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DA Fani Willis Brought ‘Ex-Lover’ Nathan Wade to Scene of Daughter’s Arrest

DA Fani Willis Brought ‘Ex-Lover’ Nathan Wade to Scene of Daughter’s Arrest

“just a friend.”

Fulton County DA Fani Willis arrived at the scene of her daughter’s arrest with former special prosecutor Nathan Wade.

Wait. I thought their love affair ended.

Willis is the DA in charge of the Georgia case against Donald Trump for alleged election interference.

Willis came under fire for her relationship with then-special prosecutor Wade. They claimed the fling didn’t start until after she appointed him to the position and it ended.

The judge said Willis or Wade had to leave the case. Wade chose to step down.

So, um, why did Wade appear at the arrest scene on August 24?

Police arrested Kinaya Willis, 25, “for driving while using a cellphone when police discovered she also had a revoked license.”

The Texas Southern University student is also supposedly pregnant.

Kinaya told police she used her cellphone to call her mom with news about her pregnancy.

Authorities booked Kinaya “on a misdemeanor charge of driving with a revoked or suspended license.”

Willis and Wade showed up in an SUV:

The cops asked if Willis, 52, and Wade, 51, were Kinaya’s parents — but the powerful DA told them her high-profile lover was “just a friend.”

But they both arrived quickly — casually dressed in black T-shirts — when alerted that Willis’ pregnant daughter was in trouble in Tyrone on Aug. 24.

The two lawyers pulled up in a black Ford SUV after Kinaya had already been taken to the Fayette County Jail and stayed on scene for around five minutes, the footage shows.

Willis could be heard calmly saying it was “news to” her that her younger daughter’s license was suspended, as Wade, wearing a baseball hat, quietly listened before asking about why cops stopped Kinaya, a Texas Southern University student.

At one point, Willis gave the officers her license and asked them not to put her address in the report, with one cop, seemingly aware of her high-profile position, saying her request was “for obvious reasons.”

“Y’all can have my address, the rest of the world, no,” Willis says, as seen in the footage first obtained by the Daily Mail.

After, the video showed Willis leaving the scene in her daughter’s silver Nissan Altima, while Wade drove away in the car they arrived in.


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destroycommunism | September 4, 2024 at 5:43 pm

sounds like mom and dad raised the perfect


How dare they accuse a pregnant black female student of anything?

I am sick to death of Dindu Nuffin and Ida Know.

    guyjones in reply to scooterjay. | September 4, 2024 at 8:08 pm

    Careful — the correct term is “pregnant person.”

    The Dhimmi-crats can’t speak to what a “woman” is.

    diver64 in reply to scooterjay. | September 5, 2024 at 5:34 am

    Haven’t you hear that “I’m pregnant or I might be pregnant” is the new “I can’t breath” among females of a certain persuasion to try for special treatment.

“Kinaya told police she used her cellphone to call her mom…”

I call BS on the claim of telling mom she was pregnant. She called her to use her political influence to avoid the consequences of her actions.

The use of a cellphone during a traffic stop is becoming more and more dangerous for police officers in that detainees can summon agitators to join them at the scene.

We’re going to have to address this sooner or later. Cops should be required to collect keys and cellphones for the duration of the stop to prevent fleeing and having friends and family show up to escalate.

And after reading this article and seeing the photos I’m convinced that Willis is far closer to the criminal element than she is on the side of the law.

    henrybowman in reply to Peter Moss. | September 4, 2024 at 7:42 pm

    I tend to believe her, since the entire traffic stop was over her using her phone while driving. She was talking to mommy, then saw the flashers, then was all “awshit, momma, get here fast.”

    Milhouse in reply to Peter Moss. | September 5, 2024 at 12:36 am

    I call BS on the claim of telling mom she was pregnant. She called her to use her political influence to avoid the consequences of her actions.

    This makes no sense. She called her to avoid what consequences of what actions? She hadn’t done anything yet, and was not in any kind of trouble.

      diver64 in reply to Milhouse. | September 5, 2024 at 5:36 am

      She was driving without a license and knew it. She called her mom to get her down there and hopefully strong arm the cops but it was too late. I’m a little confused about the Wade angle, though. The judge ordered him off the Trump case, he left the case so what’s the big deal if Fanni and Wade are still seeing each other outside of court?

