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New York Farmer Bombarded by Illegal Alien Crossings Blasts Harris

New York Farmer Bombarded by Illegal Alien Crossings Blasts Harris

“What, four years ago we had hardly any people coming across, it was a rarity. Now it’s, every night I have people on my trail cameras, every night it’s another group…”

New York farmer Chris Oliver lashed out at Border Czar Kamala Harris due to the constant crossings of illegal aliens on his property.

Oliver lives 500 feet from the border in Fort Covington. He also has a wife and three children.

When asked what Harris would say if she saw the northern border, Oliver answered:

She probably wouldn’t think it’s much of a deal. Same as the southern border, she didn’t think it was much of a big deal. The amount of people we have crossing, they’ve caught 13 ,000 in the last six months. That’s what the board of trial have apprehended. If that’s all they can catch, all of them, I feel if they’ve caught 50%, that’s probably a good reading. Wow. It’s hard to say how many people I actually have come across.

Fox then showed Oliver’s video, and you see dozens of people crossing his property.

Oliver fears for his family’s safety:

Absolutely. You have no control over it. You don’t know who these people are. Not everybody’s a good person. They had a guy up in Armstown not too far away from us. We had arrested. He was planning an ISIS -styled attack in New York City. That was just recently. That same night, I still had people come across my cameras. That should be stopped. I don’t know.

Oliver told the network he blames the Biden-Harris administration and thinks it would get better under former President Donald Trump:

What, four years ago we had hardly any people coming across, it was a rarity. Now it’s, every night I have people on my trail cameras, every night it’s another group, and it depends on the size, usually there’s two, three, sometimes there’s five, six, it all depends.

And if you’re lurking around in the middle of the night, usually you’re up to no good.

I’ve been trying to stay updated on the northern border. The southern border gets a ton of attention even though we have so many illegal aliens crossing our border with Canada.


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And yet, I see more and more signs for Harris in my subdivision, hardly any for Trump

I do think Trump people dont want to be harassed and don’t put signage up, but I’m overwhelmed with anxiety seeing the amount of signs

Yes we are close to Austin

    Maybe the illegals are placing them in the middle of the night as they troop through?

      gonzotx in reply to GWB. | September 25, 2024 at 3:48 pm

      Definitely some here. Houses that probably would sell for 500-600,000, seven cars in front all night, couple of those
      No HOA, never thought I’d prefer it if we did .
      I dont know who’s buying houses and filling them
      With illegals, but it’s definitely happening

      Here, probably cause close to Austin and no HOA

        wagnert in atlanta in reply to gonzotx. | September 26, 2024 at 10:56 am

        Without knowing how difficult it would be, why not form a HOA? I think those overpopulated houses would have to be excluded from a newly-formed HOA, but you might be able to prevent new cases, and perhaps get new single-family owners of the existing cases to sign up.

    The reason that you don’t see Trump signs is that Trump is keeping all of his campaign funds to pay for his lawsuits. All of the money you send him goes to pay his criminal defense lawyers. None of it goes to get him elected or any dowhbal0t Republicans.

S S S, friend.

That’s what the board of trial have apprehended.
Lawdy. Please check the auto-transcription stuff. Pretty sure he said “border patrol” not “board of trial.”

“When asked what Harris would say if she saw the northern border,”
She’d prattle about our long and valuable alliance with North Cuba.
But at least this time, she’d be right.

Why does woke Fox bother to blur out the faces of criminal trespassers?

Mr. Oliver’s reality today is going to be your reality tomorrow.

If our Army were to send as many soldiers to cross the border if another country it would correctly be considered an act of war.

This maladministration is actively encouraging and enabling this invasion of our country. Mind you, these are not doctors and engineers that are coming, these are criminals intent upon doing us harm.

This is a war. Our own leaders are at war with us and they’re using aliens as their foot soldiers.

If Harris cheats her way into the White House…

(Finish the sentence on your own)

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 25, 2024 at 3:48 pm

No alien has any excuse to come in any way outside of our legal border crossings. NONE.

All people caught breaching our borders must be DNA tested, thrown out of the country IMMEDIATELY – no court, no hearing, no chance of claiming asylum, NO NOTHING – and they need to be punished by never letting them in the country (which we can enforce since we have their DNA on record.


And all those in power who have orchestrated and facilitated this invasion of America need to be punished for their TREASON, which is exactly what it is. TREASON.

“This is a war. Our own leaders are at war with us and they’re using aliens as their foot soldiers”

Truer words never spoken

destroycommunism | September 25, 2024 at 4:47 pm


dem dar is voters

Canada is enabling this. People don’t just cross some land border into Canada and then walk into the US like they do from Mexico. They have to be admitted into Canada. And once upon a time, that wasn’t easy. Apparently Canada is allowing people with no plans to stay, no means to support themselves, questionable identification, and questionable stories just waltz right in. “Oh, you’re here for tourism, eh?” Wink wink, nod, nod.

News flash . . . I have the names of every illegal immigrant entering via Mr. Oliver’s property: it’s either “Kamala” or “Kamalo.”

Every state is border state now. This is what leftists voted for.

TO HELL with trudeau, freeland and the rest of the canadian communists.

AND, to hell with the 49th parallel. … I expect the law abiding, freedom loving citizens of Quebec would rather take their chances with the US than remain subjects of charles, WEF, and his sychophants he has placed in Canada’s government.

The US needs to move the border to the St. Lawrence River and declare the area free as a “protectorate” of the US. …

This does not need be permanent; but the US should not be subject to deliberate efforts by charles and trudeau to destabilize US sovereignty.

And, “Yes.” It’s time to do the same along the Southern Border.

The current regimes in Canada and Mexico are enemies of the United States of America, and need to be treated as such.

Likewise the corrupt monarchy and government of the UK is (and has for centuries been) our enemy. This is obvious to those with “open eyes” but increasingly it is being said out loud. Here is a brief statement by Col. Lawrence Wilkerson in an interview on 9/19/24: (queued to 22:10; 1:40m:s)