In Addition to Covid, Wuhan Institute of Virology May Have Released “Highly Evolved Polio Strain”
More WIV News: Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz worked to secure millions for a Minnesota-based lab that worked with the Chinese research facility.

Researchers at France’s Pasteur Institute have just released a report suggesting that researchers at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV, which may have been ground zero for COVID-19) may also be responsible for an outbreak of a “highly evolved polio strain.”
According to their findings, a young boy caught a case of polio ’99 percent’ identical to a polio variant that was stored 200 miles away at the Chinese research labs in Wuhan.
Researchers at France’s Pasteur Institute cannot say with certainty where this strain, dubbed ‘WIV14,’ originated. But they insisted two possibilities ‘must be explored’ — including the chance that WIV14 polio originated within the Wuhan institute itself.
The findings underscore the shocking unsafe state of global virology research,’ Harvard-trained molecular biologist Dr Richard Ebright, who was not involved with the research, told
The Pasteur researchers suspect that WIV14 polio, so named by the Wuhan scientists who first catalogued the strain, likely evolved from a well-preserved, 1950s strain of the virus used — almost exclusively — in vaccine production and laboratory settings.
The Wuhan lab’s rough proximity to Anhui province and its burgeoning reputation for lax safety protocols have also added weight to this possible explanation.
The 1950s strain the Chinese used to make their polio vaccines is Saukett A. Only 70 nucleotides differ between Saukett A and WIV14, which suggests that WIV14 evolved from Saukett A relatively recently to be so closely matched.
As a reminder, the Chinese scientists in Wuhan work with highly infectious coronavirus strains at an improperly low level of biological safety procedures and had trouble with their waste treatment systems, per a report published by the Republican members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the origins of the SARS-Cov-2 pathogen and the point source of the covid pandemic.
A review of the findings, as they relate to the potential for the release of another virus, is as follows:
The research with the bioengineered viruses were being conducted at a biosafety level well below internationally acceptable standards for biological work.
There were significant concerns about the lax safety protocols in PRC labs, including from the head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the head of the WIV’s BSL-4 lab.
…Scientists at the WIV were conducting gain-of-function research at BSL-2 and BSL-3 safety levels. A BSL-2 lab has the same safety protocols as a dentist’s office.
Scientists have been able to genetically modify coronaviruses without leaving a trace of that modification since 2005. Scientists at the WIV successfully modified coronaviruses without leaving a trace as early as 2016 – three years prior to the outbreak.
Meanwhile, tying this subject back to the 2024 presidential race, during his time in the US Congress, Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz worked to secure millions for a Minnesota-based lab that worked with the WIV.
Walz worked to earmark a total of $7 million for the Hormel Institute in Austin, Minnesota, and praised the work of the publicly-funded research institution, the Washington Examiner reported. The Minnesota research center, however, on multiple occasions worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which many suspect was the origin point of the COVID-19 virus, including on COVID-19 research in 2020 and bacteria research in 2024.
“For 80+ years, the Hormel Institute has helped pave the way for Minnesota to lead in biomedical innovation,” Walz said in April. “It was great to stop by their facilities yesterday in Austin to see that work in action.”
The Wuhan Institute of Virology operates under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which reports directly to the Chinese Communist Party’s State Council, the Examiner reported. It has “has engaged in classified research, including laboratory animal experiments, on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017,” according to the State Department.

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Wuhan is a quaint little city, except for the screaming.
Is it not time to destroy that lab?
Maybe the University of Texas Medical School and the University of North Carolina Medical School should be questioned about Wuhan safety measures. They were both paid to teach the Institute how to handle viruses safely.
Leave it to China to decide not to follow the protocols they were taught by these institutions. WIV is not only a poorly run research lab, it’s the proving ground for future biomedical weapons.
I agree with TGG. Nuke the place.
For starters, could we stop funding it?
We could, but won’t.
Should this polio virus strain be introduced throughout China, perhaps in conjunction with returning fentanyl return?
Just spit balling but maybe the US should put a halt to funding programs both direct/indirect to conduct BIO research/experimentation at facilities outside the US so the land can do there what they are prohibited from doing here. Won’t stop the Cray Cray entirely but at least it will slow down a bit and we won’t have to fund them.
One cannot avoid the thought that with the Left’s use of COVID for domestic political purposes, and Walz’ [Democrat candidate for Vice-President] connections with the Wuhan Institute of Virology . . . how much has the Democrat Party paid the WIV?
Subotai Bahadur
It seems every other day we learn of something else that lizard (Walz, if you wonder) has done that is against everything good and proper. The fact that Harris has him as her running mate speaks volumes about her and the Dimocrat Party. If they win the election it won’t be her in charge. In that case, we’re sunk.
We live in terrifying times
They are determined to kill us all
After Covid, why in the world are these labs still open?
Not to mention the filthy, dirty, rat infested high level crap lab found accidentally in a strip mall in California
How many thousands of those are around the USA, ready to be set off
As my good friend’s retarded brother screamed on a plane, no less, “ we’re all going to die”.
Prepare yourselves.
There is a concerted effort by sinister actors to use biomedical science to destroy portions of the population. COVID was the first widespread problem. Polio seems to be the next.
Suspiciously pertinent, I visited my doctors office for an annual check up. I had bloodwork done prior. My doctor was deployed so I saw the Nurse Practitioner, one with an immunology background.
She stated that my titers showed that my polio immunity was low, and suggested that I get a booster polio vaccine. When questioned she told me that for those of us above 55 years, our polio immunity is waning.
One question I had was why was my blood tested for polio vaccine? That’s not a normal blood test.
Now we see issues like this. Is polio going to be on the rise due to bad actors, or some other medical malady capable of killing off certain population groups?
My tin hat says yes, but my logic says be careful.
Looks like it’s time to go long on iron lung futures.
only communist loving neo nazi fanboys and girls want the usa destroyed
unfortunately too many of those are in power in the usa and being imported daily to help the regime