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Former Farrakhan Organizer Keith Ellison Reportedly On Kamala Short List For U.S. Attorney General

Former Farrakhan Organizer Keith Ellison Reportedly On Kamala Short List For U.S. Attorney General

The weaponization of the DOJ would be complete.

According to political operative Richard Grenell, who served as Acting Director of National Intelligence and the U.S. Ambassador to Germany during the Trump administration, the Harris campaign has informed Arab American leaders in Detroit, Michigan, that if Vice President Kamala Harris wins, the hard-Left Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison “is on her short list to be attorney general.” If this claim is true, it is difficult to overstate the threat he would pose to a U.S. that has already been weakened by four years of the Biden-Harris administration.

This is a terrible idea for so many reasons, the most recent being his support for the censorship of opposition voices in Brazil, in particular, the decision by a Brazilian judge to ban X inside the country. In a Sept. 2 message ironically posted on X, Ellison wrote, “obrigado Brasil!” “Obrigado,” by the way, means “thanks” in Portuguese.

Clearly, there are a lot of “ifs” to this story. But if Harris were to win the election, and if she were to nominate the radical Ellison for the top job at the Department of Justice, and if he somehow made it through a Senate confirmation, his praise for the crackdown on free speech in Brazil would bode ill for the future of free speech in America.

Just how radical is the former Minnesota congressman and vice chair of the Democratic National Committee?

Well, he got his start in politics as an operative for Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the black nationalist organization, Nation of Islam. In an article titled “Keith Ellison’s Farrakhan addiction,” Professor Jacobson dug into his progressive past. At the time, Ellison was running to become Minnesota’s next attorney general. Despite being dogged by credible accusations of abusing a former girlfriend throughout the campaign, he won the election.

As reported by Professor Jacobson, “Ellison once wrote under the names Keith Hakim, Keith X Ellison and Keith Ellison-Muhammad, and supported and defended the Nation of Islam even as Farrakhan was excoriated in mainstream politics for his anti-Semitism and anti-white racism.” Ellison’s articles, of course, were written in the 1990s, long before it became acceptable in Democratic circles to openly express anti-Semitic sentiments.

Naturally, Ellison “disavowed Farrakhan and downplayed his own role in the Nation of Islam” during his 2006 campaign for Congress. He won the race, becoming the first Muslim ever to serve in Congress.

Although it was widely believed that Ellison severed his ties with Farrakhan at that time, a 2018 article in the Wall Street Journal suggested otherwise. The report read:

In September 2013, however, Messrs. Ellison and Farrakhan dined together. The occasion was a visit by Iran’s newly elected President Hassan Rouhani to the United Nations. Mr. Rouhani invited Muslim leaders from around the U.S. to dinner after addressing the U.N. General Assembly. Contemporaneous news reports placed Mr. Farrakhan at the dinner. Unreported by mainstream outlets was the presence of Mr. Ellison, along with Reps. Gregory Meeks of New York and Andre Carson of Indiana. (All three are Democrats; Messrs. Ellison and Carson are Muslim.)

The Nation of Islam website documents the event, noting that Mr. Rouhani “hosted the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Muslim leaders from different Islamic communities and members of the U.S. Congress at a private meeting . . . at the One UN Hotel in Manhattan Sept. 24, 2013 across the street from the UN headquarters.” The Final Call, a Nation of Islam publication, added that “ Keith Ellison of Minnesota . . . participated in the dialogue” after dinner and includes photos of Messrs. Farrakhan and Ellison at the tables. The Michigan-based Islamic House of Wisdom also reported on the meeting, with additional photos.

According to Mr. Farrakhan, the 2013 meeting was not the last time he and Mr. Ellison were together. After Mr. Ellison renewed his denunciation of Mr. Farrakhan in 2016, Mr. Farrakhan stated in an interview that Reps. Ellison and Carson had visited him in his Washington hotel suite the preceding summer.

