Now Kamala Harris is Against an EV Mandate
“When she was a senator, Harris cosponsored the Zero-Emissions Vehicle Act of 2019, which contained a requirement for car manufacturers to sell only zero-emission vehicles by 2040.”

Amber Duke at The Spectator posted that Kamala Harris’s campaign claims she is now against an Electric Vehicle (EV) mandate.
“When she was a senator, Harris cosponsored the Zero-Emissions Vehicle Act of 2019, which contained a requirement for car manufacturers to sell only zero-emission vehicles by 2040,” wrote Duke.
Even more damningly, Harris also supported an electric vehicle mandate when she serves as the junior senator from California. In April 2019, months after announcing her bid to become the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, Harris cosponsored the Zero-Emission Vehicles Act of 2019. The bill, which was introduced by Sen. Jeff Merkley and Rep. Mike Levin, presented “bold plan for transitioning the United States to 100% zero-emission vehicles.”
The original version of the Zero-Emission Vehicles Act of 2019 would require 50 percent of new passenger vehicle sales to be automobiles that use zero emissions — electric or hydrogen-powered cars and trucks. The bill would require all new car sales be zero emission vehicles by 2040, according to text of the bill and a press release from Sen. Merkley’s office.
The legislation gave authority to the EPA administrator to issue an “injunction on the manufacture of any passenger vehicles other than zero-emission vehicles by a vehicle manufacturer” by 2040.
Harris supported an even more aggressive version of the legislation that would ban non-zero-emission vehicles by 2035, according to an archived page of her 2020 campaign website obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The White House also tweeted, with a picture of Harris without Joe Biden, that the administration has made “progress” in implementing electric-powered school buses.
The Harris campaign is now claiming that she doesn't support an Electric Vehicle (EV) mandate.
When she was a senator, Harris cosponsored the Zero-Emissions Vehicle Act of 2019, which contained a requirement for car manufacturers to sell only zero-emission vehicles by 2040.
— Amber Duke (@ambermarieduke) August 27, 2024
The screenshot is from a campaign email sent out by her press team about an hour ago. It is signed by Ammar Moussa, who is her Director of Rapid Response.
— Amber Duke (@ambermarieduke) August 27, 2024
Our Administration is putting clean school buses on the road to improve the air our children breathe, advance environmental justice, and create good-paying jobs.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) August 27, 2024

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A leper cannot change its spots.
Interesting, but it can lose part of those spots as body parts fall off
Yep, I said what I said. We call that addition by subtraction in her case.
Leper. giggity.
No giggity and no diggity either…
“Leopard,” actually.
Interesting no one ever quotes the rest of that verse….
If he has to explain the joke, it’s ruined.
Or it could be “Leperychaun” a diminutive supernatural being who rarely if ever answers questions of the press. Usually depicted wearing a green pantsuit, promises all kinds of sh!t including a pot of gold and the end of a rainbow, but fails to deliver.
Why didn’t she tell Ford Motor Company before they complied with the Administration’s mandate and promptly lost $5 billion on EVs?
Silly citizen, the government will just kick this all back to Ford and only the taxpayer will have to foot the bill.
Why didn’t she tell Hertz rent-a-car this before they complied with the regime’s mandate and promptly lost millions on their EV investment.
And thus we see exactly how popular electric vehicles really are. If they were as popular as the Communist one acclaim, she wouldn’t need to back off of that idea
I remain certain that if Toyota had just hybridized, say, the Toyota Echo or Corolla, it would not have sold like it did when it first came out. Making it a unique body style was brilliant because a lot of the buyers could say “look at me!”. You KNEW it was a Prius.
I also believe that had not California and other places issued drive-alone-in-the-carpool lane decals, they’d have languished on dealer lots. There were cars back then that gave equal or better fuel economy. The VW Jetta Diesel specifically.
Of course, she’s against it now. She needs every MI vote as she can get.
If she gets in, she’ll change positions so fast your head will spin.
“O dear voter, what is it that you want to hear? Because that’s my promise!
Vote for me and I’ll **** you.”
If it doesn’t come out of her own mouth, don’t believe her position has changed one bit
She’s already done whomever she had to do.
Now she just needs to say whatever she needs to say.
They’re keeping her away from the press because if she opens her mouth she will put her foot in it.
I note that Biden is not to be seen these days either.
Since she seems determined to steal and rebrand as her own every conservative idea of the last decade, Trump should come out and say: ‘A chicken in every pot and a Sig Sauer P320 in every concealed carry holster,’ and see how Harris responds.
Exactly! She’s trying to convince us that she is the real Trump
Republicans are in a unique position this election and are not taking advantage of it.
Normally a vice president can say, “I’m really not responsible for any of the policies this administration followed. The Vice Presidency has all the power of a bucket of warm spit.” Except that during her tenure, the Senate was evenly devided, so she is on record as being the deciding vote in almost every stupid, destructive Democrat policy that came down the pike during her administration.
Are Republicans busy pointing this out in ads? Nope.
Even some in the lapdog legacy media seem to be growing tired of this attempt by Harris/Walz to run a chameleon campaign. Either the candidate/campaign defines/describes their policies or their opposition and detractors do it for them.
Kamala is fake.
But her Leftist tendencies are quite real.
if the GOP can’t beat this clown, with this record
well, the need to disband as a party
Goodness. She’s more flexible than Gumby.
That’s what he said.
Which one??
after $$$$$$ spent and wasted by the fjb squad…
Harris to define what a women is after conferring with Kentaji and Oprah…film at 11
[Balls of fire & billowing clouds of smoke]
[More fire & smoke]
[Dorothy walks up to the man behind the curtain]
“Why, you’re not Kamala! You’re Obama! You tricked us!”
The Flip-Flop Floozy is a boy toy.
Foodly-acki-saki want some seafood, mama!
cant wait until harris says
you know I called him out as a racist but you went ahead and voted in fjb anyway
No wonder this race is so close! There’s nary a hair’s breadth of distinction between Trump and Harris!
Hoo boy.
It’s because Kamala is a Khameleon.
When she stood with Willy Brown she looked powerful. When she stood with Biden she looked like she was mentally ill. When she compares herself with Trump she looks like a winner.
She needs to go back and stand with Walz and people will say, “Look at those war heroes.”.
Birdbrain Kamala will do as she is told. The Democrat Party is modeled after the mafia. You want to be a part of it? You follow orders. You question nothing. You show absolute loyalty. If you’re asked to take the fall (Biden), you take the fall. If someone needs wacked, you wack them. Notice Kamala did NOT issue the statement that she does not support EV mandates. Some campaign flunky did. So in the future she will say she never said it.
Ford pushed ahead with the Biden/Harris mandates and is on track to lose $5,000,000,000 on the year. Building something noone wants is never a good business decision. Why a shareholder doesn’t start suing these companies is a mystery to me.
Honest, just today I saw on the news that Biden wants 50% of cars to be EV by 2030.
What does it mean when ‘our’ ‘first’ ‘black’ ‘woman’ president proves to be a total fraud — incompetent, dishonest, controlled by an anti-democratic, unAmerican, shadowy behind-the-scenes cabal of puppet masters — ?
Three guesses and the first two don’t count.
Honesty is rayciss.
I call this vile crone-harlot, “Trumpala.”
She’s more knowledgeable about EVE deodorant.