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Botched Helene Recovery Might Impact Voting in Trump North Carolina Strongholds

Botched Helene Recovery Might Impact Voting in Trump North Carolina Strongholds

The state sent 40,000 absentee ballots to affected counties before Helene. It’s received fewer than 1,000 ballots.

Will the Democrats use Hurricane Helene to interfere with the election?

(Rhetorical question)

North Carolina officials admitted they don’t know how Helene has affected the absentee ballots sent to the 25 counties hit by the hurricane.

The state sent 40,000 absentee ballots in those counties.

The elections office has only received fewer than 1,000.

Something tells me the state government will extend voting time because a few Democrats have a heavy grasp on a few of those counties:

“Until we get out there to assess for power and what not, I’m not sure” what the situation will be, Doss said. “Right now, of course, our immediate concerns were absentee and voting registration, and then the next step is early voting, and then the next step is voting day.”

Helene hit some predominantly Democratic communities hard too, adding to the uncertainty. In North Carolina, “Buncombe [County] was affected in really bad ways, and that is a liberal bastion,” said Chris Cooper, a political scientist at Western Carolina University. “And Watauga is in really bad shape, also a blue leaning county.”

Overall, Helene could “dramatically change who is in the electorate,” Cooper said.

“In a state like North Carolina where margins matter, then every little tweak to the electorate could be the tweak that makes the difference,” Cooper added. “It’s right on the razor’s edge between red and blue.”

County elections offices in North Carolina — five of which remained closed Thursday — will assess damage to early voting sites and polling stations to determine “which facilities won’t be available,” Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections, said this week.

Helene also hit Georgia.

Ballots haven’t gone out yet, thank goodness:

The Elections Division of the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office said all election-related equipment and documents were safe.

“Ballots haven’t gone out yet, but we can confirm that election equipment and materials remain secure and undamaged in every Georgia county,” wrote Georgia secretary of state spokesman Robert Sinners in an email.


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Gotta admit that the conditions look rife for cheating if someone were so inclined.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to healthguyfsu. | October 5, 2024 at 9:51 pm

    “Right now, of course, our immediate concerns were absentee and voting registration, and then the next step is early voting, and then the next step is voting day.”

    Not a damn word about the health and well being of those affected. Just concern about how they can cheat and “recover” ballots from dead people.

      You idiot. Worrying about health and well-being is not his job; worrying about the election is. So for his office, which has no role in the relief effort and is supposed to be concentrating entirely on trying to make the election run as smoothly as possible in the circumstances, their concerns and priorities have to be exactly as he said they were.

        paracelsus in reply to Milhouse. | October 6, 2024 at 7:45 am

        you’re always employing ad hominems and get highly offended when other commenters point this out to you – in polite terms.
        how would you like it if someone began their comment, correcting a possble error in thinking, with “You idiot.”

          Milhouse in reply to paracelsus. | October 6, 2024 at 9:20 am

          Wrong. I get offended when people tell outright lies about me. Which several people here, including AF, do regularly.

        guyjones in reply to Milhouse. | October 6, 2024 at 9:37 am

        Your explanation below doesn’t hold water. Someone commented on a remark by a party quoted in the post. You immediately and reflexively tossed out an infantile and uncivil insult of “idiot,” merely because you took issue with what he wrote. Nobody was doing anything that could remotely be construed as telling “lies” about you.

        You occasionally have some intelligent insights to make, but, their worth and value is perennially undermined by your obnoxious incivility and grammar-school immaturity. It’s off-putting as hell.

          AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to guyjones. | October 6, 2024 at 1:02 pm

          Well, he did acknowledge that he was a Democrat.

          I just remind him of that occasionally, and his skirt gets ruffled. But I’m not the only one.

          Milhouse in reply to guyjones. | October 7, 2024 at 2:41 am

          Well, he did acknowledge that he was a Democrat.

          No, I did not. You lie again.

          Guyjones, AF has a history of lying. And what he wrote in this thread was idiotic.

        Obie1 in reply to Milhouse. | October 6, 2024 at 9:41 am

        An idiot is one with an IQ between 0 and 50. Couldn’t you at least upgrade him to imbecile (26-50) or even moron (51-75)?

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Milhouse. | October 6, 2024 at 1:00 pm

        Sand in your ManGyna again?

        Perhaps, under the circumstances, a simple comment acknowledging the fact that people are dead, missing, and displaced would be in order.

        But you?

        Call me an idiot. I hope you had people related to you die in the hurricane. Does that make you FEEL better?

        What a dick

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Milhouse. | October 6, 2024 at 6:33 pm

        Let me clue you in on reality, bud.

        My wife and my daughter were in Augusta when the hurricane went through. No food in the few stores that were open, no water, no electricity, no fuel, and an “Every man for himself” mentality.

