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Agents at One Part of Northern Border Apprehended 19,222 From 97 Countries Since Oct. 1

Agents at One Part of Northern Border Apprehended 19,222 From 97 Countries Since Oct. 1

That’s more than the last 17 fiscal years combined.

Let’s not forget the northern border!

The Swanton Sector covers the northern border of Vermont and part of New York.

Since October 1, 2023, border patrol agents in the sector have apprehended 19,222 illegal aliens from 97 countries.

That’s more than the last 17 fiscal years combined.

As Bell Melugin noted, President Joe “Biden’s executive order restricting asylum for most illegal crossings does not apply to the northern border.”

Last month, New York farmer Chris Oliver lashed out at Border Czar Kamala Harris due to the constant crossings of illegal aliens on his property:

She probably wouldn’t think it’s much of a deal. Same as the southern border, she didn’t think it was much of a big deal. The amount of people we have crossing, they’ve caught 13,000 in the last six months. That’s what the board of trial have apprehended. If that’s all they can catch, all of them, I feel if they’ve caught 50%, that’s probably a good reading. Wow. It’s hard to say how many people I actually have come across.

A recent report revealed Indians make up the most illegal aliens at the northern border:

Most of the migrants crossing through Canada are Indian nationals. In June, unauthorized crossings of Indians here hit an all-time high, with about 3,600 attempting to cross between ports of entry.

“For some of the Indian families (the motivation) has definitely been economic opportunity, reunification with family,” Bose says.

He says part of the reason so many Indians come to the U.S. through Canada first is because of the northern neighbor’s favorable immigration policies. For instance, until recently, migrants in Canada who were on a visitor’s visa could apply for a temporary work permit there.

Canada also has an express entry policy for skilled migrants who want to live there.


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Peter Moss | October 3, 2024 at 8:53 am

I’m of the opinion that our borders should be entirely sealed with the goal of allowing no one into the country at all that has not gone through the proper vetting process.

We need to immediately stop any and all public assistance to those here illegally. I’m happy to pay for a plane ticket for them to go home.

Anyone who violates our border should be given an automatic ten year sentence in prison.

Anyone who employs an illegal alien should be given a ten year sentence and a severe fine as well.

Put a few company presidents in prison as an example and watch the rest fall into line.

    NorthernNewYorker in reply to Peter Moss. | October 3, 2024 at 6:03 pm

    I disagree only because one day I might need to escape into Canada. And if I have to do that, you know things are really rough in the US. (And we shouldn’t kid ourselves that it’ll always be worse up there compared to down here.)

    Tionico in reply to Peter Moss. | October 4, 2024 at 8:44 pm

    quote: Anyone who violates our border should be given an automatic ten year sentence in prison.
    NO WAY!! hat would mean We would have to feed, clothe, and house them, and heal their diseases.
    One way tickets back o from where they came, AFTER putting an RFID chip in them. That makes them instantly detectable and identifiable.

If you have a stopped up sink and water is running all over the floor causing everything in the room to be damaged, what is the first thing you should do:

1. Grab a mop and start mopping
2. Turn off the faucet

That would be good news if 19,000 of those were deported instead of 99.9% being ushered into the US and given court dates about a decade in the future.

This is entirely intention by the treasonous Communists within the Democrat party.

destroycommunism | October 3, 2024 at 10:59 am

trudont should be thrown out of his parlor

It’s too late. Neil Young already got in
But we can still stop Guess Who… 🙂

henrybowman | October 3, 2024 at 2:13 pm

This is what happens when toilet stalls all over the globe have graffiti on the walls saying, “For a good time, call Mayorkas.”

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