Surprise! Colorado Gov. Jared Polis Issues Strongly Worded Statement Condemning Illegal Aliens Taking Over Aurora Apartment Complex

You just knew this was coming. It had to.

Earlier, I blogged about an apartment conplex in Aurora, CO being taken over by a dangerous and violent Venezuelan gang. The state’s ludicrous governor, Jared Polis (D+), suggested that the reports were a hoax, “imagination,” despite there being video evidence and reports from local officials.

Surprise, surprise, surprise! Polis’ lie did not land well, did nothing to tamp down now-nationwide outrage, so he did what all Democrats do when they can’t lie their way out of a problem: issued a strongly-worded, but ultimately empty, statement.

Here’s the full text via Polis’ Facebook page:

Colorado is a zero tolerance state for illegal activity, taking over buildings has no place in Colorado, and I am confident that the city of Aurora shares this basic value and will enforce the law if it is being violated there. I urge them to do so quickly and in a thorough manner. Over the last month, I have been in regular contact with the City of Aurora and the Aurora Police Department and have offered any and all state assistance to support their efforts if requested. The state has been ready for weeks to back up any operation by the Aurora Police Department needed to make Aurora safer.

That’s a pretty big shift from Aurora officials are overreacting to an imaginary problem. Odd, though, that the state would prepare weeks ago for something that is the figment of an Aurora official’s imagination.

[Featured image via X]

Tags: Biden Immigration, Colorado, Crime, Democrats