Harris Explodes at Baier Because He Kept Pressing on Immigration
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Harris Explodes at Baier Because He Kept Pressing on Immigration

Harris Explodes at Baier Because He Kept Pressing on Immigration

Well, she finally got her “I’m speaking” moment. *rolls eyes*

Fox News’s Bret Baier asked VP Kamala Harris a simple question: “How many illegal immigrants would you estimate your administration has released into the country over the last three and a half years?”

Harris tried to give a long-winded non-answer, but Baier wasn’t having it. She kept trying to steer the conversation while Baier attempted to keep her on topic.


HARRIS: Well, I’m glad you raised the issue of immigration, because I agree with you. It is a topic of discussion that people want to rightly have. And you know what I’m going to talk about.

BAIER: But just a number. Do you think it’s 1 million, 3 million?

*Harris gets flustered.* HARRIS: Brett, let’s just get to the point, okay? The point is that we have a broken immigration system that needs to be repaired.

BAIER: So your homeland security secretary said. That 85% of apprehension…

HARRIS: I’m not finished.

BAIER: …of 6 million people have been released into the country and… Let me just finish, I’ll get to the question. I promise you.

HARRIS: I was beginning to answer.

BAIER: And when you came into office your administration immediately reversed a number of Trump border policies. Most significantly, the policy that required illegal immigrants to be detained through deportation either in the US or in Mexico, and you switched that policy. They were released from custody awaiting trial. So instead, included in those were a large number of single men, adult men, who went on to commit heinous crimes. So, looking back, do you regret the decision to terminate Remain in Mexico at the beginning of your administration?

HARRIS: At the beginning of our administration, within practically hours of taking the oath, the first bill that we offered Congress before we worked on infrastructure before the Inflation Reduction Act, before the Chips and Science Act, before the bipartisan Safety Communities Act, the first bill, practically within hours of taking the oath, was a bill to fix our immigration system.

BAIER: Yes, ma’am. It was called the US Citizen Citizenship act of 2000.

HARRIS: Exactly.

BAIER: Yes, ma’am.

HARRIS: May I finish responding? You have to let me finish.

BAIER: You had the White House and the House and the Senate and. They didn’t bring up…

HARRIS: …responding to the point you’re raising, and I’d like to finish.


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The only reason they dared take this interview was because they were desperate.

He’s treating her with kid gloves and still she can’t take it. He’s practically begging her to just give a number and he’ll let it go no matter how much of a lie it is.

She’s just so pathetically unprepared. It’s fantastic.

    diver64 in reply to Olinser. | October 17, 2024 at 6:21 am

    Not “were desperate”. They are desperate. They can read the polls and their own internal polling must be much worse than everyone knows. Trump is tied or ahead in every swing state at this point. The only states she is winning in are states Biden won last time. Trump is picking up states he didn’t win in 2020, This is what a desperate flailing campaign looks like

She’s so unlikeable

    guyjones in reply to gonzotx. | October 17, 2024 at 9:07 am

    Crone Clinton in blackface. Vile crone-harlot-dunce, Harris, is as malignantly narcissistic, haughty, imperially arrogant, elitist, lawless, entitled, mendacious, self-reverential, vindictive and contemptuous of the peasants of the proletariat, as that noxious harridan.

I thought Baier was surprisingly (at least to me) good. His questions were solid and he respectfully followed-up. While she was reflexively hostile from the moment the interview began, he wasn’t, very much unlike what we’ve seen from hosts on ABC, CBS and NBC when interviewing GOPers. FNC also didn’t (seem to) edit the interview. It appeared to be ‘live-to-tape,’ essentially aired as it would have been live. Good for them. That should be the standard in these kinds of interviews. Baier redeemed himself, winning back some street-cred for himself and his employer that was lost in 2020.

I still think that Fox Poll is hot-garbage. There is no way Trump is leading (or even tied) in a national poll yet trailing in the Battleground States. It’s not mathematically possible because the popular vote deficit in California is simply far too great. If Trump is making that deficit up, he’s WAY ahead in the Battleground States. He’s going to lose that state by 5-million votes, minimally.

I YEARN for the day I never have to hear her again.

Should be pretty soon. That or we might just have a civil war.

I’m pretty sure the Dems are re-engineering the cheating to save the downballot though. I wouldn’t be surprised if they swapped out Trump zipcodes with Trump yes Democrat otherwise ballots for example.


I still think this is going to be an epic landslide victory for Trump. Of all the people that the Democrats could have run in place of Biden (Gabbard would have been my choice) they chose *HER*?

The Democrats knew in 2020 that Biden’s brain was mush. They had the 25th right in front of them. They could have taken him out before the primaries. They could have done the *historic first* thing with Harris, propped her up, made her look like she’s doing something.

But no. They have to engage in a clusterfark in which we have no functioning president and his hand picked successor is a blithering idiot.

