MA Intifada Self-Defense Case – Right Of Israel Supporters To Defend Themselves On Trial
When they say to “Globalize the Inifada” what happened in Newton, MA, is what they mean. The knee-jerk reaction was to arrest and charge the victim: “if you defend yourself, if you’re a pro-Israel supporter, whether you’re Jewish or not, and you are viciously attacked by these hoodlums, you are going to be charged.”

When the anti-Israel psychopaths march on campuses and in cities chanting “Globalize the Intifada” and “There is Only One Solution, Intifada Revolution,” we all know what that means.
It means the sort of violence and intimidation we have seen in the United States since October 7, and which they are threatening to escalate. It means what just happened in Newton, MA, a suburb of Boston, where an anti-Israel lunatic viciously attacked a peaceful pro-Israel protester, Iraq war veteran Scott Hayes.
A man wearing a Palestinian pin was shot in the stomach this evening after he charged through traffic and tackled a pro-Israel Iraq war veteran in Newton,
— Kassy Akiva (@KassyAkiva) September 13, 2024
Mike covered the initial incident, and Andrew Branca covered the legal self-defense issues and concerns.
I think this is a case we’re going to stick with along with the dozen of more self-defense cases we’ve covered over the years.
Now you get my Hot Take:
TRANSCRIPT (Auto-generated, may contain transcription errors)
The case of Scott Hayes, the Boston veteran who shot an anti-Israel protester who viciously attacked him, has the makings of the single most important self-defense case we’re going to see this year, and probably this decade, or at least in the last decade.
We have covered many high-profile self-defense cases at Legal Insurrection, dating back to the George Zimmerman case and the shooter at the gas station. We’ve probably covered a dozen of them, and they’re all important in their own way.
But I think this one is more important because we’re on the precipice in this country of a wave of violence by anti-Israel fanatics who have run amok on campuses and in cities with really no law enforcement response to speak of.
Here we have a case where we have on video this anti-Israel protester running full speed across the street and plowing into this pro-Israel demonstrator. He may have thought the demonstrator was Jewish, but it turns out he wasn’t, though he was carrying an Israeli flag. The protester tackles him, throws him to the ground, and they start scuffling. In the middle of that scuffle, the veteran fired a handgun—I believe once. He didn’t kill the perpetrator but wounded him.
So, what do the police do?
This is everybody’s nightmare—what we all fear on campuses. Someone is going to lose it. In prior interviews, I have said that at places like Cornell and elsewhere, there is a real possibility of someone snapping.
And what happens? The police and the prosecutors’ immediate reaction, without any investigation, is to arrest the veteran, not the person who attacked him.
Now, what is it about the video, which was available right away, and the witness testimony right away, that on its face is a crime? Nothing. It might be that after more information is gathered—maybe there are videos from other angles that will show that the use of force was legally unreasonable. But on its face, there was no reason to arrest this person.
In fact, the district attorney, that night when she gave her public statement, said there’s still a lot to be learned about this—the investigation is ongoing. So, why did you arrest him? If you wanted to investigate, and after investigation, after forensic checks, after other things, charge him with a crime, okay, fine. But why was the knee-jerk reaction to arrest the pro-Israel demonstrator who we know for a fact was viciously attacked?
Not only did they do that, but they did not immediately arrest and charge the perpetrator. Now, he was wounded, so presumably taken to the hospital, but he could have been charged right away. Why not?
So what message is this sending to the public? It’s sending the message that if you defend yourself, if you’re a pro-Israel supporter, whether you’re Jewish or not, and you are viciously attacked by these hoodlums, you are going to be charged.
That sends a very chilling message that goes far beyond this case. I think it goes far beyond any of the cases we’ve seen so far in the many we’ve covered at Legal Insurrection. This sends a message to the community that you can’t defend yourself or you’re going to be charged.
