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The Red-Green Alliance Is Bringing Mayhem To The DNC and Campuses

The Red-Green Alliance Is Bringing Mayhem To The DNC and Campuses

Our Op-Ed in The NY Post: “Driving Zionists out of the Democratic Party goes hand in hand with driving Zionists off campus and creating Jew-free zones. Many of the groups behind the March on the DNC are leaders in the campus anti-Zionist purge.”

You’ve heard me talk a lot about the Red-Green Alliance, how Marxist/Anarchists (Red) join forces with Islamists (Green) to target Israel and the United States:

So when they have an anti-colonial ideology on campuses, when they talk about white supremacy, when they talk about, you know, indigenous rights, things like that, they use Israel as their mutual object of hate.

So the way I would describe it is that it’s not so much that they hate Israel, which they do. It’s not so much that they hate Jews, which many of them do. It is that Israel is a very useful organizing mechanism for the people who hate western society, western civilization, hate the United States and hate capitalism.

Israel is something around which groups who have absolutely nothing in common can come together in hate. And that would be what’s frequently referred to as the Red-Green Alliance. So the Marxists and the anarchists and the Islamists, who in many ways are the exact opposite ideologically all come together to hate the Jews and hate Israel.

And so that has developed over 30 years. So it didn’t start on October 7th, but it bubbled up on October 7th….

Kemberlee and I wrote an Op-ed in The New York Post tonight, for tomorrow’s print paper, on the Red-Green Alliance, and how it is being weaponized for the Democratic National Convention, and is a preview of what is to come this fall on campuses.

Read the whole thing, the Red-Green Alliance will wreak anti-Jewish havoc — first at the Dem convention then on campuses:

It looks like the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next week will be hit with aggressive and violent protests by groups that hate Israel and hate America.

It’s an unholy alliance of the far left and anarchists, on the one hand, and Islamists and pro-Hamas terror supporters, on the other.

It’s frequently called the Red-Green Alliance, where Marxist and Islamist groups that have nothing in common ideologically unite on their shared opposition to Western civilization and capitalism, targeting Jews and Israel as proxies for all they hate, with ignorant “useful idiots” joining in.

At our website, Legal Insurrection, we have been tracking this Red-Green Alliance for over a decade.

Groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, American Muslims for Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace (which is not Jewish or for peace), among many others, have joined forces with and manipulated “social justice” movements and diversity, equity and inclusion efforts to turn campuses into Jew-free zones, as a judge just found happened at UCLA.

We saw this Red-Green Alliance during the anti-Israel riots at Columbia University, where pro-Hamas groups linked arms with Black Lives Matter.

Democrats threw fuel on this Red-Green fire by allowing anti-Israel groups to bully the party out of nominating Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro for vice president.

Shapiro would’ve been the ideal Democrat nominee, a hugely popular liberal governor of a crucial swing state.

But he was perceived as too pro-Israel for the party activists.

There was also a distinctly antisemitic aspect of the opposition to Shapiro, who is Jewish.

As Democratic activist and commentator Van Jones noted: “You also have antisemitism that has gotten marbled into this party. . . . How much of what just happened is caving in to some of these darker parts in the party?”

The extremist Democratic Socialists of America and anti-Israel Islamist groups banded together to warn Kamala Harris there’d be hell to pay if she nominated Shapiro.

Throwing Shapiro to the Red-Green wolves was like putting blood in shark-infested waters, increasing the likelihood of violence at the DNC and on campuses.

Appeasing the mob, as the Democrats and campus administrations have done, never works.

Red-Green Alliance groups have already received the go-ahead for a “March on the DNC” that will be replicated on campuses.

Expect dangerous traffic blockades, street intimidation and harassment of pro-Israel and pro-America delegates and passersby.

These marches may end up resembling the George Floyd riots and looting.

Driving Zionists out of the Democratic Party goes hand in hand with driving Zionists off campus and creating Jew-free zones.

Many of the groups behind the March on the DNC — the national SJP, Palestinian Youth Movement and US Campaign for Palestinian Rights — are leaders in the campus anti-Zionist purge.

For example, SJP chapters have been instructed to reserve space on the anniversary of Oct. 7 for “resistance events” mocking and taunting Jewish students over the massacre.

The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, is bracing for protests by an unofficial SJP chapter that considers itself a “voice for Hamas.”

It advocates “armed rebellion” using “any means necessary.”

Columbia University is preparing for antisemitic protests and has begun locking down the campus as students trickle in for the new semester, limiting campus access to those with proper campus identification.

The situation is so bad at Harvard that the administration is considering banning messages written in chalk, a laughably unserious measure.

Surely protestors hell-bent on the destruction of a nation and its people will not be swayed once their chalk-writing privileges are revoked.

Meanwhile, the Young Democratic Socialists of America are encouraging students at more than 100 colleges and universities to participate in a “Student Strike for Palestine” protest to kick off the coming academic year to pressure their respective institutions to divest from Israel.

The point is to create an atmosphere of intimidation.

Who is going to stand up to these groups and the backers funding them?

Who is going to tell them to stop?

We know the Democrats and college administrators won’t.

The streets around the DNC will be filled with rage and hate, as will the campuses this fall.

Unless we start seeing real backbone from political and academic leaders, more Jew-free zones such as happened at UCLA will be coming to campuses across the country.