        Milhouse in reply to diver64. | September 5, 2024 at 7:29 am

        Strong arm what cops? When the call was made (regardless of who made it) she wasn’t in any kind of trouble at all. There were no cops after her, and if not for the call the cops would have had no interest in her whatsoever! So how could she have called to get her out of trouble?

        The big deal about the possibility that they might still be together is that they represented to the court that the relationship was over. If it turns out they were lying, that is a huge deal.

          diver64 in reply to Milhouse. | September 5, 2024 at 8:13 am

          Didn’t you read the darn story? They stopped her for driving while talking on a cellphone and found out she had a suspended license. Of course she was in trouble and no way would the police have let her drive off without a valid license. I’ll bet she certainly knew she had no license and was talking to her already or hung up with whoever she was talking to and speed dialed mom.

          Hodge in reply to Milhouse. | September 5, 2024 at 8:28 am

          You are presuming that the call that got her stopped is the only call. You are also presuming that it was her mother on that call.

          I can just as easily see her on the phone with a friend,

          “Golly gee, Veronica! A patrol officer is asking me to pull to the curb! Please call my mother and ask her to come promptly to assist me as I am so unused to speaking with authority!

          Your only evidence otherwise is her self-serving statement containing both an emotion-based plea for leniency and an appeal to authority.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | September 5, 2024 at 8:44 am

          Didn’t you read the story? They stopped her for talking on the phone. Therefore at the time the call was initiated (regardless of who called whom) they were not interested in her, not pursuing her, and thus she could not have called her mother in order to strong-arm the non-existent cops.

          In order for your theory to have any legs at all you have to fantasize a second call for which there is no evidence whatsoever.

          In any case, as the article makes very clear, she didn’t call her mother, her mother called her. Ms Chastain’s summary is contradicted by the article.

      Peter Moss in reply to Milhouse. | September 5, 2024 at 9:08 am

      If it makes no sense to you I take that as validation of the crux of my point.


        Milhouse in reply to Peter Moss. | September 5, 2024 at 9:33 am

        Huh? Please explain how she called her mother to get her out of trouble, when she was not in any trouble, and the only reason she got in trouble was because she was already on the phone!

          Peter Moss in reply to Milhouse. | September 5, 2024 at 10:02 am

          1) If you look in the rear view mirror and see flashing blue lights, you’re in trouble. The only variable is how much.
          2) Her mother is the DA, and she was using her entitlement card to influence the cop not to cite her or arrest her.

          It’s not that difficult to figure out, you know.

          Hodge in reply to Milhouse. | September 5, 2024 at 1:27 pm

          She knew she was in trouble because she was driving with a suspended license….duh

          Not just suspended but revoked. OF COURSE she knew this. And OF COURSE she called Mommy to come bully the cops, because PRIVILEGE. I lived in Atlanta for 14 years, I know exactly what this attitude looks like… you can see it all over the girl’s face in the video.

          CASE CLOSED.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | September 5, 2024 at 10:21 pm

          1) If you look in the rear view mirror and see flashing blue lights, you’re in trouble. The only variable is how much.

          What blue lights? What on earth are you talking about?

          The article says that the cops stopped her because she was talking on the phone. So at the time they first took an interest in her she was already on the phone. Therefore it is impossible that she initiated the call to tell her mother that she was in trouble. The call must have been about something else, unrelated to the stop that hadn’t happened yet. And it was the call that caused the stop.

          And this is consistent with the fact that (according to the article we’re all discussing) she didn’t call her mother, her mother called her.

          2) Her mother is the DA, and she was using her entitlement card to influence the cop not to cite her or arrest her.

          Again, at the time the call was made there was no cop.

          She knew she was in trouble because she was driving with a suspended license….duh

          But she wasn’t in any trouble until she made the call! Therefore the call can’t have been about the trouble she was in.

          OF COURSE she knew this.

          She would have known about the suspension, because of her previous stop. There’s no reason she would have known about the revocation.

          And OF COURSE she called Mommy to come bully the cops, because PRIVILEGE

          Again, how could she have called Mommy before she was in any trouble?! Especially considering that it was the call that got her in trouble?

