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The crafting of the new Kamala narrative

The crafting of the new Kamala narrative

Even more striking to my mind is Obama’s use of metaphors involving narrative, of both movies and books. A sequel. A new chapter. A new story.

At the DNC they’re trying to perform an amazing sleight of hand that’s aimed at getting people to believe that two plus two equals five. Virtually every sentient being in the U.S. is aware that Kamala Harris has been the vice president of the United States for the last three and a half years—that is, for the duration of the entire Biden administration so far —and so it takes some doing to divorce her from responsibility for those years. But the Democrats know it’s necessary that they perform this piece of revisionist history.

Enter the master Democrat magician: Barack Obama. He said many things Tuesday night at the Democratic National Convention. Among them was this:

“We do not need four more years of bluster and bumbling and chaos. We have seen that movie before, and we all know that the sequel is usually worse,” [Obama] said. “America is ready for a new chapter. America is ready for a better story. We are ready for a President Kamala Harris.

When Obama refers to years of “bluster and bumbling and chaos,” we on the right might immediately perceive that as an excellent description of the Biden administration’s record, particularly on the economy and the Afghanistan withdrawal. But the right is not Obama’s target audience. He isn’t trying to conjure up that image except as a description of the Trump years for his base, although he’s probably also trying to appeal to those independent voters who see Trump as a problem and have bought much of the MSM/Democrat description of him.

Even more striking to my mind is Obama’s use of metaphors involving narrative, of both movies and books. A sequel. A new chapter. A new story. It’s a reliance on what author Milan Kundera called “imagology” in his book Immortality [emphasis mine]:

For example, communists used to believe that in the course of capitalist development the proletariat would gradually grow poorer and poorer, but when it finally became clear that all over Europe workers were driving to work in their own cars, [the communists] felt like shouting that reality was deceiving them. Reality was stronger than ideology. And it is in this sense that imagology surpassed it: imagology is stronger than reality, which has anyway long ceased to be what it was for my grandmother, who lived in a Moravian village and still knew everything through her own experience: how bread is baked, how a house is built, how a pig is slaughtered and the meat smoked, what quilts are made of, what the priest and the schoolteacher think about the world; she met the whole village every day and knew how many murders were committed in the country over the last ten years; she had, so to speak, personal control over reality, and nobody could fool her by maintaining that Moravian agriculture was thriving when people at home had nothing to eat. My Paris neighbor spends his time an an office, where he sits for eight hours facing an office colleague, then he sits in his car and drives home, turns on the TV, and when the announcer informs him that in the latest public opinion poll the majority of Frenchmen voted their country the safest in Europe (I recently read such a report), he is overjoyed and opens a bottle of champagne without ever learning that three thefts and two murders were committed on his street that very day.

The Democrats are banking on the fact that, for the majority of Americans, imagology will remain stronger than reality as they vote in 2024. But the actual story of the moment is not a “story” at all, it’s the reality of what so many Americans are experiencing: inflation, wars, crime, homelessness, unchecked illegal immigration, mental illness, addiction. And another reality is that Democrats have been in power for nearly four years, and the number two person who’s been in power during that time has been none other than Kamala Harris.

To pretend otherwise is definitely to create a story—a fiction. But the Democrats are counting on voters wanting that story to be true, desiring so very much for the story to be true that they believe it rather than their own lying eyes.

This emphasis on stories and narratives—and empty vague rhetoric—was one of the first things I ever noticed about Obama. And whenever things got rough during his presidency, pundits and politicians who supported him would talk about how the Democrats just hadn’t gotten their narrative out to the public properly. All failures were treated as failures to communicate rather than actual failures in the real world.

In the current Democrat approach to Kamala Harris’ candidacy and record, there seems to be no effort to talk to the whole country. The goal is to super-energize the Democrats’ base and pull in a certain percentage of the middle (we’ll leave aside for now the question of whether fraud will be involved as well). The idea is not just to regard the Trump years as a strange yet temporary halt to the progress the Democrats have made; it is also to forget the reality (as opposed to the revisionist narrative) of the Biden years, even though Kamala Harris is practically an incumbent who is deeply connected to the Biden administration.

It’s almost a form of hypnosis, a willed amnesia. Reading about Obama’s speech reminds me how he managed to make so many people believe that his sonorous voice and the slogans of hope and change would lead to something wonderful, a quasi-spiritual awakening and finally—finally!—the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

And now they’re singing that old song, eight years later, in order to elect a person incredibly ill-suited to convey the magic, a magic I never could perceive with Obama but which I know affected many people so deeply that they must be nostalgic for it.

Or maybe, reading between the lines, most Democrat listeners understand that if Kamala Harris wins she would only be the figurehead, much like royalty in Britain, and that the real power will remain in the Obamas and others behind the scenes. And if so, it seems that would be perfectly fine with the vast majority of Democrats.


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They’re doing EXACTLY what I predicted as early as last year.

Namely, have Biden ‘win’ the primary unopposed because nobody would risk their career challenging him, then remove him at the last second and substitute The Party’s chosen candidate, and keep them in the basement with their mouth shut through the election while their propaganda mouthpieces spoke for them and lied about them being a ‘moderate’ and then they cheated their way to victory.

I’m a little surprised it was Kamala, I thought it would be Whitmer, for exactly the reasons now – that Kamala has too much baggage for them to believably claim she’s a ‘moderate’, and that they can’t claim she’s going to ‘fix’ things that have happened under her and Biden.

But they’re going full speed ahead with the cheat.

Pennsylvania is already publicly saying that they ‘might not know’ the results of their election on election day.