It also sends a message to the anti-Israel community that you are going to be the one to get the benefit of the doubt. Everybody is entitled to a presumption of innocence, but when you have a clear videotaped perpetrator committing a violent crime against somebody who defends themselves, why are you giving the benefit of the doubt to the perpetrator and not to the victim? That sends a terrible message.
That’s why I think this is the single most important case we’re likely to have because it will set the tone for the upcoming demonstrations and the upcoming violence that we know has been promised. They promise an Intifada. This, in many ways, is the Intifada self-defense shooting case, and it’s going to take on a lot of importance as it moves through the legal system.
We will, of course, be covering it at Legal Insurrection as we always do.
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I’m right there with you Professor
Trayvon Martin comes to mind
I had similar thoughts. St. Trayvon of the Blessed Skittles was farcically canonized by the Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks and their media lapdogs/shills/trained seals, for unlawfully attacking George Zimmerman and attempting to murder him by slamming his head into a concrete sidewalk. Zimmerman was unjustly charged and prosecuted for a lawful exercise of lethal self-defense, to placate the bloodlust of the unhinged and ginned-up Dhimmi-crat mob.
It is only thanks to the superb advocacy of defense attorney Mark O’Meara and his team, that Zimmerman isn’t rotting away in a jail cell, right now, serving time for a non-existent, Soviet show trial/Beria-contrived “crime.”
We saw similar outcomes with officer Darren Wilson’s justified shooting of strong-arm robber-thug, Michael Brown (the absurdly characterized “gentle giant”), and, with Kyle Rittenhouse’s outrageous persecution-prosecution; again, in an incident of transparently (to rational minds) lawful exercise of lethal self-defense.
The above incidents are all political prosecutions/investigations that were shaped by the Dhimmi-crats’ contemptible and shameful dishonesty, lack of ethics and brazen politicization of prosecutorial powers.
I forgot to mention the Uber/Lyft driver in Texas who was absurdly charged after an unruly and hostile mob of “Black Lives Matter” and “Anti-fa” thugs had surrounded his car, including an idiot carrying an AK-47, who approached the vehicle and was justifiably shot in self-defense by the driver.
It’s plain that no one here listens to Andrew Branca and his Law of Self Defense podcast.
This is a very bad shoot, and that self defender is rightly going to be convicted.
First off, every state in the nation says you cannot reply to a fistfight with lethal force..
(The exception is disparity of force when it’s a very large man punching a small small women who would easily be killed.)
You will also note that there are good Samaritans, helping the good guy by holding and stomping the Hamas protester.
Here we have a disparity of force in favor of the good guy, and he is not privileged to use lethal force on the protester.
Our good guy is only privileged to use non-lethal force in response to this non-lethal force attack.
The attacker tackled a much older man, and had him essentially pinned to the ground, What he intended to do in the struggle is unknown, and probably couldn’t be known to the man. While there were others helping, that may not have been very apparent to the guy with his face pushed into the concrete. Moreover, they were not very successful either. Even after the attacker was shot, they have a hard time getting him off the defendant.
Being tackled, knocked to the ground, and pinned is a life-threatening situation. Anyone in that circumstance is at the mercy of the attacker. Given the attacker is, well, already the attacker, the person on the ground is reasonable to assume the worst.
Proportionality expressed a different way: what other choices did the defendant have to respond to a violent, life threatening attack?
Actually, that legal opinion is changing.
Miguel Gonzalez of the late Gun Free Zone website (now defunct) had a catalog of ‘One Punch Kill’ stories. Most linked to the ‘Knock-out game’, but others from street arguments or the like.
One punch to the head which causes a stun response can cause the victim to lock up and fall. Usually striking their head on the pavement and causing a Traumatic Brain Injury. Death is either rapid or prolonged over days or weeks. Providing the victim survives, permanent brain damage is almost guaranteed.
Many police agencies are recognizing the threat of a ‘one-punch’ attack, and the deadly force responses’ validity.
Getting tackled on concrete is, by itself, an assault with the potential for great bodily harm. Ask an NFL quarterback what it is like to have your head hit hard on the ground.
