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UK Descends into Chaos as “Rule of Law” Apparently Has Been Rescinded

UK Descends into Chaos as “Rule of Law” Apparently Has Been Rescinded

The consequences of negating the rule of law in the name of social justice is clear to see…thanks to “X”.

On Sunday, I summarized new reports about the anti-immigration protests and unrest that erupted after three young girls were murdered at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in northwest England last week.

However, I want to go back and focus on the victims of the Southport stabbing, as the response of the elite media and the United Kingdom’s political elite have made choices that seem to be upending the rule of law that all citizens and institutions within a country, state, or community are accountable to the same laws,

You know…like the one first established in England by the Magna Carta.

To begin with, I tried to locate an in-depth summary of the victims, Elsie Dot Stancombe, Bebe King, and nine-year-old Alice Dasilva Aguiar. It was a challenge, as their names have been lost in an avalanche of reports attacking the far right”.

The heartbreak for the loss of little girls, who should have been safe in a children’s dance class, is palpable.

Jean Stevenson said Elsie Dot Stancombe was “absolutely the sweetest child you could ever wish to meet”.

Ms Stevenson said she had been teaching Elsie to sew, and remembered her delight at being able to make her own top.

“I thought I could go on giving her lessons and passing my skills on,” Ms Stevenson said as she laid flowers close to where Elsie was killed.

…Ms Stevenson was one of the thousands of people who have laid flowers or attended vigils since the attack.

She said: “It’s true what they say about the Southport community: a very close knit community, a very family-orientated area.

“Stuff like this just doesn’t happen here.”

It does now, thanks to poor political choices based on racialist policies and social justice.

I am trying to imagine being a parent, family friend, or community member where an attack like this would occur…and it is too painful.

But what did the press choose to do at that point? Humanize the attacker.

The teenager accused of murdering three young girls at a Taylor Swift-themed dance event once starred as Doctor Who in a BBC Children in Need advert, it can be revealed.

Footage unearthed by MailOnline shows Axel Rudakubana, then aged 11, emerging from the Tardis in David Tennant’s trademark trenchcoat and tie – before urging the nation to help children by getting involved in fundraising.

Meanwhile, during the anti-immigration protests, the Muslim migrants brought machetes to people demonstrating because of their anger over the murder of the little girls.

So what does the uber-woke new Labor Party Prime Minister do in response? Rescind the rule of law, and make the Muslims a protected class.

Practitioners of Islam don’t drink alcohol, which may help explain why pubs were targeted in the next phase of violence.

And the mobs are also smashing up cars. Next, they will likely burn them…as they have done in Paris.

If a country decides it’s not going to apply the rule of law to protect one group of citizens, those citizens will begin to take matters into their own hands.

I will say this about the new prime minister. He is an over-achiever.

Sir Keir Starmer has come under fire for ‘dithering and delaying’ over his response to the riots and for failing to recall MPs to Parliament.

The Prime Minister finally held an emergency COBRA meeting with Cabinet ministers, police bosses and prison chiefs on Monday to discuss a strategy for tackling the unrest.

But senior Tories questioned why he had not done so until six days after violence first broke out in Southport following the mass stabbing of children at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class.

Robert Jenrick, a frontrunner in the Tory leadership contest, told the Mail: ‘Sir Keir has dithered and delayed for six days of growing lawlessness before convening COBRA and treating this security emergency with the seriousness it needed.

I suspect the situation will get worse before it improves. But there is some good news: It’s bringing the Irish people together.

In an unlikely alliance on the streets of Belfast, crowds of people carrying Union flags and tricolours stood side by side with anti-immigrant protesters from Dublin.

The “astonishing” scenes unfolded at the gates of City Hall on Saturday as the usually opposing sides came together in their opposition to an anti-racism rally.

The anti-immigration protesters were separated from the anti-racism rally participants by police. Some chanted “Islam out”, with clashes later breaking out in parts of Belfast.

But at numerous occasions during the anti-Islamic protest, Union flags were unfurled beside individuals carrying tricolours and the four provinces flags.