          You’re all positing time travel, or a second call for which there’s no foundation whatsoever. And all for no other reason than that you want to say bad things about her. That is not right, it’s not ethical.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 4, 2024 at 6:08 pm

Fanny explained: “We’re not together. I was just walking down the street when I got a call from my daughter. Right then, I looked up and saw Mr. Wade driving his car on the road, stopping at the red light. I ran up to his car and said, “Excuse me, Mr. Wade … you might not remember me, but I’m your Fanny. We knocked boots a few times years and years ago. So long ago that I hardly recognized you. But, anyway, I need a ride to get my daughter out of a traffic arrest; could you be a gentleman – even though you and I really don’t know each other very well – and drive me to my daughter’s arrest? Please?

That’s all that happened. ANy of you trying to claim that I have some sort of relationship with this Mr. Wade gentleman are just racist election deniers … and I’m going to bring charges against all of you when I get back to the office.”

The case against Trump is a charade, but I see nothing wrong here. She showed up with a male friend to support the troubled daughter, and apparently she did not try to improperly influence the booking.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to E Howard Hunt. | September 4, 2024 at 6:26 pm

    You didn’t watch her testifying, or read any of her filings with the court, I have to assume …

      She can never see Wade again because she slept with him and gave dodgy answers on when the affair started? Everybody knows she’s a lying sack of shit, but she’s entitled to be a mother and bring her tool along. Grow up.

        ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to E Howard Hunt. | September 4, 2024 at 8:41 pm

        She can never see Wade again

        How many times have you shown up at your child’s arrest with an ex-lover? Happens all the time … just a couple of buddies …

        How many actual friends would you take to something like this – rather than telling him (or her) “Sorry, I have to go get my daughter. I’ll talk to you later.”??

        But you want someone to believe is this is just the two of them seeing each other (as friends, of course). LOL.

    henrybowman in reply to E Howard Hunt. | September 4, 2024 at 7:45 pm

    A male friend with benefits b

    I didn’t see much, either. At most, she showed up when her daughter called, talked to the cops and then drove her daughters car away which is pretty standard. I’m not sure what the fuss is.

I don’t see the scandal. It shows character if anything that they still support each other.

Showing up there says a lot of things about her and her ‘friend.’ They’re both living in an era that no longer exists. It used to be that a LOT of stuff could be swept under the rug so long as the sweeping took place before getting driven back to the station, particularly before booking. That was always the rule: ‘I can help you. But, I can’t help you once you’re booked.’ But, that all ended once the bodycam and dashcam recorders became ubiquitous. Even if these cops wanted to help Willis, they weren’t going to because they weren’t going to trade their jobs for it.

destroycommunism | September 4, 2024 at 8:41 pm

this btw is a common action by the culture

call in the cavalry when involved in car wrecks etc

and I have seen the results as the situation went from bad to worse and sometimes deaths having occurred but the troops exonerated by the courts in many cases

Kinaya told police she used her cellphone to call her mom with news about her pregnancy.

Um, no. That’s the exact opposite of what the cited article says. It says she claimed her mother called her “related to her pregnancy”, whatever that is supposed to mean. So she must already have known about it.

Also, it appears from the report that the license wasn’t just suspended. It was revoked back in May, because she had an earlier arrest for driving while it was suspended. No information on why it had originally been suspended. But that means that while she may not have known about the revocation, she definitely did know it was at least suspended, and yet she chose to drive anyway.

    diver64 in reply to Milhouse. | September 5, 2024 at 5:39 am

    Uh, no.

    “Kinaya told police she used her cellphone to call her mom with news about her pregnancy.”

      Milhouse in reply to diver64. | September 5, 2024 at 7:30 am

      No, that’s the exact opposite of what it says.

        diver64 in reply to Milhouse. | September 5, 2024 at 8:16 am

        Hey, numbnuts. That is a direct quote from the story. Kinya called her mom, her mom did not call her.
        Are you so insecure that you just can’t admit your wrong even when a direct quote from a story proves it? Oy….

So, what is this the opposite of?

“Kinaya told police she used her cellphone to call her mom with news about her pregnancy.”

    Milhouse in reply to Hodge. | September 5, 2024 at 10:24 pm

    It’s the opposite of what the article actually says. See my original comment that started this thread. I was the one who quoted that sentence, and pointed out that the linked article says the exact opposite.

    Tell me, whose words do you think those are? Are they from the article? No, they are not. They are Ms Chastain’s own words, and she got it wrong.