Kamala’s Vanishing Moral Clarity on 9/11
The words “Al Qaida” and “Islamism” were nowhere to be found in her statement.

After spending weeks accusing Trump of politicizing his visit to Arlington National Cemetery, the Harris campaign proceeded to do just that with 9/11. In her official statement on Twitter/X, the Democrat presidential hopeful wrote that some people did something:
Today is a day of solemn remembrance as we mourn the souls we lost in a heinous terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.
We stand in solidarity with their families and loved ones. We also honor the extraordinary heroism on display that fateful day by ordinary Americans helping their fellow Americans.
We will never forget.
The words “Al Qaida” and “Islamism” were nowhere to be found. Some clarity would be appreciated considering that antisemitic conspiracies, including that Israel is responsible for the 9/11 attacks, have been getting a lot of air in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre in southern Israel.
Kamala’s expanded statement was not much help. Again, the two words were nowhere to be found. She did mention “Hundreds of thousands of Americans [who] served in Afghanistan and elsewhere,” hinting that this region had something to do with the attack, and name-checked Osama bin Ladin and Ayman al-Zawahiri, both dead.
Harris credited Democrats alone with WOT victories:
In 2011, President Obama ordered an operation that killed Osama bin Ladin, and two years ago, President Biden ordered an operation that killed Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Ladin’s deputy.
Barack Obama overstated his role in killing bin Ladin. Although the 9/11 mastermind was hunted down during his tenure, the intelligence network that enabled the U.S. to collect information, eventually leading to his elimination, was established under George W Bush. Even then, given the option to green-light the Team Seal 6 mission, Obama almost said no. I commend him for eventually agreeing to it — bravo! Still, Kamala shouldn’t use the anniversary of the atrocity to advance partisan propaganda.
Moreover, Harris gives the impression that the War on Terror is over and that it ended with an American victory — only some mopping up here and there is occasionally necessary. In reality, although the elimination of the two terrorists is certainly welcome, unlike Hitler’s suicide at the end of the Second World War when Germany lay in ruin, it doesn’t represent the final triumph. Vast terror networks continue to operate around the world with impunity.
As Professor Jacobson wrote shortly after the raid that finished off bin Laden:
North Africa is or is on the way to domination by radical Islamists. We pushed Mubarak out without any transition, and the Muslim Brotherhood and even more extreme Islamists are nearing control. The same is true in Libya and Tunisia.
In Afghanistan, the Taliban are resurgent, waiting out Obama’s timeline for withdrawal. In Iraq, the Iranians have extended their influence and the nation again is dividing along sectarian lines, with the unifying factor (except among the Kurds) being hostility to the U.S.
In Syria, where for once we could have dealt a crushing blow to Iranian influence, we have helped Bashar Assad hang onto power to the extent that both sides hate us.
The situation further deteriorated in Obama’s second term with the emergence of ISIS in Syria, which the former president initially described as a “JV team”. Even then, the Obama Administration attempted to pivot to Iran, the major sponsor of Islamic terrorism worldwide. And it’s not just the Middle East and Central Asia that slid into terrorism in the years following OBL’s death.
Kamala’s statement, “We remain vigilant against any terrorist threat directed at the United States or the American people, and we continue to disrupt terrorist networks wherever we find them,” reads like a bitter joke. Being appointed “border tzar,” the Vice President should know that Islamist terrorists likely penetrated our southern border. According to an October 2023 report by America First Policy Institute:
Over the past two years, U.S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed they have apprehended 72,823 “special interest aliens”(SIAs) from mostly Middle Eastern countries at the southern border. [And]at least 282 Known or Suspected Terrorists (KSTs) have been apprehended by Border Patrol while crossing into the U.S. illegally since the beginning of the Biden Administration.
And that’s just the ones immigration enforcement has been able to apprehend. Europe, where last month the authorities foiled an ISIS-tied mega attack on a Taylor Swift concert, is another destination for terrorists facing a whole host of problems — no-go zones, women harassed on the streets, Islamic gang violence, and grooming.
Terrorism is not hypothetical to Jewish Americans enrolled in colleges across the country where the global intifada is unfolding before our eyes. The mobs, often waiving terror flags, feel empowered to attack visible Jews — and the universities ensure that they are spared consequences.
That brings me back to my point that Harris avoided naming the perpetrators of 9/11 — except for the two dead guys. She is courting the Dearborn vote and the campus radical vote, so she needs to be careful about who she castigates.
And of course, a committed partisan to the point of being unpatriotic, she doesn’t recognize the Al Qaida attack as a major event. She repeatedly stated that the January 6, 2021 riot in DC, not 9/11, was the worst attack on American soil since the Civil War — never mind that a few short months before that day, Antifa/BLM rioters turned DC upside down, burned a historic church and menaced Republican politicians.
It’s a sad testimony to our post-9/11 society that a major party presidential candidate would avoid mentioning the perpetrators of the most horrific attack on the United States. Twenty-three years after the nineteen highjackers flew — or attempted to fly — highjacked airplanes into American targets, desperately needed moral clarity — always in short supply — is waning.

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If she wins, we all need to move to acreage and defend it armed to the teeth
Meanwhile, Trump continues to campaign with Laura Loomer, who claims that 9-11 was an inside job by the United States Government. At least Trump doesn’t lack any “moral clarity” about the attack on the World Trade Center. It was orchestrated by the US Government and the Jews.
Couldn’t wait to make it about Trump, the best evidence of a sicko with TDS.
Keith Ellison is worse, but you ONLY have eyes for Trump.
Who is talking about Trump?
The post is in regard to K Harris.
Pay attention, please.
Wow JR. you attacked Trump and Joooooz in the same comment.
You are one slick piece of work.
You have successfully earned your Totenkopf.
Show your TDS after this, please.
I don’t think we need any 9/11 statements at all, except that it’s a traditional news event owing to soap opera women.
If somebody commemorates it wrong and there’s an outraged complaint, it just means another free imagined political profit has been spotted.
Does Ms. Harris have moral clarity on any issue?
How to get ahead using her oral skills.
Every time I hear that smug, nasal whine she has it reminds me of fingernails on a chalk board. Or squealing brakes on the neighbor’s car.
Robert Klein, a comedian, referred to Irma Bombeck’s voice as on on which matches can be struck. Mrs. Emhoff’s voice shares that characteristic.
Hawk Tauh
To have moral Clarity would you not first need to have morals? She never had any
One thing Marxists are good at is walking on egg shells as to not offend their constituents. Sometimes that can get you tossed out of the party if you slip up, in Stalinism times get you killed.
When folks begin ducking/dodging questions or selectively editing 9/11 to narrow or widen the guilty parties all moral clarity is lost. The 19 people who directly acted that day to hijack aircraft and use them as weapons, the folks who financed them, those who directed/planned their actions or knowingly enabled their actions are the people to blame.
Komrade Kamala Kameleon