Woke politicians and their press minions can push narratives, but the consequences of negating the rule of law in the name of social justice are clear to see thanks to “X” and brave citizens reporting from the UK.


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Brits are going to have to learn the art of violence while being invisible.

You cannot condone riots. Commenters on this blog overwhelmingly were against the Floyd riots in 2020 for good reason. Those reasons can’t be forgotten now. Innocent people are losing their communities and livelihoods to blind rage. That cannot continue or stand. It is shameful to pretend otherwise.


Starmer, utter hypocrite that he is, has utterly failed his people. When choosing between his constituents and Islam, he chose Islam and threatened to throw protestors in jail. While counter-protestors take over the streets with weapons in hand, and the police tell these bastards that they’re “with them,” it makes the 2020 riots look quaint in comparison.

Starmer took a knee for a career criminal drug addict from AMERICA and urged his people to see the bigger picture. But when protestors take to the streets wanting a tougher approach to crime after the murder of 3 children? It doesn’t matter, he says.

Black lives matter to Keir Starmer. Brown lives matter most. White lives matter not at all.

    mailman in reply to SeymourButz. | August 6, 2024 at 1:59 pm

    I’ll start giving a fuck about locals kicking off when Starma and his cunts start giving a fuck about Muslims kicking off.

    Until that happens fucking have at it.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to SeymourButz. | August 6, 2024 at 2:28 pm

    IT is the reason behind the violence that determines if it is just, or not.

    Our revolution was just. The BLM/Antifa insurrection attempts were treasonous. WWII was just.

    Violence is just a tool. It is the reason for using it that makes it just, or not.

      The reasons claimed for BLM were lies. For example, in Chicago so far, young black males are like 100 times more likely to be shot by another young black male than a cop. It’s been that way for years, but the press made it seem like cops were shooting blacks at the drop of a pin.

      Islam most certainly is a just reason. It shouldn’t be this way, but that is reality.

    geronl in reply to SeymourButz. | August 6, 2024 at 3:33 pm

    I oppose all the Muslim rioters in the UK right now

    Azathoth in reply to SeymourButz. | August 6, 2024 at 4:32 pm

    These are not riots.

    They are reclamation.

    One sided rules.

    1. They can riot, burn, loot, and attack all they want. No consequences.
    2. You have to shut up and take it.

UnCivilServant | August 6, 2024 at 1:53 pm

I want to see this ending with Starmer fleeing the country like the Bangledeshi PM.

opposition to an anti-racism rally
“Anti-racism”? Oh, that’s rich. Pull the other one, guv’nu’, it’s got bells on.

More like anti-Irish rally.
We need more Irishmen like the ones in Inisfree. (The location in the movie The Quiet Man.)

Why did government and media tell Muslims that the EDL (which does not exist) was hunting them? Were they trying to provoke even more Muslim violence? Because it worked.

“…when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them [the people] under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”</em

nordic prince | August 6, 2024 at 2:14 pm

Diversity is not “strength,” it is suicide.

Just ask Sweden, and now Great Britain.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 6, 2024 at 2:24 pm

All of these INSANE invasions of the West, orchestrated by the most treasonous, vile, despicable leftists (and their toadie globalists) are going to force all of our societies to a violent decision point. It is amazing that this sort of an insane, suicidal idea was ever entertained by government officials, but it will force society to pick a future and then fight for it … or for the West to just end up a heaping pile of smoking ash.

And these vile pieces OS have chosen to carry out this societal suicide right before the most important time in Man’s history – right before we move out into space and start establishing real colonies outside of the Earth. Just unreal …

At some point, there are going to be many, many, many heads on pikes … either ours or theirs. Either way, there will be heads on pikes.

    Because, for some number of them, the utopia of a globalist world, with everyone united under one banner, is achievable only by destroying the “tribalism” that stands in the way. They’re perfectly confident they can withstand the violence that will rise for a time, but their brains and wisdom will then lead us into the promised land.