In June 2020, Ellison was chosen to lead the prosecution in the George Floyd case. And given his activist past, his proclaimed support for ANTIFA, and his clear anti-police bias, people were rightly concerned about his ability to prosecute the case objectively. At the time, riots against the police in Minneapolis were raging. Mary Chastain reported on this story here.

Ellison gave the rioters a pass. Mary pointed out that just two days before this announcement, Ellison “told rioters to take out their anger on the police instead of the National Guard.” According to the Washington Examiner, Ellison said that “riots such as the one unfolding in Minneapolis are how the ‘unheard get heard.'” He told them, “Don’t just dismiss that and ignore it and relegate it to just criminality and bad behavior. Actually ask yourself what’s going on there.”

Moreover, during an appearance on Fox News just days before his appointment in the case, Ellison said that black people in Minnesota had a “reason to fear” the police.

After then-President Donald Trump announced his plan to designate ANTIFA as a terrorist organization, Ellison’s son Jeremiah Ellison, a member of the Minneapolis City Council, posted the following message of support for the group on X.

Unbelievably, in March, Ellison blamed car manufacturers for the rise in auto theft. He claimed the cars they were making were too easy to steal.

“But we have to go upstream, and we got to make sure that the automobiles are not so easy to steal that they are a tempting, attractive nuisance for young people. Right now we are investigating two major automakers because their cars are dramatically too easy to steal for young people.”

Yet, despite Ellison’s progressive and controversial past, he continues to defy the odds, rising to ever loftier levels inside the Democratic Party.

As repellent as the idea of a President Kamala Harris is to so many of us, scarier still is the thought of whom she would surround herself with. It is almost guaranteed that, if elected, Harris would shed her newly adopted centrist positions in a New York minute and revert to her progressive roots. Unfortunately, the possibility of a U.S. Attorney General Keith Ellison sounds all too credible.

Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.


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Great, if she can pull out the fraud another position the Marxists will grab

LibraryGryffon | September 8, 2024 at 7:47 pm

Under an Ellison DOJ, whites and non-muslims wouldn’t need to bother seeking justice.

OwenKellogg-Engineer | September 8, 2024 at 8:00 pm

It’ll be a scary day if this should come to pass.

Still bet that Keith X is less radical than Garfinkle.

Suburban Farm Guy | September 8, 2024 at 8:42 pm

Racism is Cool in this New Marxist Democrat Party

How does a guy like this get elected to anything? Are the voters that dumb? Are the elections rigged? More and more, the news sounds like a joke article from the Babylon Bee. Cars too easy to steal therefore the auto manufacturers are to blame for car theft. What’s next? Anti-theft devices and alarms are racist because blacks have a higher propensity to steal? I guess the theory of disparate impact would justify such a conclusion.

    Milhouse in reply to oden. | September 8, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    How does a guy like this get elected to anything?

    Part of the answer is the Star Tribune. Too many Minnesota voters trust it the way people used to trust the New York Times. And it is completely in the tank for the extreme left. It covers up for such candidates and makes them appear moderate, and makes their accusers out to be paranoid right-wing nutcases. It keeps up an appearance of neutrality by subjecting its favorites to occasional mild criticism, while covering up the really ugly truth about them.

      Ghostrider in reply to Milhouse. | September 8, 2024 at 11:06 pm

      Thank you, Milhouse. Your assessment is correct. I lived in the Twin Cities for 15 years. The Star Tribune is not only in the tank for progressive liberalism, their reporting overflows the tank, too.

        Kansas has the same issue with the Topeka Daily-Capitol and the KC paper. Any time a governor’s race comes up, the Dem candidate can walk on water and raise the dead, and the Republican candidate is slime of the greatest order in their opinion and ‘news’ pieces. If they reported straight, I don’t think we would have had a Dem governor in the last 40 years or so.

        ConradCA in reply to Ghostrider. | September 9, 2024 at 11:04 am

        A better term for this evil is progressive fascism.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 8, 2024 at 8:56 pm

If Komrade Kamala Harris wins then you will see the final touches of the Sovietization of America. But it will be even worse than the Soviet Union was since the surveillance tools and the ability of those in government, willing to abuse their power, to punish people and make their lives hell (even without imprisonment) is orders of magnitude greater, today.

