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Susan Rice: Harris is an ‘Integral Architect’ of Biden’s Agenda

Susan Rice: Harris is an ‘Integral Architect’ of Biden’s Agenda

Ok, then, why does Harris have to wait to become president to do anything about, well, anything?

Former Biden domestic policy adviser Susan Rice described presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris as an “integral architect” of President Joe Biden’s agenda.

From Fox News:

On MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” Tuesday, the host asked about Harris’ reported plans to highlight “unfinished pieces of Biden’s policies” as part of her campaign.

“How important is it for her to find a way to differentiate herself from aspects of the Biden agenda? Maybe move the ball, put an emphasis on other things? How does she do that and still be loyal to the fact that she worked with Joe Biden?” Mitchell asked.

“I think it’s very important to remember that this has been the Biden-Harris agenda. Kamala Harris has been an integral architect and executor of the policies of the Biden-Harris administration,” Rice said.

“So, there will be important, as there should be, aspects of continuity in many policy areas. But of course, the vice president will outline her vision and where she sees opportunities to advance their collective agenda, the Biden-Harris collective agenda, and take it further forward. I think we all look forward to hearing that.

“But this notion that she somehow doesn’t deserve credit for and isn’t part of and wasn’t an integral architect of the Biden-Harris administration agenda is not only false, it’s frankly somewhat bizarre and offensive,” Rice said.

Ok, why does Harris have to wait to become president to do anything about anything?

I’ll have a piece on the CPI report up shortly. Some parts are decent but overall, we’re still paying up the wazoo for everything.


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They do not want her either….

Says one of the architects of the Biden wh, along with Jarret and Obammy..

    Virginia42 in reply to venril. | August 14, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    Yes, a true moron. Tells us all we need to know about what might happen if (God forbid) these retards get into office again.

I remember reading a few years ago that Rice’s net worth is an utterly obscene figure, north of ~$130 million dollars. Procured, I assume, through generous stock awards from sitting on sundry corporate Boards.

Note the hypocrisy of narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, and, his top lackeys/minions procuring obscene sums of filthy lucre for themselves, given their ideological and rhetorical hostility towards corporations, entrepreneurial investment and risk-taking, and, wealth, in general.

destroycommunism | August 14, 2024 at 1:14 pm

in fact I would say

Kamala Harris is the


of the DNC

destroycommunism | August 14, 2024 at 1:24 pm

more poc shot by cops under the fjb regime>>but no riots??

also,,,white chop shot a preg black female who drove her car at him after she was accused of shoplifting

the video also shows her car striking him

but guess what??

lefty rules were violated

you must allow yourself to be murdered by the FJB HARRIS AGENDA


    The statistics pertaining to predominantly “POC” homicide victims are revealed, in part, in D.C. Metro P.D.’s website listing unsolved homicides, over decades. Thousands of black victims, killed, in most cases, by other blacks. The victims forgotten by the Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks and their media lapdogs/trained seals/shills, because their deaths serve no useful political purpose, and, indeed, stand as an indictment of the callous and incompetent management of Dhimmi-crat mayors and city councils.

    And, these are the stats for only one city.

      destroycommunism in reply to guyjones. | August 14, 2024 at 4:56 pm

      yes thanks for the post/link

      black on black crime is considered white racist induced

        The responsibility for pathologies in the black community, and, for individual blacks’ destructive misdeeds and criminality, is always alleged by Dhimmi-crats and black “demagogues/race hustlers to lie everywhere else, but, at their own feet.

This is good. Make sure that she is hung with that albatross. It was a team effort!!

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 14, 2024 at 1:42 pm

Susan Rice: Harris is an ‘Integral Architect’ of Biden’s Agenda


Kamala Chameleon couldn’t be an “integeral architect” for a Lego structure. She’s a retard … which is a good thing, since she’s an America-hating commie, too.

She says that like it’s a good thing….

To be clear, they’re lying. The ‘support staff’ for the current administration makes all the decisions, determines what legislation to push, what to ignore, who to promote, what agendas to embrace, and so on. The only real decisions the two nitwits at the top of this anthill have made over the last three years is what bribes to take. The positions of the current administration have proven to be highly profitable for the current administration and their supporters, but crushing and destructive for the rest of the country. In order to get reelected, the support staff need to position the current administration as opposed to the current administration, and to that end they are lying like crazy. Hopefully, they lose. Big.

Being an integral force makes sense. After all, Harris cast the tiebreaking votes in the Senate for the two budget-busting bills that gave us all this inflation. Even Larry Summers, economist, Clinton Treasury Secretary and Harvard President, said that would be the result.

On the image above the article “Harris working to differentiate herself from Biden”

(1) wait I thought she was integral, not differential. Math illiterates!
(2) more seriously, another lie. Harris is working to pretend she will be Biden’s second term. She’s trying to take everything of Biden’s, including his money but also his support and his image with the public. Because Biden was quite reelect-able, except for age. Kamala was never electable, which is why they tried to force Biden to step down and make her president.

Kamala will actually be Obama’s third term, or worse, if she gets in. It’s all Obama people behind her, always has been.

    WTPuck in reply to artichoke. | August 14, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    And don’t forget, 5 minutes ago all the propaganda shills were wondering how they were going to get Harris off the ticket so she wouldn’t drag down Biden’s reelection effort.