In my volunteer time, I’ve worked with a non-profit organization that, among other things, runs a program that treats traumatic brain injuries. The most common cause of participants is a motorcycle accident. Second is car accident. Third is assault (often but not always domestic).
One of my fellow volunteers previously was the CEO of a large business. He attended a sporting event – and was knocked to the ground by a couple of teenagers running through the crowd. He spent 2 years in the program. Now 10 years later, he remains on disability. He will never work full time.
Check the crime stats. Every year more murders are commited with hands, feet and by pushing than by rifles. Every year.
Knives exceed rifles and shotguns put together.
This was a good shoot. If anything, the shooter was too disciplined and should have put more rounds into the assailant.
I prosecuted homicides and sex crimes for about 40 years. This is a rock solid self defense case. It’s not a “fistfight” it’s a violent assault on an older man minding his own business, tackled to the ground by a crazed assailant.
Like a typical lawyer Branca takes a simple straight forward concept of self defense and turns it into something like the pilot checklist on a commercial flight. Something like taking the simple concept of the 10 commandments and generating an estimated 40,000 pages of law on how to get around them. The Israeli protestors must learn to copy the tactics of their opponents. Peaceful protests will get you locked up as government authorities are afraid to enforce the law against those opposed to you.
I agree with you 100%. This case is terribly important. Even if Hayes gets acquitted we all lose. The process is the punishment and unless Hayes has use of force insurance his legal expenses will be devastating. I remember the Zimmerman case as I followed all the proceedings on LI. I was in bed recovering from surgery. That was when I lost all trust in the MSM and the criminal justice system. NBC doctored the dispatcher recording. I downloaded the original and still have it. The judge was biased. Zimmerman should never have been charged. Most disappointing were conversations I had with intelligent people who bought into the whole false narrative.
Jews will continue to come under attack especially on campus egged on by cases like this one. I have to ask: do Jews have a future in America? Certainly not in Europe except for Hungary thanks to Viktor Orban. But he’s under attack. The US is attempting a color revolution there as it has done in other countries.
So keep up the good work. I’m with you. I hope I don’t need my plan B should this country get even more hostile for Jews.
We have to fight so these monsters don’t win.
This country was founded on Judaism – Christian values
Not atheism, Islam insanity
We stand and fight
Recall the vile Obama’s brazen and contemptibly dishonest attempts at historical revisionism, attempting to whitewash “Submission’s” pathologies and paint it as allegedly historically intrinsic to the U.S. and as American as apple pie.
Nauseatingly dishonest propaganda statements such as: “Islam has always been a part of America. Why, the first mosque in the U.S. was founded in South Dakota, in [insert late 19th century year].” Yes, the first mosque was founded more than one century after the U.S.’s founding. Well after Thomas Jefferson was forced to send U.S. marines to Libya, to subdue the Barbary pirates — Muslim terrorists — who were attacking ships and taking sailors hostage. Somehow, the vile Obama forgot to mention that earlier and much more relevant encounter between Muslims and the newly-founded United States.
Such an outrageously dishonest bit of historical revisionism and narrative-peddling.
As of 11 p.m. EDT, 9/13, the GoFundMe page had raised $175K for his defense.
GoFu**Me? Let’s hope they don’t shut down the fund. They’re hopelessly Left wing.
High profile lawyers who support Israel should be lining up to take this case pro bono
IDK if they will since it involves a firearm. That clown who attacked the guy is a real nut. His social media posts are all in on destroying America, supporting Hamas, using his pronouns, disavowing his family because they support Israel etc. The good news is that Hayes GoFundMe is closing in on $200,000 to be used for his defense.
SHOULD being the key word here.
What saved Zimmerman is that he was the first to be put to trial for defending himself. I suspect that had this happened after 2016 that he wouldn’t have had a chance in the court room as it is now pretty much impossible to find a jury that is fair, open minded and impartial after all these years of Democrat propaganda and indoctrination. Same for Officer Wilson.
