Amber Thurman’s Stepfather to Harris: Stop Politicizing Her Death
“It’s kind of like a funeral happening over and over again every time I see that.”

In Georgia, Amber Thurman passed away after a rare complication from an abortion pill.
Thurman did not die because of Georgia’s abortion laws.
That hasn’t stopped VP Kamala Harris and the left from lying about Thurman’s death and politicizing it.
Thurman’s family has had enough. They spoke to The New York Post about it:
Both the Democratic nominee for president and her running mate have recounted Thurman’s tragic story — often getting aspects wrong — along the campaign trail, but her relatives say they have already suffered enough since her 2022 death.
“I can see [Harris] using that as the only tool in Georgia against Trump,” Thurman’s stepfather, Elijah Warren, 43, who works as a mental health technician, told The Post, adding that the story is “being overused.”
“She is going to push that; I expect it. But it’s too much. It’s kind of like a funeral happening over and over again every time I see that.”
Thurman, a single mom to a 6-year-old son, went to the hospital due to the abortion pill. It did not expel “all the fetal tissue.”
This is awful:
Her mother, Shanette Williams, who did not know that her daughter was pregnant with twins, arrived at the hospital in Stockbridge, on the outskirts of Atlanta, prior to her being taken in for surgery.
Cramping, bleeding and fearful of how things could end up, “She went from talking about the pain to ‘Mom, you’re going to have to take care of my son,’” Williams told Atlanta’s WSBTV station.
Staff at Piedmont Henry Hospital delayed giving Thurman care for 20 hours, which could have saved her life, as they were unsure if they would be breaking the state’s 2019 Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act.
They needn’t have hesitated because the act allows for treatment in the case of medical emergencies, but sadly, Thurman instead died of septic shock.
We all know the Democrats won’t waste a tragedy to push their agenda.

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It’s the only issue Harris has, so of course she’s going to talk about it endlessly; she has zero empathy for the family.
Come on. That is unfair. She has more “stuff” and I can prove it:
– She is not Joe Biden
– She is not Donald Trump
– She is a POC
– She can cackle like nobody else
– She makes the funniest word salads
But you are right about the lack of empathy.
The hospital is lying. They have an obligation to provide care for a natural miscarriage, a botched abortion, or any other type of botched medical proceedure or injury no matter how it occured. They improperly triaged her in the emergency room and ignored her until it was too late. They are only citing the law to deflect attention from their malpractice. I hope it doesn’t work, but I’m afraid it will.
Correct; the hospital is vainly hoping the law can be used to cover their egregious malpractice. the law was not/is not applicable in this case. There are no circumstances in which these infants could have been born alive at the time she entered the ER, much less at the time she attempted to abort them.
Of course, it is medical malpractice, no matter what your views on the morality of abortion, to administer chemical abortions with no medical oversight. The abortion lobby is perfectly happy to sacrifice women to this sort of trauma in order to keep abortion cheap and easy.
When I read
“Staff at Piedmont Henry Hospital delayed giving Thurman care for 20 hours, which could have saved her life, as they were unsure if they would be breaking the state’s 2019 Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act.”
My first thought was
‘Are you sure they were not just too slow?’
That is the most continuously mind-boggling aspect of this – the utter lack of concern that there could be any danger or serious complication to this “medication”. The numbers of women who have had a serious injury due to this makes it not “rare”, but since noone keeps any records of it, it is easy to pretend it’s, ho-hum, no big deal. The FDA did a grave disservice to women when they de-regulated this drug and allowed it to be administered without medical oversight. And that is what caused Amber’s demise.
To the extent that ‘it works’ it will only work politically. From a tort perspective, they’re still hosed. The hospital in question – Piedmont Henry – is notoriously bad.
You are giving them more credit than I am. I think they may have let her die on purpose to produce the story they wanted to tell. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made.
If you thought the life of one black woman and two black babies could stop orange hitler, wouldn’t you consider making that sacrifice?
Or if you thought the jews destroyed the Reich in WWI as a fifth column, wouldn’t you consider a “Final Solution”?
With enough weaponized propaganda, you can get people to do almost anything.
Absolutely, total BS
I am old enough to remember when the abortionists fought tooth and nail to get abortion pills approved. Now they want to pretend they had nothing to do with it.
as they were unsure if they would be breaking the state’s 2019 Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act
This claim strikes me as bullcarp. It demonstrates they have zero adherence to medical ethics or are lying. There is no way they would think the law said that, unless they were incredibly stupid – which makes me question their ongoing qualification as a hospital. Or, they are so enamored of abortion they would let a woman die to prove the point.
Remember, these health professionals also were convinced the common cold and the flu – COVAIDS – could be stopped with masks and taking vaxxes that were not even subject to clinical trials.
We are not skeptical of “experts” enough.
“There is no way they would think the law said that …”
Perhaps they believed the leftist media’s attempts to misinform the public about the law. There’s a lot of that going on.
Which is where the “unless they were incredibly stupid” comes in.
her life MIGHT HAVE BEEN SACRIFICED for the cause
Sadly it highlights the dangers of dispensing abortion medications without adequate medical oversight.
I’m pretty sure that “adequate medical oversight” is impossible when women are self-medicating with a substance which is designed to cause death.
Thing is, the required medical practice for that chemical combination requires observation in the medical facility (or clinic, I guess) for the administration of both chemicals. Sending her home to another state was malpractice in itself.
The only time Democrats care about black people is when they’re dead and can be used a political weapon against Republicans. None of these people give a wit about how Amber Thurman died. In fact, for them, the less anyone talks about how an abortion pill killed this woman, the better.
At the VP debate I thought I heard she drove to NC thinking that she could not get the procedure in GA, and it was in NC that she had to wait 20 hours in the ER. Anyone care to enlighten me on this?
She thought she couldn’t get the abortion in GA.
So, she drove to NC, where she had an appointment for a D&C.
Because of traffic (who’da thunk there would be a long drive from GA to NC?) she missed that appointment.
Supposedly because the clinic was full of people fleeing to the state for abortions, she couldn’t be seen.
So, they gave her the dual-chemical abortifacient. AND they told her how to use it, including that she needed to see a doctor about it.
Then, she drove home to GA.
Where, without medical supervision, she took the second drug.
Some time later – I think after experiencing cramps and pain for more than a day – she went to the hospital in GA.
There, they mistreated her and after 20 hours in the ER she died.
Thank you.
Walz lied (what else?) As the WSJ reports:
Thank you.
Everything is politicized as soon as there’s an advantage in it, by every side. Staying below the radar is the solution if you want to prevent tit.
>>In Georgia, Amber Thurman passed away after a rare complication from an abortion pill.<<
No, she did not die of a "rare complication" from an abortion pill. She died of a complication of a chemical abortion that is most likely more common than not. In fact, it is common enough that doctors warn the woman it might occur when prescribing the Misoprostol/mifepristone abortion combination and they might have to undergo a surgical abortion in a hospital setting to remove any un-expelled fetal parts. So no, Amber Thurman did not die of a "rare complication". She died of complication(s) due to a chemical abortion and the negligence and malpractice of the doctors treating her condition. To call it "rare" is incorrect and should be corrected.
The pro- abortion crowd, when advocating for medical abortion, suggest that it’s “easy peasy.” Elizabeth Gillette was given the pills at a Planned Parenthood clinic when 6-7 weeks pregnant. She didn’t require further medical care, so presumably would be considered to have had a successful medical abortion. She recalls the experience as being horrific.