Clueless Obama Has ‘No Idea How We Got so Toxic and Just so Divided and so Bitter’
Has Barack Obama met Barack Obama?

While campaigning for Kamala Harris in Wisconsin on Tuesday, former President Barack Obama wondered aloud how the country has become so ‘toxic, divided, and bitter,’ proving once again that self-awareness has never been one of his strong suits.
Laying aside the fact that Democrats are worried enough about Wisconsin to get Obama to leave his luxurious compound on Martha’s Vineyard, it’s amazing to see the return of Obama the scold, once again disappointed in the country that elected him president. Twice.
Watch below:
Barack Obama: "I don't understand how we got so toxic and just so divided and so bitter."
— (@townhallcom) October 22, 2024
Yes Obama, how did American voters become so divided and bitter? Also, has Barack Obama met Barack Obama?
Perhaps it began when Obama called his fellow Americans ‘bitter clingers’ who cling to their guns and religion.
Or maybe it was when Obama told people to argue with their neighbors and get in their faces.
It could even have something to do with the time Obama told his supporters to vote in order to “punish our enemies.”
After House Minority Leader John Boehner chided him for using the term “enemies”in a conversation last week with Univision Radio, President Obama offered an explication for his remark in an interview today with talk radio host Michael Baisden.
Following is Mr. Obama’s “enemies” quote from the Univision interview:
“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies, and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us’ — if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election — then I think it’s going to be harder. And that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd.”
And then there are all of these comments Obama made over the years:
SUPERCUT!@BarackObama’s contributions to civility in Washington
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 22, 2024
A few more reminders.
Remember when you told business owners that they didn't build their businesses? That was a big part of it.
— Brandon Hannibal Donkey (@BrandonDonkey2) October 22, 2024
Being the first president to sue nuns for being nuns probably didn't help.
— Miles Smith IV (@IVMiles) October 23, 2024
The people you called Tea Baggers would like to give you the answer.
— MaryAnnNotGinger
(@MAnotGinger) October 23, 2024
Someone should start a GoFundMe to buy Mr. Obama a mirror. He clearly doesn’t own one.
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Mirror, Mirror on the wall…..
Obummer cannot understand why his ongoing shadow presidency is backfiring.
The Color Revolution to “radically transform America” with BLM and Antifa.
Oh, Obama has a mirror, all right. He is a narcissist, an never misses an opportunity to admire himself.
In his mirror nothing is looking back at him.
He’s a vampire.
Even at Mandela’s funeral, this infantile and wretched dope lacked the basic tact and common sense to comport himself with appropriate decorum, gleefully taking selfies of himself.
Obama is a malignantly narcissistic man-child.
There is one on the altar he worships at.
This is a big one! Look at his speeches, it’s always I or me and very rarely is it us.
Not only is he a narcissist but he’s a narcissist with incredibly thin skin.
Perhaps he knows exactly how we became so bitter and his clueless act simply continues the rouse.
Like the devil’s lies resulted in pain and suffering, and then he whispers, “Why does God allow pain and suffering?” to deflect the source of the pain.
Evil. And wicked.
If evil is better at anything other than being evil, it is disguising itself.
God allowed Satan to inflict a life of suffering on Job to test if Job is truly righteous.
And in the end Job thought it was worth every second of pain.
That did not mean the devil was doing Job a favor.
Obama feminized race, starting with his 2008 rallies conducted entirely in estrogen clouds.
Vile narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, has been a manifest cancer on American civics and politics since his lamentable arrival on the national political scene, in 2004. This unrepentant, dishonest, arrogant, dim-witted, self-reverential, vindictive, lawless. nauseatingly Islamophilic, Jew-hating and malignantly narcissistic racial arsonist and demagogue never would have been elected president in a sane and rational society — one where the media was doing its job, instead of carrying water for, and, deifying, Dhimmi-crat apparatchik candidates and officeholders.
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
In case that quote isn’t familiar to you, that’s Barry Soetoro telling everyone his mission statement in October 2008 just before he was elected.
Ask yourself: was the statement just political hyperbole or does Obama have designs on transforming our Republic into something more akin to the vision espoused by his communist mother or Frank Marshall Davis?
Future generations will correctly view Obama as the red diaper subversive that he actually is.
I was going to bring this line up. It is the only memorable line that snake uttered because it revealed his true intentions.
At some point America will learn it’s lesson to stop electing people who hate America. Hopefully, this upcoming election will be the start of that lesson.
I seem to recall the vile Obama engaging in the most offensive, intemperate, outrageous and presumptuously unfair slander ever uttered by a sitting president, vilifying tens of millions of rural and devout Americans as allegedly “bitter” people who “cling to guns or religion, or, antipathy towards people who don’t look like them.”
The media never took Obama to task for uttering this despicable slander, made without a scintilla of evidence to support its sweeping presumptions — a slander that was the product of Obama’s own glaring stupidity, his cloistered and narrow worldview and his paucity of personal interactions and friendships outside of his Marxist-Leninist, Nation of Islam, Harvard-Columbia-Martha’s Vineyard-Chicago connections and salons.
