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Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Blasts Biden Admin for Only Including 11 Counties in First FEMA Declaration

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Blasts Biden Admin for Only Including 11 Counties in First FEMA Declaration

“So we called the White House, we spoke to the — to the president’s chief of staff, the FEMA administrator, and said, ‘Look, you’re sending the signal that you’re not paying attention to some of these rural communities.’”

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp expressed outrage at the Biden-Harris administration’s decision to include only 11 counties in the initial FEMA disaster declaration.

11 out of 90 counties:

KEMP: “When the first emergency declarations came down, there was only 11 counties in that. A lot of people were outraged, including me, because there was such devastation in — in — you know up to 90 counties. So we called the White House, we spoke to the — to the president’s chief of staff, the FEMA administrator, and said, ‘Look, you’re sending the signal that you’re not paying attention to some of these rural communities.’”

Biden picked the 11 counties on September 30.

FEMA quickly added 30 more counties the next day.

As Leslie wrote earlier, DHS Sec. Mayorkas cried that FEMA doesn’t have enough money.

Priorities, man.


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scaulen | October 3, 2024 at 1:30 pm

What was it they said about Bush during Katrina? So I guess Joe Biden hates white people.

Ironclaw | October 3, 2024 at 1:36 pm

Everything for illegal alien criminals and foreign wars, nothing for Americans. You can’t hate the government enough.

    Paula in reply to Ironclaw. | October 3, 2024 at 3:11 pm

    “Mayorkas says FEMA doesn’t have enough money to make it through hurricane season, but apparently it had enough to spend $1B resettling illegal aliens into the U.S” ———–
    Rep. Eric Burlison, R-Mo

Peter Moss | October 3, 2024 at 1:51 pm

BOLD PREDICTION: This is a colossal unforced error on the part of the Biden-Harris administration that will lead to a calamitous election defeat across the board for democrats.

Harris could have VERY EASILY shown prompt leadership (even if she simply copied what DeSantis was doing) and would now be the woman of the hour. But, since she has no leadership skill (because she has no brain), people are dying because instead of FEMA leading recovery efforts, they’re actively thwarting them.

My condolences to everyone that’s affected by this awful disaster. Perhaps this is what we need to vanquish these marxists from our midst and take back control of our governance.

    mailman in reply to Peter Moss. | October 3, 2024 at 2:03 pm

    I think it’s even worse than that PM! Had Kamala had some vaguely half capable staff around her they would have seen the opportunity for her to display some leadership.

    Instead she went fund raising with “her people” in LA while Americans suffered from a Hurricane!

    As someone said here last week, he was afraid for what the October surprise could be! But here it is, an issue handled so badly that not even the Democrat whore media can save Black Diversity Hillary from herself 😂

scooterjay | October 3, 2024 at 2:03 pm

Too many Trump supporters in them thar hills. Uncle Bubba Sam knows it well.

Kemp is largely responsible for Biden being in the Whitehouse
Hopefully, persons holding POTUS office from fraud have no immunity

Nitrogen hypoxia doesn’t send the right message…

Arnoldn | October 3, 2024 at 2:34 pm

Never let it be said that the Biden/Harris administration was entirely profligate with the public treasury.

persecutor | October 3, 2024 at 2:40 pm

The Governor’s choice of occupant for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is roosting there, so his anger is unmoving; his constituents should remember that if he runs for reelection.

Olinser | October 3, 2024 at 3:18 pm

The first day he was out there bragging about what a great job Biden was doing and that he had a personal conversation with him where Biden ‘asked what he needed’. The ONLY purpose of saying it was to try and help them politically when they were being absolutely savaged for their horrific incompetence.

NOW he suddenly he realizes that they’re incompetent morons?

Kemp can FOAD. I am so sick of that RINO trash.

destroycommunism | October 3, 2024 at 4:35 pm

harris went there looking for neatly mowed lawns

maybe NOT this town

but how many towns are being wiped out ( flooded etc) b/c the government has ordered dams be torn down so that the grasshoppers may thrive!!??

CommoChief | October 3, 2024 at 5:25 pm

Rural areas simply don’t count as much as urban areas. That’s the message being sent here. Yes rural communities and lightly populated countryside often in remote and treacherous terrain is more difficult to get aid into. Far easier to bring a convoy semi trailers off the interstate to ‘designated distribution center’ than go up into the hills, mountains or out into the countryside. FEMA is broken based on what I’m seeing second-hand.

Rural communities and State gov’t should definitely take note of what’s going on here. When the urban goons demand new use of eminent domain for installation of additional high voltage power lines to bring electricity to cities and AI data centers ….just remind them the area is inaccessible and tell them to pound sand.

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