    It’s the same sort of manic idea that led to “kool-aid” being an euphemism for poison.

      Hodge in reply to GWB. | August 6, 2024 at 3:46 pm

      This universalist “no-borders” idea has its origins in the confluence of two philosophical ideas in the aftermath of World War I:

      First is the belief that nationalism caused World War I- the grievances were actually rather petty and -if not for national pride- could have been easily resolved. Were Europe one big federalized nation like the United States there would have been no war, according to the intellectuals.*

      The second is the idea of Communism as an international movement where borders were (are?) meaningless and all religions and cultures are subsumed by the benevolent central government.

      Free trade and free movement along with the rich states subsidizing the poor states would stop any reasons for war.

      Indeed Germany was quite pleased to have uneducated masses move in whom they could use as low-cost labor.

      However, it never occurred to the intellectuals that the poor would flood in to receive the benefits of the rich states but would not assimilate into the local culture. . Indeed, in their wish to believe that all cultural values are fungible they did not care about assimilation. They never, in their ivory towers, imagined that in less developed cultures, rape, robbery, murder, and corrupt practices are less unacceptable than in “Western Civilization”.

      To put it in simple terms if you lets the street dogs into the house, you shouldn’t be surprised that you have to fight all the time to keep them from stealing the food off the table, and that they -shall we say- soil the corners and the carpets, and spread fleas. Now, given enough time, it is possible but not promised that you may civilize the fourth or fifth generation of pups…if you survive that long.

        GWB in reply to Hodge. | August 6, 2024 at 4:03 pm

        but would not assimilate into the local culture
        As I wrote elsewhere, because Progressives believe all cultures are ultimately cosplay by the locals, since that’s how they treat the Christianity that built Western Civilization.

        You nailed it.

    Full_American_Immigrant in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | August 6, 2024 at 3:29 pm

    “Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About the English Riots (Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About the English Riots”

    The truth: the elite of the world, e.g., members of the most powerful clubs, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, and others, intending to bring about their world government, have unleashed Islam for the virus it is in order to destabilize the West, paving the world for their NWO to “restore peace.”

stevewhitemd | August 6, 2024 at 2:30 pm

The good professor at Instapundit reminds us, “the police are not there to protect the people from the criminals. The police are there to protect criminals from the people.”

You’re seeing that in action here. The law, prosecutors, courts, etc., would all — eventually — get around to trying Mr. Rudakubana for murder. In a more normal time the people would wait for justice. And perhaps the courts would deliver.

But the times aren’t normal, and ordinary people in Britain have seen that the police, and the courts, and the politicians are protecting criminals. So now they’re thiiiiiiiis close to taking the law into their own hands. That’s what Mr. Starmer fears most. None of us want riots, but you cannot allow the murderers of children to escape justice, and that’s just what the ordinary people in Britain think is about to happen.

The leftist like to chant, “no justice, no peace”. Somehow they’re forgotten just how universal that is.

In a curious piece of news, BBC is reporting that Stephen Parkinson – the Director of Public Prosecution in the UK – is looking to extradite ‘extreme right-wing social media influencers.’ The example they give is Tommy Robinson, who is apparently in Cyprus at the moment. No word if they would look to indict foreign national abroad and have them extradited. But, I wouldn’t put that past the current UK administration.

The UK is already lost, IMO. There are simply too many self-loathing white who believe what’s happening to them is deserved for the centuries of colonialism.

    GWB in reply to TargaGTS. | August 6, 2024 at 4:05 pm

    Oh, please, please, please start indicting foreigners for their social media posts! I will get a Twitter account just to wave my bare fanny at them, a la Braveheart.

I bet a bunch of folks over there in England or sorry they gave up their guns now

    henrybowman in reply to Ironclaw. | August 6, 2024 at 5:18 pm

    Farkem. Hundreds of private individuals “sent guns to protect British homes” back in WWII. Britons used those guns to protect their island, then when the war was over, instead of keeping them or returning them to their donors, they dumped them into the North Sea. If they need guns now, let ’em call Lloyd Bridges.