There’s plenty of places in the USA where this victim wouldn’t be charged for defending himself. There’s lots of Cities, Towns and Counties in the USA where Jews are as safe and secure as everyone else. If anti Israel, anti US, anti Jewish mobs are your #1 fear I would submit that you would be far safer on the campus of the Univ of Alabama in Tuscaloosa than on an Ivy campus in the Northeast. Same for a small business, worker or retiree; plenty of areas outside the Blue Northeast or Blue cities that don’t tolerate mobs.
You have to wonder if the terrorists supporter had shot the Israel supporter, would they have charged him? I doubt it
He likely would get the same treatment as BLM and Antifa did while burning down cities and murdering people: Arrest, but then released without bail to return to the “Insurrections.”
While not a federal case ( yet) this transpired on the same day that Garland made very public statements defending the behavior of the DOJ. It is quite obvious that the local officials did not pay much attention to Garland’s message..
When I heard the statement that just one of the two parties was being charged at the first press conference the bias was obvious and will cloud this case until its conclusion.
Actions speak much louder than words..
Charging Hayes is a move to pacify the anti Israel crowd. If they didn’t charge him the anti Israel crowd would have another reason to protest and possibly attack others or destroy property.
This is also the same town that let a illegal migrant escape an ICE detention order by letting the person to escape out the back door of the courthouse.
Some details from that case
In a statement of facts that was filed in court, Joseph agreed she knew an immigration official was waiting to take custody of the defendant at the courthouse. The statement says Joseph instructed the court clerk to turn off the recording device while the defense attorney, prosecutor and judge were having a sidebar conversation about the defendant.
During that conversation, the defense attorney asked Joseph to allow his client to go back downstairs, the statement said. When the judge went back on the court record, the defense lawyer asked if he and his client could go downstairs with an interpreter so they could talk, and Joseph agreed, according to the statement.
Shortly after they went downstairs, the court officer opened the door, allowing the man to escape, the statement said.
“Charging Hayes is a move to pacify the anti Israel crowd. If they didn’t charge him the anti Israel crowd would have another reason to protest and possibly attack others or destroy property.”
Spot on. When the publicity dies down I bet all charges will quietly be dismissed. It sucks that legal decisions are being made to placate the mob but that is where we are at.
“So, why did you arrest him? If you wanted to investigate, and after investigation, after forensic checks, after other things, charge him with a crime, okay, fine. But why was the knee-jerk reaction to arrest the pro-Israel demonstrator who we know for a fact was viciously attacked?”
I’ve explained this elsewhere. The answer is that in Massachusetts, if you kill or injure someone with a gunshot, you are immediately arrested. It’s a case of “arrest him now, sort it out later.” It’s the way they’ve done things for decades. You could be Audie Murphy shooting John Dillinger as he was raping Betsy Ross, you’re going to get arrested.
“That sends a very chilling message that goes far beyond this case. I think it goes far beyond any of the cases we’ve seen so far in the many we’ve covered at Legal Insurrection. This sends a message to the community that you can’t defend yourself or you’re going to be charged.”
Every Massachusetts gun owner knows this. The Israel thing is irrelevant.
And to think, Whitey Bulger ran free in Massachusetts for all those years, terrorizing thousands, while everyone and his brother knew what he was doing – most especially his actual brother in the Mass Senate and everyone in the local FBI office …
The Brothers Bulger: One stole with a gun; the other with a legislative pen.
The biggest problem is that Mass not only does not have a “Stand your ground” law but has a government and judicial system hostile to firearms.
I think, however, that with the publicity and the available video of that pro terrorist clown clearly attacking that guy that the charges will be dropped after a few weeks as soon as the furor abates.
About as likely as NY dropping the persecution of Daniel Penny now that the furor has abated long ago.
You can’t protest and you can’t defend yourself
Harris is the red queen
For some reason I’m thinking of Lee Marvin’s comment to Charles Bronson in the Dirty Dozen when Bronson relates that he was in prison for shooting a deserter running off with the medical supplies. “You made one mistake, you let somebody see you do it.”