(Added) Here’s how it appeared in the print edition:


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If you argue who’s most oppressed, the argument can’t be won by either side. The best a side can hope for is persisting.

Argue morality instead. Who’s been behaving morally (opening trade etc.) and who’s been behaving barbarically (blowing up or shooting down every such attempt).

George_Kaplan | August 15, 2024 at 9:06 pm

This could actually be a good thing. If Kamala and Walz fail to control their crazies then voters may rethink their support, and Operation Demoralise suggests the duo are set to stroll into the White House. If reality starts mugging people …

Oh boy, oh boy, OH BOY!

I bought my popcorn today.

This is gonna be interesting!

You know, as sad as it is I’m almost in favor of this just because I know it’s all going to happen in blue cities where most people support the communists. And the more of them they get to experience this crap first hand the more of them might just have their eyes open by that experience.

    henrybowman in reply to Ironclaw. | August 16, 2024 at 12:55 pm

    Yes, there’s some schadenfreude to that.
    But it’s the next move that’s troubling — that being that you KNOW they will demand precisely the wrong solutions to their problems, solutions that simply make the problem worse. And as long as they retain hope that more government intervention will save their keisters, they’ll never learn anything until they hit rock bottom.

destroycommunism | August 15, 2024 at 11:17 pm

the replacement agenda


Lefty knows the great wave from the blmplo armies of the middle east are a comn

the lefty sends them to specific areas so they will have control over the city councils and then the big cities

they share the same resentment towards the west as the american born blm does

the alliance is unholy (blmplo)

the coming conflict will be the opposite

We will not see the violence, as the revolution will not be televised.
I think most people misunderstood Gil.

    destroycommunism in reply to scooterjay. | August 16, 2024 at 11:46 am

    not true

    its all seen


    b/c the acknowledgement would then have to force a reaction into stopping that revolution

    so they let the buildings burn
    the people murdered
    the babies gone
    etc etc

    I suspect there’s something to that. Nevertheless, when or if it comes to pass the MSM will have to cover it early to prevent outlets like X and others from grabbing the initiative with the public. Rest assured, the MSM has already worked tirelessly to prepare its coverage, gloss over the events in whatever form it/they take, wherever and whenever they occur, and distance the Democrats from them.

I heard someone say tens of thousands of Antifa are converging on Chicago. This could be fun… for us.

Echos of 1968:

“The whole world is watching!”

I’m sure that many businesses have decided that next week is a great time to take some vacation far away from what is doubtless going to be mayhem.

Hopefully they’ll still have businesses to return to.

Very likely the d/prog convention in Chicago gonna be lit.

“Student Strike for Palestine” is pretty funny. They are going to pay $20,000 tuition to not go to classes? lol

The proper response by the universities to this nonsense should be immediate zero’s for the classes and suspension which includes barring the people from campus. They are not resorts or hotels so either go to class or go elsewhere. Any protest outside of the standard speech stuff equals immediate trespass charges and removal from the grounds plus expulsion. Done.

    diver64 in reply to diver64. | August 16, 2024 at 7:04 am

    I will add one thing. Every foreign student that engages in illegal acts should be immediately expelled, have their student visa cancelled and be sent home with permanent revocation of the right to come to the US again.

      During the original Iran/Iraq war (I feel old), the student groups for each country got into screaming fights in the student union so their booths were moved to different floors. After a few months, they had their booths moved together so they could talk to each other. The hopeless nuts had gone home to fight, and the practical ones who did not want to see their student visas canceled were more than happy to remain peaceful and hand out fliers.

      PostLiberal in reply to diver64. | August 17, 2024 at 3:25 pm

      Money is why that will not happen. For the most part, the foreign students are cash cows that pay full tuition. Moreover, expelling a foreign student would mean that foreign students would in the future be less likely to enroll- a financial disaster for the university.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to diver64. | August 16, 2024 at 12:18 pm

    “They are going to pay $20,000 tuition to not go to classes?”

    No. Their parents will.


    Their parents aren’t.

The Gentle Grizzly | August 16, 2024 at 8:01 am

I recall the ads the GOP ran after the 1968 Chicago convention riots. It showed various scenes of burning, screaming rioters and the like interspersed with pictures of Hubert Humphrey grinning and waving as though on the campaign trail.

Imagine the post-convention ones for this year if the GOP has the guts: rioting, burning, looting, overturned cars, interspersed with images of Mzz Harris cackling.

E Howard Hunt | August 16, 2024 at 8:11 am

People today will believe what they are told; not what they see. Ask anyone under 45, during a long
-distance phone call how his weather is. He won’t look out the window, but at the weather app.

Riots at DNC convention together with failure to pick Shapiro as running mate should send a message to Jewish voters in key swing state of PA with 19 elecotral votes, abandon the Democrat party and vote Trump;. Harris can condemn the rioters (she won’t) and lose the far left vote or be silent and lose Jewish voters. The honeymoon may be over.

Jewish voters are heavily concentrated in solid blue states. Zionists don’t control the margin of victory in any swing state. Muslims do.

    CommoChief in reply to The_Mew_Cat. | August 16, 2024 at 5:27 pm

    With the possible exception of PA where the Jewish population is roughly 3x that of the Muslim population. Of course that would require them to vote for the GoP nominee and GoP candidates down ballot and stop voting for the d/prog so ….

Steven Brizel | August 16, 2024 at 2:37 pm

This could be a complete and updated rerun of Chicago 1968