VIDEO: Is DEI Legal After The Harvard Case?
The inital event in the Equal Protection Project’s ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Continuing Legal Education program so lawyers in states where DEI CLE is required have an alternative to the usual woke programming.

You may recall how our Equal Protection Project ( intended to roll out a ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Continuing Legal Education program so lawyers in states where DEI CLE is required to maintain your Bar admission would have an alternative to the usual woke programming.
Earlier this month we announced that we were ready for our first program, to be held via The Federalist Society CLE offerings, Equal Protection Project Launches Its Own DEI Continuing Legal Education Program:
The requirement that lawyers take Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) continuing legal education in order to maintain Bar admission is increasing. Eleven states require it, and more are coming on line.
I previously wrote how I opposed such a requirement in Rhode Island, My Statement To RI Supreme Court Opposing Proposed Mandatory DEI Continuing Legal Education Requirement. You can read my full statement here….
End result? My objection was overruled, and starting with 2025, Rhode Island attorneys will be required to include one DEI CLE credit among the total of 10 credits needed annually.
So if you can’t beat them, join them. We pledged that since RI Now Requires Attorneys Take DEI Continuing Education, Equal Protection Project Will Create Our Own DEI Program:
Now that Rhode Island mandates an hour of DEI CLE, the Equal Protection Project plans on creating a CLE program on DEI to be offered to Rhode Island attorneys, in compliance with these broad definitions, which will present a viewpoint that may not be presented by traditional DEI programing.
The program was held on September 17, 2024.
You had to pay to attend and get CLE credit, but the video is now available free of charge (but without CLE credit.
(my initial remarks are near the start, and my presentation starts at 41:45)

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Great move!
You’d think that mockery would do better against DEI especially on campus where being cancelled doesn’t matter much. It’s like you’re retired and can say what you want.
What are the odds that Rhode Island or other like minded states just decide that your courses are not approved for CE credit? In the clinical world, CE courses need to be approved by some professional organization and accepted for credit by the state boards.
If you can’t beat them, join them.
Subvert them. Use the communists weapons against them.
It’s not a matter of whether it’s legal or not. It only matters if the law is followed. The courts have no authority whatsoever if the law is not enforced, Sometimes the only recourse is to sue for damages when the law is ignored.
Not an attorney but this has application in all fields of employment!