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Democrats and Dangerous Rhetoric Week at Legal Insurrection

Democrats and Dangerous Rhetoric Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

One attempt on Trump’s life was unacceptable. Now we’re up to two.

How did this happen?

Democrats and the media have put Trump’s life in danger with their rhetoric.

The media’s behavior has been beyond the pale.

Trump is right about this.

This is good.

In case you haven’t noticed, everything about Kamala Harris is fake.

Compare and contrast.

Tim Walz is just as bad.

This has the left panicking.


This was very smart.

Hillary just won’t go away.

Interesting developments in the Middle East conflict.

Thoughts from Professor Jacobson.

Excuse me?

He is a black Republican so the left wants to destroy him.

Red pilled.

Who elected Jill?


Check it out!


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On the right, it’s new fake news all the time. It doesn’t accumulate but just gets clicks.

On the left, it’s the same fake news for years, which constitutes brainwashing. Once that sinks in, it’s dangerous.

destroycommunism | September 22, 2024 at 9:30 am

its a non stop attempt by the left and their rino helpers to destroy trump the american family and anything else non globalist every single day

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