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Hillary Clinton Found it ‘Exciting’ When Joe Biden Dropped Out

Hillary Clinton Found it ‘Exciting’ When Joe Biden Dropped Out

“After I got off the phone with the vice president I looked at Bill with a huge smile and said, ‘This is exciting!’ I felt promise, I felt possibility.”

Just admit it was a coup.

Hillary shared an audio clip she recorded of her epilogue for her upcoming book with Morning Joe:

After I got off the phone with the vice president I looked at Bill with a huge smile and said, “This is exciting!” I felt promise, I felt possibility. It was exhilarating! When I imagine Kamala standing before the Capitol next January, taking the oath of office as our first woman president, my heart leaps. After hard years of division, it will prove that our best days are still ahead and that we are making progress on our long journey toward a more perfect union. And it will make such a difference in the lives of hard-working people everywhere.

For now thinking about this momentous period I find myself turning back to where this book began. As Joni Mitchell sang all those years ago, “Something’s lost, but something’s gained.”

Democrats have lost our standard-bearer. We will miss Joe Biden’s steady leadership, deep empathy, and fighting spirit. He is a wise and decent man who served our country well. Yet we have gained much too: a new champion, an invigorated campaign, and a renewed sense of purpose.

This is what was supposed to happen since Biden “picked” Harris as his VP. I swear this was the Democrats’ plan all along.

I highly doubt Hillary is as excited as she says, though. After all, in her mind, the first female president should have been her.


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She thought she had a chance to wrest the nomination from Harris. She thought she might get a chance to run again against Trump and maybe win this time.

destroycommunism | September 13, 2024 at 12:51 pm

she is a loser

she does not rep real women

Miss Sociopath.

The only thing I want to hear out of this horrible woman’s mouth is “I disagree with the jury’s verdict and I’m very disappointed in the judge’s overly harsh sentence”.

She’s a petty, vindictive, nasty old hag.

Hillary is still alive?!

MoeHowardwasright | September 13, 2024 at 3:45 pm

I could have many harsh comments. But no. She reminds of the faded actress in Sunset Blvd. Norma Desmond. Hanging on in a world of make believe. FKH

I haven’t heard squat about Huma in years. I suppose Hillary has to get a thrill up her leg however she can these days.

Why isn’t this vile, venal witch in prison already??

    Hope Hildabeast is still on the Biden’s Christmas car list.
    I am waiting for the day Sundowner strokes out and Harris is sworn in before Trump is. By rights he should have resigned long ago, but that only goes to show we are in a post-Constitution country.. Funny how the cabinet can get rid of a President but if itsy in their favor to continue running their fiefdoms why upset that?

    henrybowman in reply to LB1901. | September 14, 2024 at 4:05 am

    Because Trump didn’t even try — despite promising to.

“Deep empathy” is about the last thing I would credit “watch watcher” Biden with.