Susan Rice: Harris is an ‘Integral Architect’ of Biden’s Agenda

Former Biden domestic policy adviser Susan Rice described presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris as an “integral architect” of President Joe Biden’s agenda.

From Fox News:

On MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” Tuesday, the host asked about Harris’ reported plans to highlight “unfinished pieces of Biden’s policies” as part of her campaign.”How important is it for her to find a way to differentiate herself from aspects of the Biden agenda? Maybe move the ball, put an emphasis on other things? How does she do that and still be loyal to the fact that she worked with Joe Biden?” Mitchell asked.”I think it’s very important to remember that this has been the Biden-Harris agenda. Kamala Harris has been an integral architect and executor of the policies of the Biden-Harris administration,” Rice said.—“So, there will be important, as there should be, aspects of continuity in many policy areas. But of course, the vice president will outline her vision and where she sees opportunities to advance their collective agenda, the Biden-Harris collective agenda, and take it further forward. I think we all look forward to hearing that.”But this notion that she somehow doesn’t deserve credit for and isn’t part of and wasn’t an integral architect of the Biden-Harris administration agenda is not only false, it’s frankly somewhat bizarre and offensive,” Rice said.

Ok, why does Harris have to wait to become president to do anything about anything?

I’ll have a piece on the CPI report up shortly. Some parts are decent but overall, we’re still paying up the wazoo for everything.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Biden Administration, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Susan Rice