Video Flashback: Kamala Threatens To “Snatch” Patents From Companies: “I have the will to do it”

I’m so old I remember when clips of demented Joe Biden were dismissed by the media as “cheap fakes” – meaning clips so tightly framed as to present the video out of context. Of course, the Biden “cheap fakes” were not fakes at all, they were accurate, as was revealed at the Biden-Trump debate, leading to Democrat party leaders forcing Joe out of the race.Now we have Kamala, who is running away from her past campaign promises so fast she may be charged with speeding. But she has an extensive video history, and here is another example.In 2019, when running for president in the primaries, Kamala said at a campaign event:

“I will snatch their patent, so that we [the American government] will take over.Yes we can do that!The question is: ‘Do you have the will to do it’!?I have the will to do it.”

Is it a “cheap fake”? Nope, it’s real and the context is clear – she was threatening that pharmeceutical companies who received federal funding but do not follow federal pricing guidelines will have their patents taken by the government.

Bob Hoge at RedState provides the context:

During her ill-fated run for president, the now vice president said she could lower prices on drugs simply by having the government seize patents from pharmaceutical companies and “take over.” That’s not how a free-market economy is supposed to work, but the giddy Harris didn’t care:

“My plan, as a candidate for president, on these drug prices is as follows: We are going to set drug prices based on fair market,” Harris said during a campaign stop in Iowa on Friday. “So, essentially what we’re going to do – and you can visit the website if you will, and if not, get you some documents – but essentially what we’re going to do is set drug prices so that American consumers are charged a price for drugs that’s the average price that’s being charged around the globe.”

But she didn’t think she needed Congress or legislation to tackle the problem, she’d just march in herself and use the enormous power of the federal government (emphasis mine).

“And there’s a huge difference, insulin being an example,” Harris continued. “The other thing is this, if people don’t want to cooperate with that, I’m also going to do the next thing, which is this: A lot of drugs, prescription medication, was born out of the federal funding for the research and development of that drug. Your taxpayer dollars.”

“So, for any drug where they fail to play by our rules, and if that drug came about from federal funding for what’s called ‘R&D,’ research and development, I will snatch their patent so that we will take over,” Harris continued.

This 2019 tweet provided further context:

The Daily Wire had additional reactions in 2019 to her power grab promise:

Trump Campaign Rapid Response Director Andrew Clark wrote: “A) No, actually, you cannot do that. B) Also, the government does not (and should not!) manufacture drugs. C) This is terrifying.”Washington Examiner editor Jay Caruso wrote: “It’s funny how candidates complaining the need to stop Trump and his authoritarianism are promising to behave like authoritarians.”Lawyer and National Review contributor Dan McLaughlin wrote: “Democrats think the President heads the legislative branch.”Psychology professor Geoffrey Miller wrote: “TFW you realize a presidential candidate doesn’t understand anything about intellectual property, research funding, incentives, unintended consequences, game theory, or killing gooses that lay golden eggs.”

This all takes on more importance in light of Kamala’s plan to impose price controls on food.

We have seen this movie before what the result will be.

Inevitably more power is needed to enforce compliance with government price mandates, including in many socialist/communist nations nationalization of industry and confiscation of property.

Will she also “snatch” the grocery stores who do not obey her food price controls because they can’t stay in business?

Wait, don’t answer that.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, 2024 Presidential Election, Kamala Harris