Mocking Ensues After Scientific American Endorses Kamala Harris


Back in 2020, the once highly respected Scientific American decided to break with 175 years of editorial tradition and endorse Biden for president, saying:

That is why we urge you to vote for Joe Biden, who is offering fact-based plans to protect our health, our economy and the environment. These and other proposals he has put forth can set the country back on course for a safer, more prosperous and more equitable future.

Subsequently, the magazine has completely lost its grip on sanity, reason, and logic. Since Biden took office, let’s review some of the low-lights from the magazine’s stack of articles.

So, as the 2024 presidential election season enters into the final stretch, it is not surprising that Scientific American’s editorial team throws circumspection and neutrality out the window and endorses Vice President Kamala Harris.

In response, let’s take a look at how science has thrived under Biden.

Team Biden used “science” and threats of a “winter of death” to force covid vaccine mandates on the American people. In response, Americans are increasingly distrustful of both vaccines and public health officials.

Biden admitted to using stealth to enact the Green New Deal, policies that are a direct result of the climate emergency pseudoscience supported by Scientific American. You can talk to the residents of Nantucket and the Central Valley of California about the adverse environmental impacts “renewable energy” is having on those regions.

Finally, there is space exploration…which Scientific American promised Biden would support.

The SpaceX mission Polaris Dawn just successfully splashed down after accomplishing several historic firsts. Was Biden supportive?

No, because CEO Elon Musk is supporting Trump. Via David Strom of Hot Air:

It was only through the magic of Starlink–an Elon Musk project–and SpaceX’s reusable rockets and reusable Crew Dragon–that any of this was possible. Boeing, which has been in this business for about 70 years, couldn’t do it. They couldn’t perform a round-trip manned mission to the space station safely. SpaceX does it routinely.We all know why so little attention has been paid to any of this. It’s the same reason the FAA has been slow-walking approvals for testing of Starship: Elon Musk is behind these projects.Boeing and Blue Origin (which is struggling mightily to get into orbit with any payload of importance) are owned by friends of the Democrats, while SpaceX is owned by Musk, who has endorsed Trump. Musk is the last free speech warrior, and that is simply unacceptable.

Not surprisingly, mocking has been ensured in the wake of this inanity, led by evolutionary biologist Wright, as referenced above.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to shame the shameless.

Intriguingly, the Scientific American endorsement did lack one key data point.

In conclusion:

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Kamala Harris, SpaceX