Germany Starts Deporting Migrant Criminals Back to Afghanistan as Right-Wing AfD Party Surges in Polls
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Germany Starts Deporting Migrant Criminals Back to Afghanistan as Right-Wing AfD Party Surges in Polls

Germany Starts Deporting Migrant Criminals Back to Afghanistan as Right-Wing AfD Party Surges in Polls

Der Spiegel magazine: Convicted rapists, criminals handed “1000 euro pocket money” before departure to Afghanistan. 

With the right-wing AfD party surging in regional polls, the German government has started deporting convicted migrant criminals back to Afghanistan.

Some 28 criminals — convicted of rape, attempted murder and serious drug-related crimes — were given “1000 euro pocket money” before leaving the country on Friday, German magazine Der Spiegel reported.

“Six of the 28 criminals were in the state of Hesse before their deportation. They were guilty of attempted murder, particularly aggravated robbery, grievous bodily harm and rape,” German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported Saturday.

“According to the Ministry of Immigration, five Afghan men from the state of Baden-Württemberg were also on the flight. They are all “serious criminals.” One of them last lived in Illerkirchberg, and in 2019, he and three other accomplices “raped a then 14-year-old girl for several hours, the ministry said,” the newspaper added.
This is merely a brief overview of their criminal careers in Germany. One of the deported Afghans, convicted of  homicide, had 160 criminal charges under his name, the German state TV ARD noted.

Germany’s state-run DW TV reported the details of the deportation:

A deportation flight to Afghanistan has left Germany’s Leipzig/Halle Airport, the Interior Ministry for the state of Saxony said on Friday.

It is the first deportation of Afghans back to their home country since the Taliban took power in Kabul in August 2021.

“These were Afghan nationals, all of whom were convicted offenders who had no right to stay in Germany and against whom deportation orders had been issued,” government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said in a statement.

A Qatar Airways charter jet carrying 28 Afghan offenders brought from various German states left Leipzig, the biggest city in the eastern state of Saxony, for Kabul at 6:56 am (0456 GMT). (…)

A political debate over asylum and deportation rules has been brewing in Germany ahead of state elections. Thuringia and Saxony, two eastern German states where the anti-immigrant AfD party is leading in the polls, are holding elections on Sunday.

In the wake of the deadly knife attack in Mannheim at the end of May, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that the deportation of the most dangerous criminals and terror suspects to Afghanistan and Syria would be possible again.

The discussion has grown increasingly heated after three people were killed and eight wounded in the attack which took place during a festival marking Solingen’s 650 years. The suspect is a failed asylum seeker from Syria.

The U-turn on immigration by Germany’s Social Democratic-led government comes as the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is leading in polls ahead of Sunday’s election in key eastern German states.

“The far-right Alternative for Germany is predicted to come first in at least one of two elections in eastern states on Sunday, piling pressure on Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s federal coalition over the economy, immigration and support for Ukraine,” the Reuters reported Friday. “The AfD is polling 30% in Thuringia, nearly 10 points ahead of the conservatives in second place, while tying with them in Saxony on around 30-32%..”

A series of measures to counter migrant crime were announced by the government in Berlin after an Islamic State-affiliated terrorist stabbed three people to death at a fair in the west German town of Solingen.

Knifes are a weapon of choice for violent criminals swarming the country since the 2015 migrant wave unleashed under Chancellor Angela Merkel’s watch. In 2023, “26,113 knife attacks” were reported in the country, according to the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper last week.

[Excerpts from German news reports translated by the author]


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Should USA pay illegals $$$ to permanently leave the USA?

    Concise in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | September 1, 2024 at 5:06 pm

    I think they’re paying them to stay. And buying them new houses. Kamala is also flying them in. I wonder if they’re getting miles for that that?

      diver64 in reply to Concise. | September 2, 2024 at 10:22 am

      IDK but I know that at my wife’s place of employment they have illegals that were flown up here, installed in a Holiday Inn, given free meals, work permits and found jobs at her place. The government is even providing them a van to commute back and forth.

    destroycommunism in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | September 2, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    there is no assurance that they would stay away

    especially when you are willing to pay them once



These worse than useless animals should be returned broke. When can we start doing the same?