    TargaGTS in reply to Peter Moss. | October 16, 2024 at 8:16 pm

    During Mark Halperin’s interview with Carlson last night, the subject of Harris’ selection came up. He said something that surprised me and I had not heard: No one else really wanted it…at least not this year. Harris wasn’t just a bad choice, it was their only possible choice. We may never know the truth, at least not for many years. But, Helperin was the first journalist to announce Biden was going to resign, something he promoted about 4-days before it happened. So, his sources seem impeccable. While he won’t say exactly how he knew all of the details that he reported (which turned out have uncanny accuracy), he said Harris had been vetting VP candidates for weeks before Biden announced his exit from the race, even before that fateful debate.

    Why? He said that even before that debate performance, Biden’s internal polls were horrible, WAY worse than the public polls showed and they started to look seriously at dropping out. He also said private polling on Harris today look almost identical to how they looked for Biden at that time, they’re that bad.

President Trump apparently will be on Rogan

Rogan is NOT a cake walk

It will be interesting

amatuerwrangler | October 16, 2024 at 8:40 pm

At least she was able to showcase Trump’s awesome power to exert control in places where he has no actual authority. Everything that went wrong with the Biden-Harris presidency was because Donald Trump would not let them do the right thing. Trump did this! Trump did that! “Over the past 10 years…”

Then she started whining. Most of the time it appeared that she was trying to run out the clock. Maybe Bret should have told her (true or not) “keep talking, I have all night… You will eventually have to answer one of my questions.”

    Absolutely! Frankly when Harris went on about how all of the Biden-Harris epic failures were somehow Trump’s fault, I think Baier should have pulled a JD:

    Madame Vice President, do you hear yourself?

Angry, mean, evasive. Just another day.

Wants to come together right after calling fascist. Afraid he will jail opponents so we better do it forst.

Trump spent $20 million on a commercial. How much money is she pissing away?

Let her be the last of this poisonous time in America. Sadly, it’s forseeable that her supporters will engage in sedition and insurrection. Imagine what could be if they actually loved America, but in our surreal world, they can pretend they do, get away with it, and call it patriotic resistance.

Even after reading Orwell, they let it happen.

I watched the first several minutes and then transitioned to having to listen to it over the radio. I’m sure the pro-Kamala crowd will call this an amazing success, she faced down the ‘evil Fox news, etc.
But, putting aside the non answers and the evasiveness the main impression she gave was nastiness and, honestly, just being ‘b’.
The feminists will cry that I’m just blaming a woman for the same traits I praise in a man, but that’s not it. Her whole affect I believe would put most people off. She never sounded presidential. She never sounded like she had a command of the facts.
And the crux of her campaign – she never sounded better than Trump.
Trump can be crude and even mean, but he does it in a way that doesn’t immediately repel people (who aren’t already repelled by anything he says good or bad).

No wonder her staff were trying to shut it down. This was a disaster.

Pure lies.
“Let me finish, I’m trying to respond the question”.
Then back to her deflection again without answering the question.

I want to say to Harris that it is terribly apparent why 90% of your staff resigned from their dream job of working in the WH after one year or two because we all witnessed your behavior when you get angry.

The next job for KH after January 20, 2025?
Chancellor of Howard University or UC Berkeley

    How about continuing her career at McDonald’s?

      Neo in reply to jb4. | October 17, 2024 at 6:22 am

      So Kamala’s position last night is that Trump’s second term from 2020-2024 has been a failure, and we need to move past that?
      Am I reading that right?

      .. or is that Biden’s term from 2020-2024 has been a failure, and while she was an integral partner in that, we need to move past that?
      Am I reading that right?

Harris: Let me finish
Brett: Why, your not saying anything coherent.

The Gentle Grizzly | October 17, 2024 at 9:13 am

I am both surprised and pleased that Brett Baier pushed her as hard as he did. It may be Fox, but so what? Most of the press have been easy on her.

Maybe she doesn’t want to win. Maybe this is all part of the plan.
I have said that the best job in the world would be 1 term vice president. Your duties include the occasional funeral and morning prayers for the continued health of the current president. You get $284,600 a year plus housing and other perks. You get a really good pension and the ability to get several thousand dollars for giving a 30 minute speech anytime for the rest of you life.

destroycommunism | October 17, 2024 at 5:36 pm

you’re picking on me b/c I am a women

I could only stand 5-6 minutes of her psychotic shrieking school marm crap and switched to something else while I was making dinner. Honestly, static would have been more interesting. That termagant did nothing to sway a single vote for her. If anything, it put off even more people.

I wish Baier had gotten to the fundamental immigration policy contrast between Harris and Trump. He almost did, noting that the bill she kept calling a “solution” to the border was largely about creating a path to citizenship for the illegal aliens.

Since she kept returning to that “solution,” it would’ve been easy to contrast it with Trump’s solution, which is to deport all the illegal aliens. If he just put that contrast out there and asked her if she thought it was accurate as to the difference between herself and Trump, she wouldn’t have been able to avoid it. Everybody would know that another “filibuster” was a yes.