Only “People of Color” are permitted to be proud of people like them. It’s OK for People of Color to have hatred and antipathy toward people who don’t look like them.
Whites, not so much.
One thing we know about Dems is that they have no see sense of hypocrisy or shame. Most of the time what they are accusing the right of doing is what they doing instead.
Obama was the most divisive president in history. Black/white relations became the worst in America since the Civil War under him. He, like Harris, claims to be a normal black raised in the middle class and both were raised in privileged homes.
“If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”
But would he brutally attack a neighborhood watch volunteer like Trayvon did?
Perhaps not, but if his “daughters” are anything to go by, his son would be entitled, ugly and law-breaking.
So, a firm “maybe”.
Trayvon’s parent killed him with neglect, only becoming interested in Trayvon when it was profitable to do so. They were just as bad as Pale parents, who who teach their children how to die young. Who encouraged young Thugvon to act up?
the potus who actually called for citizen street armies
We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The light worker knows that much.
Maybe he’s worried that this election will have some of those consequences he was so excited to bring about when he was elected? Alternatively he may be concerned, rightly so, about how the electorate is shifting. The d/prog wokiestas went too far. They happily jumped on board the Tranny train, open borders, high crime, embraced the Covid Karens, shut down/slowed new pipelines…on a whole host of issues they abandoned not just blue collar folks but in doing so forgot how many of their core constituents are religious. They alienated lots of ‘black and brown’ voters, particularly men, and they are gonna pay the price. Not just in ’24 b/c once a formerly stalwart d/prog pulls the GoP lever then they are much less resistant to doing in future elections.
The following is a comment from peggy6824 made at
“Clarke referred to Trump’s remarks about the national anthem as “white privilege comments” and said that Trump ran “a campaign based off of separation, based on division.”
Separation and division???? Trump???
Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Obama himself promised to unify the country and wasn’t it Democrats who divided and labeled our citizens as privileged, racists, homophobes, nativists, populists, anti-Immigrant, bigots, xenophobes, fascists, white supremacists, imperialists, sexist, misogynist, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, transphobic, brown shirts, Nazis, KKK members, deplorable, irredeemable, ignorant, idiots, fools, simpletons, drug addicts (per Bill Maher), etc., tactics employed by those who lack the intelligence/maturity to make a logical argument in support of their platform/agenda. An endless list of negative labels that offers nothing constructive, positive, or uplifting. THEY EVEN ATTACKED THEIR OWN FOR SUGGESTING THAT TRUMP SHOULD BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO LEAD.
Democrats who said they sought the black vote, Latino/Hispanic vote, the women’s vote, etc. Then there were subsegments, “white women”, “single women”, “married women”, “older women”, “younger women”, “liberal women”, “conservative women”, “single young white women”, “single young black women”, etc.
The very same Democrats who repeatedly said that Trump won because of the “white vote” while purposely ignoring the millions of minorities like me who voted for Trump???
Remind me, who has divided the nation???
It is they who sought to divide our citizens and pit them against each other with these vile/horrid labels!
Was there not an opportunity for Democrats to bring the country together???
Today Hillary is attacking “white women” who didn’t vote for her.
That horrid odor in the air is the stench of hypocrisy emanating from this panel and the Democrats.
I remember his first incivility as his jerking his knee and accusing that Cambridge cop of being a racist before he even knew jack-shit about the facts of the case,
Clueless Obama Has ‘No Idea.’
Fixed it for you!
Says Mr. “Elections have consequences”
‘No Idea How We Got so Toxic and Just so Divided and so Bitter’
that’s easy–is because, at base, you’re still the same fraudulent ” community organizer / grifter ” you’ve always been–you lack the stones or the intelligence to be a genuine leader ( let alone of this country ) and not only the us but the rest of the world is aware of your failings / failures
would be very concerned about what’s happening in the middle east right now–those folks have long memories and rather archaic attitudes toward justice–deceit and treachery are dealt with summarily–and you can’t buy most of those in power there–they’re already awash in money
Look in the mirror, BO Maximus!
How did we get so divided and bitter?
We replaced ‘united we stand’ with ‘diversity is our strength’.
Division is not a strength.
The guy has only one marketable skill — running for office. He’s very good at it, but he no longer has anywhere to go with it. This is the result of all that bottled up ambition.
Obama built this! He set us back 40 years because of his divisive and racist policies. This is evident after we elected him as our first black President and the first thing he did was treat us like we were racists. Instead of celebrating how far we have come as a color blind society he dredged up the past. He was a colossal failure and disappointment as a President and helped usher in the climate of division we have today.
Clueless “Barry” can’t discern how we became so toxic, bitter, and divided? Look within would be my strong recommendation. It all began with the hollow rally cry of “Hope and Change” which initiated the divisiveness. Then you gave us the now infamous “World Apology Tour” for which you placed yourself on a pedestal and never came down. After eight years of identity politics, race-baiting, redistribution of wealth, and your constant belittlement from a position of arrogance, that pretty much covers it. It all boils down to a pathetic street hustle known as the “Ignorance of Arrogance.” There you have it “Barry”, the quiet part has now been said out loud! Time for you to come down off your “Mountain of Entitlement”!