Love Lee Marvin
Bronson was not so bad either
This is not new. We had this exact sort of case – even worse, actually – with the bodega clerk who was arrested and charged by Bragg in New York. In that case, there was also clear video and it was without any doubt, whatsoever, that the clerk was fighting for his life. And in the bodega case, it wasn’t even a gun but hand-to-hand with a knife against a savage and his dirtbag girlfriend.
The move to disallow American citizens (and particularly white Americans) from defending themselves has been going on for a long time in America. The push for all of the retarded “duty to retreat” laws and the rest just made circumstances under which common sense self-defense was no longer recognized and the criminal were given carte blanche, essentially in the streets (since the criminals don’t really care about prison or consequences while law abiding citizens cannot afford to even have to fight these sorts of bogus, frivolous charges and most certainly do not want to have to go to prison).
This is not new. America has been going down this road for a long time. The argument in the other thread related to “proportionality” is the same. These are unrealistic, contrived rules about fighting that people who never have to worry about such fights impose on other people (and then laugh about the consequences, usually).
On the larger scale, we see the same stupidity in the demented notion of universal, mega-galactic “war crimes”, which is sheer silliness. Modern day idiots would declare every winning tactic of WWII to be a war crime. It is sheer stupidity.
“The push for all of the retarded “duty to retreat” laws and the rest just made circumstances under which common sense self-defense was no longer recognized”
I remember the opposite. A lot of states HAD duty to retreat laws, and the push over the past few decades has been to enact Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine laws to overturn them. And that push has been largely (though not completely) successful; moreso because (as far as I know) since the push began, no state that has a SYG/CD law has disestablished it.
Same for states that had may-issue/fat-farking-chance carry permit laws — Constitutional Carry has gone from one state (Vermont) in 1986 to comfortably more than half of all states (29) currently. None have regressed.
In fact, the regressions/repeals have gone the other way. In 1997 here in Arizona, the police/justice lobby got a bill into the legislature that (among other things) made the plea of self-defense a “guilty until proven innocent” deal: you had to first admit to the crime of homicide, assault, whatever, and then prove your innocence caiming self-defense. We got that stricken in 2006 so that the state again has to prove you are guilty instead of vice versa.
And, of course, we’ve had the doors ripped open by Heller, McDonald, Caetano, Bruen, and several other major cases.
We’d be sitting in the lab of utopian freedom… except that having the right laws isn’t the same thing as getting governments to obey them instead of outright ignoring them.
There was never any “push” for duty to retreat laws, and they are not “retarded”. The duty to retreat is in the common law, which means it was the default law everywhere. The fact that very few states still recognize such a duty is because in the last century, and especially in the last few decades, there was a push to abolish it. That push was a good thing, and I’m glad it’s been so successful. I hope eventually all 50 states abolish the duty to retreat. But the facts remain what they are. MA’s law on this matter, regardless of how little we like it, is not the result of a push but of resisting one.
As far as I know proportionality is a requirement in every common law jurisdiction, except maybe Texas. Can you name a few where it isn’t?
The best-case scenario is that this puts a bright spotlight on these violent leftists who assault people and destroy property whenever it suits their purposes or moods with little or no fear of legal consequences. Unfortunately, in most cases in recent years they have not only not faced consequences for their violence but have often been rewarded financially and or become celebrities.
If enough people protest on site, via social media and boycotts of leftwing businesses in Newton start and endure, then there hopefully could be national outrage at this type of absurd use of the law to push evil political agendas. A modern-day massive version of the Boston Tea party is in order saying the people have enough of the abuse of their elitist leaders.
At the end of the day the answer is to replace not only the leftist regime in the White House but far more importantly to dismantle as much of the permanent government apparatchiks as possible. Only then can meaningful change be made, and individual rights be restored replacing the tribal system currently enforced by the self-anointed elites who rule this nation from their DC bureaucracies.
