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Blumenthal Rips Biden-Harris Admin for ‘Stonewalling’ Trump Assassination Attempt Investigation

Blumenthal Rips Biden-Harris Admin for ‘Stonewalling’ Trump Assassination Attempt Investigation

Blumenthal threatened subpoenas if DHS doesn’t move faster providing the Senate with answers.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) once again ripped into the Biden-Harris administration regarding the investigation into the assassination attempts on former President Donald Trump.

I’m trying to find video. From Fox News:

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) within the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), said the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was “almost derelict in its duty by resisting our requests for documents, evidence and information that are necessary to investigate.”

The Democrat reiterated his disappointment in the department, and added that he has become “angry” that DHS has not been more “forthcoming.”

The Democrat foreshadowed potential subpoenas being used in the future, telling reporters on Monday, “We may need to require more cooperation from them. And we have the power to do so through the compulsory process. In other words, the subpoena power.”

The remarks come five days after Blumenthal attacked the administration after the Secret Service privately briefed senators on the task force investigating the security failures.

Blumenthal said at the time:

“I think the American people are going to be shocked, astonished and appalled by what we will report to them about the failures by the Secret Service in this assassination attempt on the former president,” Blumenthal told Fox News. “But I think they also ought to be appalled and astonished by the failure of the Department of Homeland Security to be more forthcoming, to be as candid and frank, as it should be to them in terms of providing information.”

I imagine what could have been another attempt on Trump’s life angered Blumenthal even more.

Blumenthal has been the most vocal of the Democrats from the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which he chairs, and the Homeland Security Committee, also investigating the attempt.

After the USSS briefing, Homeland Security Committee Chairman Gary Peters (D-MI) didn’t make any remarks like Blumenthal but promised the investigation and report would be 100% bipartisan.

Here is Blumenthal five days ago:


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They can’t be influencing the election, now can they? /sarc

Nothing will come of this; Blumenthal is just grabbing a few headlines while he can.

I do not trust Blumentahal. He may be saying this ttuday so that people agree with him and then change his story next week say everything is fine.
Then you will say that Blumewnthat is a frasud or something. Then people will say that you agreed with him last week.

The proper response is everything you see indicates there are problems. Do not reference Blumenthal.

The Grand Illusion continues. They had a chance to remove Mayorkas months ago via impeachment charges brought by the House. Schumer wouldn’t even bring it to trial. If Blumenthal was really outraged he would be going out and demanding an impeachment trial (even of the charges are not SS related.).

Can you spell empty rhetoric? i can.

destroycommunism | September 17, 2024 at 1:11 pm

the show continues

america continues to be used by these power mad freaks

It’s not hard to figure what happened. The SS has become a woke, chick salon and it’s career suicide for a male to spill the beans. No criticism of the protected darlings is allowed, so Trump gets absurd protection.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to E Howard Hunt. | September 17, 2024 at 3:31 pm

    I think that Dems are knee deep in assignation efforts. Musk commented on lack of such attempts, received a lot of flack for it, including FBI, and then removed his comment. There is no denying that Dems have been encouraging use of any and all means to stop Trump from being elected.

Using Android devices to comment is not a good idea, they have a nasty habit of changing stuff.

Your back starting to itch, Dick?

If Blumers is upset, then it has to be really bad. Make no mistake he is trying to get out in front of something so he can be the “voice of reason”. He doesn’t actually give a crap.