The parallels with Obama are certainly there. They both need their comeuppance for pretending to be pro-American.

With Obama, the people that love him most know the least about him. No wonder they fall for anything, until they are deranged.

Seeing a repeating commercial with Barky pushing Harris, guess he has his hand on the puppet strings.

Between polls saying Harris is lots of points ahead, a Democrat/ Marxists Propaganda Ministry pushing Harris we will see if that’s enough to cover the vote plausibility enough.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 25, 2024 at 3:55 pm

Enter the master Democrat magician: Barack Obama.

I really hope you are being facetious, Neo. Barky is an inept incompetent. He is completely unskilled and untalented – dizzingly so. I find it amazing that so many people – even conservatives – seem to have given in to the fantasy that Barky was ever good at anything. He had the Medusa touch in politics – pretty much everyone he endorsed went down in flames. Sure, not all of them … but the vast majority.

Barky was unable to do anything. Lucky for him, his only goal was destruction, and even a 5 year old can destroy a nuclear aircraft carrier (if someone is stupid enough to give the 5 year old control of the ship).

Even more striking to my mind is Obama’s use of metaphors involving narrative, of both movies and books. A sequel. A new chapter. A new story.

Barky doesn’;t even know what the word “metaphor” means. He was only using what he had from his limited vocabulary and lack of sophistication of any sort. It was only lucky that he didn’t venture into any arithmetic … where Barky has shown he operates on the level of a slow 8th grader.

Barky is a moron with an IQ hovering in the mid-80s, at best. On his luckiest day he could not have scored north of 920 on his SATs (which is why we have never seen them). He’s an inept, untalented moron.

And his DNC speech sucked donkey parts.

    Have to differ. He has been spectacularly successful in bringing America to the brink of unravelling by turning American exceptionalism into something wrong, pitting people against each other, and abusing the levers of power. Also in monetizing his fake persona.

    Of course, having never really worked for a living, he ‘s incompetent in most everything else, and his judgment sucks big time.

    Trump’s success will be the utter repudiation of Obama. Harris will be more blunt in fulfilling Obama’s wishes.

I can’t help it. Every time I see Obama’s face on my monitor, I feel like trashing it.

Obama in 2008 held rallies soaked in estrogen clouds, which perhaps they want to continue. Guys mostly saw Obama as a POS.

“Or maybe, reading between the lines, most Democrat listeners understand that if Kamala Harris wins she would only be the figurehead…”

More true than we might like to admit. I’ve listened to political prognostications in my line of work as to expectations of what a Trump or Harris administration might be like for our issues and those prognostications are based upon what we know about the anticipated appointees, not so much about the candidates themselves.

Which is depressing because it lends credence to the argument that we are more serfs than citizens no matter who wins.

Obama 2008 had a great video “American Prayer” of actual musical value

It gets its main strength by having only the chorus in the tonic key; the rest of the song is on a fifth. That makes it float.

This is right on.

It’s obvious to anyone with an average or better IQ that what the Democrats recently held was not a political convention — it was a revival meeting. It was 100% Hollywood and 0% Washington. They are not promoting a new president, they are promoting a new celebrity queen.

“Vote for me — I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people LIKE me!”

“Virtually every sentient being in the U.S. is aware that Kamala Harris has been the vice president of the United States for the last three and a half years—that is, for the duration of the entire Biden administration so far —and so it takes some doing to divorce her from responsibility for those years.”

Bee: ‘I Will Fix Things If You Vote Me Into Office,’ Says Woman Currently In Office

Aliens was better than Alien. Empire Strikes Back is better than Star Wars. Sequels aren’t always worse.

It’s an old fact, e.g. Harold Bloom )Ruin the Sacred Truths_ p.10

“When there was as yet no shrub of the field upon earth, and as yet no grasses of the field had sprouted, because Yahweh had not sent rain upon the earth, and there was no man to till the soil, but a flow welled up from the groun d and watered the whole surface of the earth, then Yahweh molded Adam from the earth’s dust (adamah), and blew into the nostrils the breath of life, and Adam became a living being.”

Harold Bloom comments: “To shape by molding, to make a fiction, is to fashion Adam out of the adamah, out of the red clay. Adam is not faked; he is fictitious and not factitious. Yet J’s uncanny trope of this fashioning has becom e another facticity for us. True reading would recover the trope, and yet can any of us avoid literalizing it?”

The audience is choosing the narrative it wants to live in, as an entertainment choice. Nobody watching Gutfeld or The Five on Fox is in the slightest deceived. What you’re looking at is soap opera women. Image is stronger than reality is the basis of soap opera. They enjoy the image. It’s an escape from an unentertaining reality.

Vile, cancerous and insufferable narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, is one to talk about “bumbling,” given that his and Biden’s respective Administrations rank as the most incompetent, destructive (in terms of both domestic and foreign policy), profligate and impoverishing, in American history.

I also recall Obama accusing President Trump of allegedly not taking the presidency seriously — this ridiculous slander coming from the malignant narcissist who was (and, still is) obsessed with hanging out with Hollywood actors, producers, rappers, pro athletes and other inane “celebrities;” who acted like a juvenile imbecile at Mandela’s funeral, displaying an appalling an infantile lack of tact and decorum, by taking “selfies” of himself; the dope who mugged for the camera with some YouTube personality; the idiot who joined Jerry Seinfeld for an episode of his show that was ostensibly about comedians in cars getting coffee; the moron who thought he had done such a great job as President, he “dropped the mic” at some event before fawning sycophants; etc.