        Absolute lawlessness and danger on the streets for women. Cars drove through intersections with no thought of danger. Stores picked clean.

        But my wife and my daughter shared what food and water that was left with their neighbors before it spoiled.

        So, when a pedantic asshat like you makes comments about “it’s not his job to show a little compassion,” then that tells me all I need to know about who and what you are.

        Of course, I’ve known that since I started reading your commentary.

        You are an unmitigated dickhead. A fucking know it all who looks down on people for whatever reason most people on this platform can’t fathom.

        I bet that you are a treat to be with at parties and holidays. My bet, people stand clear of you whenever you walk into a room.

        I am sure some on this site enjoy your commentary. I see you a bore.

        So, I will make a pact with you. I won’t comment on you, and you don’t comment on me.

          You are a filthy disgusting liar.

          And in this specific case, you attacked an official for literally doing his job. He outlined his office’s order of concerns for making sure the election happens in his county. You attacked him for not illegally diverting his office’s resources to something that is not at all its job. That makes you a disgusting creature.

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Milhouse. | October 7, 2024 at 6:54 am

        Who is the filthy liar? YOU!

        Your comment below:

        “You are a filthy disgusting liar.

        And in this specific case, you attacked an official for literally doing his job. He outlined his office’s order of concerns for making sure the election happens in his county. You attacked him for not illegally diverting his office’s resources to something that is not at all its job. That makes you a disgusting creature.”

        My comment that got your ManGyna all in a bother:

        “Right now, of course, our immediate concerns were absentee and voting registration, and then the next step is early voting, and then the next step is voting day.”

        Not a damn word about the health and well being of those affected. Just concern about how they can cheat and “recover” ballots from dead people.“

        Specifically MR DEMOCRAT, where do I attack an official in my comment? I merely stated that he didn’t show an ounce of compassion for those who lost lives.

        Specifically, MR DEMOCRAT, where did I make any mention of illegally diverting resources for something that is not his job?

        The only thing I stated was that not a word was said about the health and wellbeing of this affected.

        But somehow, in your demented Democrat brain, you see things that don’t exist.

        So, I asked you to leave me be, and I would leave you be. But no, you narcissistic bitch, you couldn’t let it go.

          You demanded that his office should be concerned with matters that are completely outside its purview. You condemned him for outlining his office’s legitimate concerns, which it is required to have.

          And you continue to lie every time you call me a Democrat.

      midge.hammer in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | October 6, 2024 at 8:46 pm

      FWIW, it’s not like we were supplied with the transcript of everything the guy actually said. Just the bits and bobs relevant to the headline. Despite the subject speaker’s likely affiliation with the Unhumans, I can easily see where an author of an article (particularly a biased one, but even a straightforward one) would omit such niceties, had there been any. In fact, I’d be very surprised had it been written any other way.

2smartforlibs | October 5, 2024 at 8:37 pm

This is why we need to make sure the places that liberal don’t control are not easy to steal.

Subotai Bahadur | October 5, 2024 at 8:45 pm

Leaving aside the expected fraud with the absentee ballots sent, plus the actual losses of ballots in the hurricane, you have to account for the destruction of the local government infrastructure that a) normally runs elections, and b) is normally held responsible for the integrity of elections. What basis is there to automatically assume the integrity of any vote totals reported?

Subotai Bahadur

“Will the Democrats use Hurricane Helene to interfere with the election?”

There is no questin they will attemp to do so. The only question is, will they be successful?

IMO this is a feature not a bug of the very poor administration response to the hurricane. They know very well that this could cost Trump the state. He only won NC by about 75K votes in 2020.

That’s the plan

The NC secstate should not certify the vote unless everyone who is eligible has an opportunity to vote.

    Milhouse in reply to CDR D. | October 7, 2024 at 2:49 am

    Will you still say that if Trump wins the state? Will you say NC should refuse to name its electors, and sit out the election, thus letting Harris win? I don’t think so.

Blaise MacLean | October 6, 2024 at 11:33 am

“Botched” may not be the correct adjective. This may be yet another example of the old Democrat adage “never let a good crisis go to waste” being put into action, rapidly, and like clockwork. Every Democrat in a position of authority knows instinctively what obstacles to erect, where and when, to benefit their party, to hobble their opponents and without regard to the damage to society as a whole.

By all means, while your house and land have been swept away, make it a priority to vote for the same politicians who have utterly failed to do their jobs.

Seems like voting would be far down the list right?

EXCEPT…. in blue strongholds, they will do exactly that. Abortion, open air drug dealing, and maintaining high crime and high taxes and censorship mean as much to them as freedom and liberty do to us.

Also there is a month to get polling stations in place. Bet your ass that priority will be met.