration officers cannot confirm — to enter the country, they may inadvertently increase national security risks,” concluded the IG.

In fiscal year 2023, the border patrol “encountered more than 3.2 million” illegal aliens. They encountered 2.4 million of those on the Southwest border.

CBP and ICE should give illegal aliens an Alien Registration Number (A-Numbers), which would appear on immigration forms.

But those numbers don’t mean much because you still cannot identify the person.

The agents can allow the person to stay if they “indicate they either intend to apply for asylum or express a fear of persecution in their home country.”

Illegal aliens can be “paroled” temporarily for “urgent humanitarian reasons” or “significant public benefit.”

Yeah, the officers give those illegal aliens forms, but all they have to do is give the officers biographical information along with photographs and fingerprints.

Despite the processes, CBP and ICE don’t know how many illegal aliens without identification the agencies have released into America.

This is unbelievable:

As part of our review, we observed CBP officers and agents processing 53 noncitizens at two ports of entry (Nogales, AZ, and San Ysidro, CA) and four border patrol stations (Chula Vista, CA; Imperial Beach, CA; Nogales, AZ; and Yuma, AZ) in April 2023. During our visits, we watched immigration officers review travel documents (when available), obtain photographs and fingerprints, collect DNA samples, and interview noncitizens. We also observed officers and agents entering noncitizens’ biographic and biometric information into the Unified Secondary System and e3 databases. We noted that 7 of the 53 noncitizens (13 percent) did not have identification.

We requested data on the number of noncitizens who did not have identification and were released into the United States from FYs 2021 through 2023. Because immigration officers are not required to document whether a noncitizen presented identification in the databases, the data we obtained may be incomplete. Therefore, neither CBP nor ICE could determine how many of the millions of noncitizens seeking entry in the United States each year entered without identification and whose self-reported biographic information was accepted. CBP and ICE immigration officers we interviewed acknowledged the risks of allowing noncitizens without identification into the country, yet neither CBP nor ICE conducted a comprehensive risk assessment for these noncitizens to assess the level of risk these individuals present and developed corresponding mitigation measures.

As I said about Bill Melugin:


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gonzotx | October 2, 2024 at 9:03 pm

You don’t say!

destroycommunism | October 2, 2024 at 9:05 pm

they just installed their first ever female president in mexico

and she promised to continue the no drugs just hugs no drug wars against the cartels

feminists to the left of us and Trudont to the right
here we are

stuck in the middle of screwed

Recargador1 | October 2, 2024 at 9:10 pm

I can’t wait until the 2030 Census numbers are tallied. It’s going to swing the Congress hard left forever.

    TargaGTS in reply to Recargador1. | October 2, 2024 at 9:37 pm

    I really don’t think normal people, even engaged conservative voters, have really thought through the immigration disaster. This is one of the things people haven’t yet realized. Even without amnesty, the census damage is going to be gigantic.

    There have probably been 13M illegals allowed in. If Trump can deport a million of them in 4-years, it will be miraculous. Those are maybe the convicts they’ve allowed in. The rest aren’t going anywhere. The Republic had a good run. There’s no way it sees 300-years….maybe not even 275.

      CommoChief in reply to TargaGTS. | October 3, 2024 at 6:11 am

      If we crack down on employers with criminal penalties and use civil asset forfeiture on the plant, equipment at job sites that’s a very strong deterrent to hiring illegal aliens. Couple that with removing all forms of federal support for illegal aliens. Then remove all Federal grant/contracts from all NGO/’charities’. That’s the stick.

      The carrot is companion legislation that requires a any asylum seeker to have a US Citizen sponsor. Require the sponsor to post a $50K bond and house that asylum seeker in their own home while meeting all financial support needs of that asylum seeker.

      This removes most taxpayer burden but still allows asylum while requiring those who demand expanded asylum/immigration to make a personal investment ‘put their money where their mouth is’. Do this and we find out exactly how many US Citizens are really in favor of expanded asylum/immigration….I suspect not that many.

      WTPuck in reply to TargaGTS. | October 3, 2024 at 11:04 am

      As I was reminded earlier today, Clinton deported 13 million illegal aliens. God willing, Trump will be able to do a better job than that.

ChrisPeters | October 2, 2024 at 9:30 pm

The article’s title needs correcting. “‘Assess”, not “Access”.

TargaGTS | October 2, 2024 at 9:40 pm

Meanwhile, Mayorkas is telling Congress (the day after the debate), that Fema is broke because they gave all their money to illegal aliens. $640M in 2024 alone…and the real number is probably way, way more than that. Haitians in Ohio (and everywhere else) are getting thousands of dollars a month. Kamala Harris just told people who’ve lost everything, including family members, that Uncle Sam can spare $750 for their troubles. It’s infuriating.

    TrickyRicky in reply to TargaGTS. | October 2, 2024 at 11:38 pm

    That SOB is pure evil.

    TargaGTS in reply to TargaGTS. | October 3, 2024 at 7:59 am

    I should clarify my comment, realizing it’s a bit unclear after reading it back. Mayorkas has admitted to Congress that FEMA gave illegal aliens $640M and that’s what’s drained FEMA’s coffers, leaving them ‘unable’ to respond through the remainder of hurricane season. But, the real number stolen from FEMA and distributed to illegals is almost certainly >$1.5B.

    The total amount of money Biden et al. have stolen from other Cabinet agencies to give to illegal migrants is unknown and perhaps unknowable. But, if it’s >$1.5B, think how much it is is from HHS.

Is that to say assess rather than access?

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | October 3, 2024 at 1:25 am

This is unbelievable:

It’s easily believable and totally understandable. It is called TREASON. Traitor Joe and his junta are orchestrating an invasion of America. PERIOD.

DHS doesn’t fully access risks when releasing illegals

Just like some voters who do not fully access risks when choosing who to vote for

Inference: Choose the right person to vote for and you will have different people running the DHS

destroycommunism | October 3, 2024 at 11:00 am

why/how could they?

they are under strict orders and like the military will follow even bad laws

Ironclaw | October 3, 2024 at 1:39 pm

No kidding…

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