Tha answer is to shoot to unalive these people when they assault innocent people.
If more of these anti Israeli supporters were unalived, they may think twice about assaulting someone.
As it is now, Jews and their supporters must toe the anti Israeli line and not do anything, anything, that upsets these fascists.
We need more vigilante action.
please consider that some of these are religious fanatics; some of these are looking forward to their reward of 72 virgins
Male or female? If male, will they return the favor? Hmmm …
So? GIVE that reward to them.
Unalive them and let God sort it out.
About those 72 virgins. That was a misprint. It was 72 Virginians from Hurley.
That just makes vigilante action a mitzvah.
How appropriate.
One good thing to come out of this is bail set at 5k! Probably shows how serious the court views this case.
In Newton, Mass., Hayes is guilty until proven innocent. The DA must feel confident she can convict Hayes of violating the proportionality provision of the self-defense law.
Let’s hope his attorneys can argue that the assailant reached for his pistol, there was an ensuing struggle to gain control of the weapon and an act of self defense is clear before Hayes shot the anti-Jew hater.
Professor, I can understand your seeing this through your cultural lens, but Massachusetts is rabidly anti-gun. The very idea of an ordinary citizen defending himself is maddening to our leftist rulers. He would have been charged if these were rallies for and against wearing white in September. In this state you have only one possible chance to use a gun for self defense. If you are not charged after killing someone, it is after a brutal, lengthy investigation and your gun is taken away regardless. A wise cop told me if you ever kill somebody in self defense with no witnesses in your own home, bury the body deep.
Shoot, shovel, shut up.
That is exactly what my old chief of police told me once.
He wasn’t joking.
Or, shoot, mulch, garden, and shut up.
Always a good idea to keep an extra bag of lime on hand.
It all about the gun,….
Yep. Guns for law abiding people, bad.
Guns for criminals and the leftist supporters, good.
The entire incident is a parable about the Gaza/Israel situation.
Pro-Israel folks are just living their lives and a Pro-Gaza person crosses the street (ie border) to pick a fight and deliver blows (ie music festival). The Pro-Israel folks absorb the blows and defend in a way that brings the assault to an end. But the justice system (ie world opinion) jumps to the view that the able-defender is the bad guy.
“So what message is this sending to the public? It’s sending the message that if you defend yourself, if you’re a pro-Israel supporter, whether you’re Jewish or not, and you are viciously attacked by these hoodlums, you are going to be charged.”
The message it sends to me is that I can tackle anyone I want and it will be their fault. If a Harris/Walz shirt wearer troubles me, your’re down!!
Precedent can be a beeyotch.
Except that this doesn’t set a precedent. Even if Hayes is convicted, and you were to act as you suggest in the exact same jurisdiction, the DA could choose to charge you and you would not be allowed to raise this case as a defense. Prosecutorial discretion, dontchaknow.
Well, the law ought to work in both directions, but I don’t recommend you try that. Only certain groups get these privileges.
Part of a pattern. Shades of Daniel Penny, and, many, many others.
Obnoxious, violent and unhinged Dhimmi-crat thugs, sociopaths and agitators lash out and engage in criminal behavior — initiating hostilities, to be clear, either through violence or threats of violence — but, it is the person who rationally, fairly and lawfully responds with force to those attacks and threats who is charged and prosecuted.
This is Soviet Union/banana republic-type “justice.”
I hope the person organizing Hayes’s Go Fund Me is honest. I made a donation, and the total as I write is $205,062.
Hayes will need millions.
Seen on the web.
Some common sense for the insane people of Massachusetts:
Open letter to Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan:
1. Israel-supporting man Scott Hayes experiences unknown, enraged, anti-Israel, quite likely mentally disturbed person viciously run-tackling him to the ground with great force, apparently while Hayes’s back was turned, an act of aggravated assault. Then the attacker grabbed Hayes’ neck. This was aggravated assault clearly intended to cause great bodily harm or death to Hayes (and could easily have done so).