A 1000 euros, probably enough for a return ticket

I was wondering how Germany got around the ECHR stopping the deportations but it’s because they bribed them to leave 😂😂

Keep going. Then deport Angela Merkle and those pols like her who allowed the mongrels in.

not to be negative, but I think they should be made to walk to wherever they came from
should it require walking on water, so be it.

Conservative Marxists.

“AfD nearly 10 points ahead of the conservatives.”

Recall Angela Merkel having a shaking fit during a ceremony with Zelenskyy while standing on a large parade ground? And Zelenskyy is side-eyeing her obviously considering rendering first aid? Merkel’s spokesmouths claimed she was suffering from dehydration* – which is always proffered when their political masters display signs of severe health problems.

*Hillary suffered from multiple bouts of dehydration. Poor thing.

I wonder how many of our insane politicians are operating while heavily medicated on psychotropics..

This is what’s required to finally get them to do the right thing? Getting their asses whipped at the polls? The opposition party hasn’t even taken power yet. The current tyrants must hear tumbrels approaching.

It looks like AfD is currently tallying even better than anyone expected. eugyppius (German blogger) has an updating article here. Due to the vagaries of coalition math, AfD may or may not be in pretty absolute power in at least two states when the final numbers are in.

“AfD and CDU are fighting hard for first place in Saxony, with 31.4% and 31.7% respectively. AfD exceeding polls, ensuring political chaos and winning my heart in Thüringen with 33.2%.”

    CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | September 2, 2024 at 5:29 am

    The other party opposed to illegal immigration and opposed to more Ukraine funding/involvement, BSW, is also doing well. Taking 15%+ in Thuringia and 12% in Saxony. BSW is a center left splinter party that was created in January. One major problem for AfD is that the other parties have pledged not to work with them to form any coalition. Of course the German gov’t has labeled their views as ‘hateful’, is arresting some of their members and is seeking to more/less ban the AfD altogether.

      Several months ago I watched an interview that the namesake and leader of BSW did with Glenn Greenwald on Rumble. She made it clear she strongly opposed AfD and would never consider forming an alliance with it. My impression then was that she is not “center-left”. She is, or was, far left. She has/had some affiliation with the Communists. Maybe to build a coalition and gain political support she has tempered her politics and moved toward the center.

      I think the bio of AfD’s co-chairman, Alice Weidel, is interesting. She is highly educated. PhD. Speaks Mandarin and lived in China for several years. Has worked in high finance at both Goldman Sachs and Allianz. She’s a physically attractive lesbian with a live in partner and two adopted children, yet opposes homosexual marriage. Once stated, “I don’t want anyone with their gender idiocy or their early sexualisation classes coming near my children.” Member of the Frederick Hayak Society.

        diver64 in reply to Groty. | September 2, 2024 at 10:27 am

        She is quite an interesting person who mirrors most of the lesbian and gay people I’ve talked to. Pretty traditional in most things, not a fan of indoctrinating kids or mutilation surgery, fairly conservative in most things and just want to be left the hell alone like the rest of us.

It took them long enough!

    diver64 in reply to DSHornet. | September 2, 2024 at 10:29 am

    I guess it finally got bad enough. I wonder if people in the US have it bad enough yet to start the same and throw those who did it to us out of office. I do find it interesting that in Europe anyone to the right of Lenin is FAR RIGHT while everyone else is moderate or center.

They will just return again. The cabin should be depressurized during flight, and the drop-down masks rigged to dispense Zyklon B.

UnCivilServant | September 1, 2024 at 7:00 pm

All this does is le them spread the word of how fun it is to vacation in europe, rape and assault people and then get paid for it!

Put the criminals down and air drop their corpses on their homelands.

The rapists and convicted murderers should be sent back in a body bag.

Put them down. Nice and clean.

destroycommunism | September 2, 2024 at 11:17 am

the true nazissss are the left wingers

always have been

germany is just like the rest of the msm propagandists

invade the mind
then your country

Then Saxony went and found some “tabulation errors” in the software and reduced AfD’s vote just enough it lost one seat. And now it isn’t in that minority blocking position anymore. Just like that.

We hear the chorus from all sorts of gov’t’s now, a la Animal House:
“You f***ed up. You trusted us.”