Interesting times ahead for the UK. For better or worse the UK will definitely be a much different place when they come through on the other side of these events.

Prayer bullying.

Hordes of Muslim men blocking vehicular traffic while praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Or draping a Palestinian flag on the Whitehall Cenotaph and then rudely kneeling and praying to the FSM. Erecting a temporary mosque on the Plinth of the Whitehall Cenotaph (photos of that outrage).

John McGuirk @john_mcguirk

Diversity = Divide & Conquer.

Shouldn’t there be some discussion here about the fact that the rioters’ actions aren’t really related to the accused murderer?

They targeted buildings that housed recent illegal immigrants from Muslim countries, but the apparent killer reportedly doesn’t fit that description. He was born in Britain; his family came 17 years ago; they’re probably not Muslim, as his family is from Rwanda; and – who knows? – they may well have entered Britain legally. People used to do that.

Sadly, he became a knife-carrying guy obsessed with the genocide in Rwanda, and expelled from school, at least based on what a former classmate posted on the internet.

So not only does Britain have riots, it has stupid rioters who attack targets based on fake rumors about the killer’s identity.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the rumors turned out to be an intentional deception operation aimed at provoking riots.

    GWB in reply to Norris. | August 6, 2024 at 4:10 pm

    The issue is that almost all of the scandals related to little British girls (of all sorts of ethnicities) getting r*ped or murdered and there being no justice forthcoming have been muslim-related.

    Then the Brits withheld the evidence of who this suspect was. And, naturally, the British ‘chavs’ assumed it was the same ol’, same ol’.

    It’s not so much they’re dumb, as they finally tossed about a bit over the one that was different.

Richard Aubrey | August 6, 2024 at 5:04 pm

On the issue of stabbing little kids, “muslim” is the way to bet. It was a muslim who went on a stabbing spree in a French playground a couple of years ago while the local French men beat feet most expeditiously.
And a muslim who stabbed some kids in front of a kids’ school in Dublin.
But this is the straw, the lit fuse, for decades of offenses large and small allowed by the government. See Rotherham. It’s mass immigrataion without assimilation which is the issue.

You know…like the one first established in England by the Magna Carta.

There were/are 4 different Magna Cartas. The first was granted by God, but it was overturned by the Pope. The next 3, including the current, have only the assurity of a statue.

destroycommunism | August 6, 2024 at 5:45 pm

good article

of course the lefty msm is going to make it look like wht people are just doing racist things

the governments are working hard even here in the usa with bipartisan support to curb freedom of speech

with the usual mo being gop acting like they are protecting children

and lefty acting like they are against hate speech>>>FREE SPEECH is what it is

its getting more intense and

we the people are losing out

but nottt b/c of right wingers

but 10000% b/c of lefty agenda

destroycommunism | August 6, 2024 at 6:11 pm

the perp was outed and lefty didnt like that

but thats what needs to be done to criminals

look how in the usa they protect the names of the criminals who are under 18yo

when you know those criminals are coming back out in no time


Subotai Bahadur | August 6, 2024 at 6:30 pm

It can be argued that in almost all of the nations that make up what we referred to as Western civilization, the concept of equal justice under the law, and said law being made with the consent of the governed, is pretty much gone. That period of Western civilization noted only lasted a few centuries. The norm for the rest of the tens of thousands of years of what has passed for human civilization worldwide has been highly kinetic and untidy. We seem to be preparing for a return to the norm.

Subotai Bahadur

“Racialist””? Really??

Straight up RACIST!!

The goose-stepping Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists in Europe and in the U.S. are looking for any excuse to flex their muscle and vent their supremacist, totalitarian and hateful fury against non-Muslims.

The notion that Muslims comprise an allegedly victimized and/or oppressed class in these places, is offensive and farcical propaganda.

Britain, it’s well past time to “take out the trash”.

destroycommunism | August 7, 2024 at 10:43 am

its a khan job