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Routh Letter: ‘This was an Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump’

Routh Letter: ‘This was an Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump’

Cannot believe the DOJ released this letter. It took forever for a source to leak the Nashville school shooter’s manifesto.

The DOJ thought it was a great idea to release a letter that Ryan Routh, the man accused of trying to assassinate former President Donald Trump, wrote, encouraging others to finish the job for $150,000.

I don’t want to post it because why would anyone do that? I guess I’ll link it, though.

Authorities got the letter from a civilian witness, who said Routh gave him a box several months ago.

The witness opened the box after the September 15 assassination attempt. It included the letter, “ammunition, a metal pipe, miscellaneous building materials, four phones, and various letters.”

“This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you,” wrote Routh. “I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job.”

I wonder if the DOJ still doesn’t know Routh’s motive? It’s so not obvious! (sarcasm)

“Everyone across the globe from the youngest to the oldest know that Trump is unfit to be anything, much less a U.S. president,” Routh continued. “U.S. presidents must at bare minimum embody the moral fabric that is America, and be kind, caring and selfless and always stand for humanity. Trump fails to understand any of that.”

Why would anyone release this letter? That’s a rhetorical question.

Just sickening. The man faced two assassination attempts in two months.

Thank God Routh never had a chance to shoot at Trump.

The agents found documents listing “dates in August, September, and October 2024 and venues where the former President had appeared or was expected to be present.”

Matt Walsh at The Daily Wire made a great observation.

It took authorities forever to release the Nashville school shooter’s manifesto.

A Tennessee publication published all 90 pages of Audrey Hale’s manifesto in September.

However, the authorities still haven’t released Hale’s spiral notebook that contains her plans for the attack.


But a letter encouraging people to kill a former president? Here you go!


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Gee, I wonder why?

destroycommunism | September 23, 2024 at 10:23 am

at this point they dont care if trump is potus

they have left him with more troubles than anyone can imagine

everything he will do will be called out as a dictator etc


TRUMP IN 2024!

When did the USA turn into a Tom Clancy novel?

Minority Report:

– Danny Witwer: “I worked homicide before federal. This is what we call an orgy of evidence. You know how many orgies I had as a homicidecop?”

– Fletcher: “How many?”

– Danny Witwer: “None.”

    oden in reply to Tiki. | September 23, 2024 at 11:51 am

    Yes. This is all too pat. Now we get a picture of the gun. Compare and contrast to the Butler attempt and how little was revealed. How much crime scene evidence was destroyed. As for the obliterated serial number, standard acid etching techniques should reveal it. If that fails then a scanning electron microscope will recover the number. If the FBI says they can’t recover the number then almost for sure they are lying. Routh is either a patsy or a government asset.

Dolce Far Niente | September 23, 2024 at 10:48 am

Had not an alert woman snapped a picture of his license plate as Routh drove away, I have no doubt the Feds would still be searching for this mystery assassin.

Here’s a puzzler for you. Mr. Trump has owned that golf course for a very long time. Mr. Trump was president for four years and for the previous years has essentially been running for reelection. Mr. Trump has also built many miles of barriers along our southern border. Why then, most especially when there has already been a very close call, is there not a formidable barrier surrounding that golf course? Any of us could have breached that fence easily.

The man claims to be destitute, so where exactly does he get the $150k from? I guess any idiot can offer anything, regardless of means. There are suckers everywhere.

Does the letter mean that Big Media will now stop referring to this as an “apparent” assassination attempt?

destroycommunism | September 23, 2024 at 11:40 am

how many more future
“persons of interest”

has the dnc hired???

Yep, sounds like a Leftist.

JR? You think this letter will make independents and fence-sitters support Trump? Or will they continue to flee to that fake black woman because some anonymous Legal Insurrection poster wrote something your dishonest behind didn’t like?

I’m confused. Although I haven’t read the entire letter, why did he start out apologizing for his failure? Did he know he would fail?

    Semper Why in reply to rebelgirl. | September 23, 2024 at 12:16 pm

    If he had succeeded, he would have retrieved the box from his friend and the letter wouldn’t see the light of day. If he succeeded and was shot for his troubles then it doesn’t really matter to him if the letter was incorrect.

    As it turned out, he failed and now his offer of money for an assassination is out there.

      henrybowman in reply to Semper Why. | September 23, 2024 at 1:37 pm

      If whats-her-face the tranny shooter had offered money to shoot Trump, we could have had her manifesto long ago,

      henrybowman in reply to Semper Why. | September 24, 2024 at 2:39 am

      Matt Walsh put it better than I did:

      Matt Walsh
      They didn’t release the Covenant shooter manifesto because they were allegedly afraid it would inspire more shootings. And yet within a week they release a letter from Trump’s would-be assassin where he openly encourages more shootings and offers to pay for them.

    Antifundamentalist in reply to rebelgirl. | September 23, 2024 at 12:42 pm

    It seems obvious that he didn’t intend to actually fire a shot, just wait around until he was spotted, Maybe die famous.

thalesofmiletus | September 23, 2024 at 11:55 am

DOJ: “We’ve just received word that a lemon has eaten Donald Trump. Repeat — A LEMON ATE DONALD TRUMP . . . NOW!”

“U.S. presidents must at bare minimum embody the moral fabric that is America, and be kind, caring and selfless and always stand for humanity.”

A commie rat bastard who tried to murder Trump

So gay

Subotai Bahadur | September 23, 2024 at 5:48 pm

And of course we have sufficient faith in the current US government to be sure that tyhem releasing news of a bounty [real or fake] on President Trump’s head would not incentivize someone to try to collect it. Right?

Subotai Bahadur

E. Zach Lee-Wright | September 24, 2024 at 5:22 am

Thomas Crooks walked around the venue with no rifle. Plenty of video of him. Then he walked into the courtyard between AGR’s buildings, retrieved his stashed rifle, hopped onto an AC condenser unit, and climbed onto the roof, with the rifle. Five days after the shooting the FBI said he had stashed the rifle before hand. (Duh)

Two questions remain: Where was the rifle stashed? And why was it not found during the security sweep looking for weapons and explosives done before the venue opened?

Someone is glossing over the security sweep. You can’t blame people for suspecting this was an inside job if the Feds will not tell us how he obtained the rifle minutes before he shot President Trump.

Too many words wasted in this subject. No need to try to explain why you ask the question. The enemy/perp already knows, and in fact is hoping you’ll waste time and energy in that direction while he continues to plot and execute the next attack.

The Israelis seem to have it figured out.

We, it appears, have a terribly long and painful way to go yet.