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Prosecutors Charge Routh With Attempted Assassination of Trump

Prosecutors Charge Routh With Attempted Assassination of Trump

Ryan Routh already faces federal gun charges.

Federal prosecutors announced they have charged Ryan Routh with the attempted assassination of a political candidate.

Routh attempted to kill former President Donald Trump on September 15 at Trump’s golf club in Florida.

Thankfully, a Secret Service agent saw the gun in the bushes and stopped Routh before he could take a shot at Trump.

They already charged Routh with federal gun crimes.

On Monday, the prosecutors asked the DOJ “to approve the more serious attempted assassination charge, which carries a maximum of life in prison.”

This will make the left go crazy: “Judge Aileen Cannon, the Trump-appointed judge who threw out Trump’s classified documents case, has been randomly assigned to oversee the Ryan Routh case, according to sources familiar with the matter.”


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Let’s see how the Biden-Harris DOJ can mess this one up.

Can we get one of those speedy trial things.

Subotai Bahadur | September 24, 2024 at 7:19 pm

Yeah, I expect a plea bargain where he will get time served, release, and 6 months probation.

Subotai Bahadur

You know they did t want to do this

So was this charge brought because of the state getting involved or that they actually learned to do their job?

    guyjones in reply to natdj. | September 25, 2024 at 12:07 pm

    There’s a limit to the perfidy and political chicanery that Dhimmi-crat federal prosecutors can get away with. This is a high-profile incident, and, the facts clearly warrant charges of attempted murder/assassination, so, the prosecutors’ hands were forced by the facts of the case, as opposed to their prosecutorial integrity.

How did this person fall through the cracks?

Maybe because the Democratic hatred toward Trump and supporters he spewed is normalized.

It has NOT always been this way where the hatred is normalized.

I wonder how this will play out as he never fired his rifle or even had Trump in his sights. Never saw him.

scooterjay | September 25, 2024 at 6:11 am

Way down yonder past the Georgia cotton, assassination attempts will soon be forgotten….Look Away, Look Away, Look Away, Orange Man Bad!

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