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Biden Reportedly Blames Obama for Putin Invading Ukraine in 2022

Biden Reportedly Blames Obama for Putin Invading Ukraine in 2022

“They f*cked up in 2014. That’s why we are here. We f*cked it up. Barack never took Putin seriously.”

okay to use screen grab

Bob Woodward’s new book War has some juicy tidbits about President Joe Biden behind the scenes.

CNN published some excerpts, but this one caught my eye.

Biden supposedly blamed former President Barack Obama for Russian President Vladimir Putin increasing his invasion of Ukraine in 2022:

Ahead of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Biden complained that Obama didn’t do enough to stop Putin in 2014, when the Russian leader invaded Crimea.

“They fucked up in 2014,” Biden said to a friend, according to Woodward. “That’s why we are here. We fucked it up. Barack never took Putin seriously.”

Biden added, “We did nothing. We gave Putin a license to continue!” Biden was angry: “Well, I’m revoking his fucking license!”


If you know me, you know that I remind people Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 when it annexed Crimea.

Putin gave signs before the additional invasion in February 2022. We all knew it would happen.

But Biden forgets that after Ukraine overthrew Russian puppet Yanukovych he put Biden in charge of the U.S. portion of Western countries that tried to help Ukraine recover from Russia’s grip.

Yeah, Biden didn’t do much then, except, you know, try to protect his son’s interests.

Granted, as president, Biden didn’t do anything to make Putin scared to continue his invasion.

Biden still hasn’t done anything except throw money at Ukraine.


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TargaGTS | October 8, 2024 at 10:22 am

Vindictive, scorched Earth Biden may turn out to be the best Biden. He’s clearly doing what he can to undermine Harris and now he’s looking for anything to stick in Obama’s back, just as Obama did to him 8-weeks ago. With perhaps the last bits of cognitive awareness still available to him, he’s going to get some payback against those who did him dirty, and we should all be here for it.

E Howard Hunt | October 8, 2024 at 10:39 am

He must be confusing Obama with Corn Pop. Obama is the nice, clean negro.

I have no problem with blaming Obama for Ukraine. Even if it was only because he sent Biden to take care of it in 2014 it would still be because Obama “Barack never took Putin seriously”. Remember Barack said “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to F things up.”

ChrisPeters | October 8, 2024 at 10:49 am

Obama’s fault . . . Biden’s fault . . .

There is no doubt that it was American weakness that led to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Iran’s various destructive actions, and China’s continued bullying within its ever-expanding sphere.

Both Obama and Biden have weakened the United States. Each one is a complete POS.

retiredcantbefired | October 8, 2024 at 11:29 am

I hate to spoil a juicy story, but this is from a book by Bob Woodward.

Is there any reason to think it’s factual?

There’s a supposed deathbed interview with William Casey that comes to mind.

Peter Moss | October 8, 2024 at 11:29 am

Biden went on to criticize Obama bin Laden for masterminding the 9/11 attacks from his cave hideout in Afghanistan.

In twenty years we went from an enemy named Osama bin Laden to a White House occupied by Obama and Biden.

Fred Idle | October 8, 2024 at 11:47 am

Russian ‘invasion’? I thought it was just a ‘minor incursion’, which Biden himself said wouldn’t be a problem. Oddly enough, a few days after Biden said that the Russians tanks rolled in.

Dolce Far Niente | October 8, 2024 at 12:18 pm

“Biden forgets that after Ukraine overthrew Russian puppet Yanukovych”

Biden and the author forget that it was the *USA* who helped overthrow the democratically elected president of Ukraine and install the midget Piano Pecker, who went on to shell his own citizens in the eastern provinces and kill thousands. Oh, and who was a Western puppet, as well as being a mini-tyrant who outlawed opposition parties and the Orthodox church, jailed journalists and canceled elections.

But because he wasn’t a Russian puppet, he must be a good guy. And he enabled western politicians to launder billions and set up lots of cool biolabs.

Completely understandable why our government thinks we need to keep funneling treasure there.

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