If Komrade Kamala wins, then you can kiss the USA good-bye. That will be it. The Barky project – to destroy America – will be complete. It will be ugly. Uglier than the history books have ever recorded.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 8, 2024 at 9:26 pm

Merrick Garland has been the most lawless, treasonous, insane Attorney General the US has ever had to contend with. He has followed the bidding of the Biden junta to completely weaponize the DOJ against Americans and anyone supporting Americanism, warping our system into something foreign and alien and one of the worst threats to America that has ever existed. Keith Ellison would just complete the transformation and put an end to anything resembling the United States of America. But then, that’s what the choice is for 2024. The dems want to destroy the country and have been saying and showing and doing just that. Biden (his handlers, at least) have mostly completed the job, but there is still a little left for them to do.

2024 is the question of whether America should live or die. That’s it, in a nutshell.

This is why it is critical that the Republicans win control of the Senate. In that case, Ellison would likely not get confirmed.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to jb4. | September 9, 2024 at 7:54 am

    We need a LOT of Republicans or conservative independents in the Senate. Squishes and traitors like Romney and Collins (?) will vote to confirm Ellis.

    MAJack in reply to jb4. | September 9, 2024 at 7:57 am

    I have far less faith in a GOP led Senate than you do. Most are invertebrate cowards.

A Harris administration with Ellison as Attorney General = the reason the Framers wanted to protect the right to keep and bear arms.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to ChrisPeters. | September 9, 2024 at 8:00 am

    Yes, yes, of course. The issue at hand is: will all of those with their NRA and Cold Dead Hands stickers on their “four-bys” have what it takes? I am cynical enough to think they will do nothing.

    If such things happen at all, it will be that meek little man with the shop on Main Street being hassled once too often by a city inspector. It will be the guy sitting on a park bench having his lunchtime sandwich approached by two cops demanding to see identification for the “crime” of sitting on a park bench eating a sandwich. It will be the motorist with the out of state plate being pulled over, ID demanded of everyone in the car because “we received a phone call about a suspicious car…”.

    It will not be someone taking care of business ™ with the likes of Ellison or any other tyrant. We have people rotting in jail since January of ’21, yet no one has Done Anything.

Folks, just remember that should the unthinkable happen (and I pray to God that it does not) you owe no allegiance to a rogue government that does not respect your God-given natural right. The words penned in the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to enumerate the rationale for separating from the Crown can equally be applied to America’s far left. And you’d be completely in the right in believing and acting upon those words.

Keith Ellison? AYFKM? That man (and many, many others of his ilk) are exactly and precisely what the founders meant when they penned the words “all enemies, foreign and domestic”.

Ellison has a unique skill set: radical and stupid.

Ah, the answer to the question “Who could possibly make a worse AG than Garland?”

    CommoChief in reply to georgfelis. | September 9, 2024 at 9:52 am

    Garland does go through half hearted motions of trying to camouflage his wokiesta leftist philosophy and misuse of power. Ellison doesn’t give a hoot who knows how radical he is or how much he puts his thumb on the scale. He would be an even larger disaster as AG. Dangerous in fact.

    henrybowman in reply to georgfelis. | September 9, 2024 at 10:23 am

    Why not just elect Darth Soros.

Talk about stupid. Ellison was raised Catholic and decided to turn to radical Islam. That’s definitely an idiotic step in the wrong direction.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to D38999. | September 9, 2024 at 12:52 pm

    Ellison is from a time when all of the Cool Black Boys were getting rid of their “slave names” and adopting pseudo-African names, or using a conventional name with an X in it, and adopting a bastardized version of Islam. Dashikis were fashionable, and then came the dredlocks.

destroycommunism | September 9, 2024 at 11:01 am

he is qualified

to help the completion of the na zi communist goal of eradicating political dissent

the demands for qurans just went through the roof