Hayes on the ground tries to fight back, but even when compatriots try to get the attacker off him, the attacker does not surrender or stand down but continues his enraged, violent behavior. The attacker continues to hold on to the victim he tackled so viciously and continues assaulting him.
The tackled man Hayes has a chaotic, limited view of his attacker, and does not know if that attacker, acting in a violent, reckless and explosive fashion regarding a cause that has led to bloody butchery of Jews, has a knife, gun, bomb, suicide vest, or other weapon. This is in a city near where terrorists blew up marathon participants in 2013.
So what’s the attacked Hayes supposed to do?
1. Do nothing, and possibly get stabbed, his throat slit, or blown into bloody body parts, reasonable fears under the circumstances.
2. Continue struggling with his attacker, and possibly get stabbed, his throat slit, or blown up.
3. Beg the attacker to stop, with same risks as above.
4. Pull his firearm and put an end to the attack and an end to the risk of being stabbed, having throat slit, or being blown up.
You tell me.
The Zimmerman prosecution is relevant here for another reason: at bottom it was caused by antisemitism. Remember that originally the police didn’t see any crime there, and let Zimmerman go, and the case didn’t get much publicity.
Then Al Sharpton saw the initial reports, that someone called Zimmerman had shot a black person and been released with no charges. Being from NYC, where anyone with a German surname is probably Jewish, he jumped to the conclusion that the shooter was a Jew, and white, so he decided to start a protest movement over it, and demand charges. In fact Zimmerman has no Jewish ancestry and is not white, but Sharpton didn’t know that.
Had Zimmerman chosen to use his mother’s name and go by Jorge Mesa, as he could easily have done, the case would not have caught Sharpton’s eye, he would never have been charged, and none of us would ever have heard of him, or of Little Saint Trayvon.
Something I am surprised more people aren’t asking
“why isn’t the man who launched a clear cut assault and battery who got shot by the man he was battering also being charged?”
If there was no anti-Semitism no problem right? Charge any legal violations.
But nope if you are pro-Jewish or Jewish you belong in jail.
They don’t want to take your gun away but use it to protect your life and you are in big trouble. Any time someone like Harris makes that statement remember this case and many like it. They do want to take your gun away or make it so rare to be able to use it, it amounts to the same thing.
I’m reminded of a report of a robbery at a Waffle House in Texas where the perp was immediately shot by no less then 9 said to be rural patrons. Until equivalent force is brought to bear by Israeli supporters against Hamas sympathizers this outrageous situation will continue. It’s easy to arrest a single individual, much harder to arrest a dozen or so people who refuse to be assaulted. Much Jewish blood may be spilled before authorities take action. Surely Jewish people and their supporters realize the potential consequences of doing nothing in the face of such Palestinian hate especially when authorities look the other way.
These violent freaks aren’t “anti-Israel,” (this is a secondary thing) they are Hamas supporters and therefore murderously anti-Semitic. No need to sugarcoat the description.
a] More blue state idiocy.
b] The root of the problem is that “leadership” [legal, academic, law enforcement] have sent a clear signal that denying the rights of others, taking over public property, and disturbing the peace will not be prosecuted. The problem will continue until that changes.
Newton is about 30% Jewish. If this happens in Newton, MA imagine what might happen elsewhere.
Update: 08 Mar 2024 2254z
Some stories about the pervasiveness of the Islamic abuse of boys [link]. If I was to design a religion for abused boys it would be quite a lot like Islam. Some place to direct and discharge the anger. Jews. Infidels. No drugs or alcohol means no relief other than taking out the anger on Jews and infidels.
Why aren’t we discussing enforcing laws concerning marine life as a way to punish MA?
The offshore energy projects are devastating to marine life including endangered animals……….
New York has the Achilles Heel that the museum scene it built up is almost entirely on illegally looted artwork that her institutions knowingly purchased on the black market.
MA has the Achilles heel that it can actually be bankrupted by enforcement of a wide variety of green laws.