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Kamala Picking Walz: “This is doubling down on leftism and doubling down on anti-Israelism”

Kamala Picking Walz: “This is doubling down on leftism and doubling down on anti-Israelism”

“Josh Shapiro sold his soul to be in contention for this nomination. And the Democrats sent a message that there is no place in the Democrat party for pro-Israel politicians. And that tells us how Kamala Harris will govern. She will govern to the lowest element of the Democratic Party when it comes to Israel.”

My Hot Take in reaction to Kamala Harris picking Tim Walz to be her running mate.

Kamala Harris has picked Tim Walz from Minnesota as her VP nominee. I’m completely shocked. The Democrats have been so strategic in what they’ve done, how they maneuvered Biden out of the race, how they installed Harris without her having to do an interview or any live vote by the delegates. This is a choice that I think is extremely risky. It really sets the stage for two major fault lines in our country.

Tim Walz is about as far left as you’re going to get. That tells us that that is how Kamala Harris will govern. If she gets elected president, there’s no turning back. It will be a hard left administration, even more so than Biden.

So they have doubled down on socialism. They have doubled down on leftism. They have doubled down on all of those big government priorities. So that’s number one takeaway.

Takeaway number two is this goes right to the heart of the Israel fault line in American politics.

Josh Shapiro has been humiliated. He was forced, to be a contender, to disavow his Jewishness, to disavow his pro-Israel stances. He was not somebody ultimately Democrats were willing to have on the ticket because the anti-Israel, anti-Semitic base of the Democratic Party, the far left base, the people who were tearing down statues and defacing monuments and attacking anyone they think is Israeli, or anyone who is pro-Israeli, that is now who runs the party. This is now the party of the far left and the anti-Israel left.

And you know, Josh Shapiro sold his soul to be in contention for this nomination. And the Democrats sent a message that there is no place in the Democrat party for pro-Israel politicians. And that tells us how Kamala Harris will govern. She will govern to the lowest element of the Democratic Party when it comes to Israel.

So those are my two hot takes: that this is doubling down on leftism and doubling down on anti-Israelism. And it sends a message not just to the Jewish community in the United States, but to the pro-Israel community, who are the overwhelming Americans, that the Democrat Party and the Democrat nominee is out of step.

It is now the party of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and the others who hate Israel and frankly hate the United States. The lines have been drawn. Americans now have a stark choice to make.

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It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I don’t think Israel is top of mind for the average voter so I doubt that issue will affect the ticket that much.

    guyjones in reply to Grey_Man. | August 6, 2024 at 11:14 am

    It’s not about Israel, for the average voter. It’s about the increasingly obnoxious and unabashed manifestations of anti-U.S. animus, expressed by goose-stepping and brazenly subversive Islamofascists and Muslim supremacists, on U.S. soil.

    That hatred cannot be missed or misunderstood for what it truly represents.

    Hatred for Israel and Jews is a proxy for Islamic hatred of secular, democratic and western societies, at-large.

      bhwms in reply to guyjones. | August 7, 2024 at 12:35 pm

      How do we turn that into a 27 second ad, and get the primary message and a hook to watch the whole thing delivered in the first 5 seconds?

    TargaGTS in reply to Grey_Man. | August 6, 2024 at 11:25 am

    Probably true. But, energy costs are important to voters. Shapiro could have gone some way to blunting the attacks on domestic energy production as he’s been reasonably pro-energy (for a Democrat). I don’t know where Walz is on the issue. But, I suspect it’s a safe bet he WAY to the left of Shapiro and maybe even to the left of Harris on fracking & drilling.

Female major ticket presidential candidates pick white guys named Tim as their VP running mates. Makes ya think…

Slightly off topic and I know this is far beyond your field of expertise but in case you are reading this professor do you think the BLM riots are fools gold people have long since moved on from or that highlighting tolerating cities being burned down and bailing out the rioters is useful to highlighting the fact that both members of the ticket are leftist radicals?

I am sincerely asking because 2020 was a horrible time that people just want to move on from and forget so would like your take on if it should be brought up to an on the fence person you know, or forgotten in favor of other ways to highlight the radicalism.

    destroycommunism in reply to Danny. | August 6, 2024 at 8:59 pm

    the people that want to forget are the same people that scream

    cease fire AFTER THEIR SIDE HAS done the damage

    so we ignore that blathering as the lefty knows how to be a tricky sob

    2020 is the threat used against civility


    blm is a communist org and with their plo buddies there is no “moving on” from those facts

He is a younger version of Bernie Sanders

    TargaGTS in reply to buck61. | August 6, 2024 at 11:25 am

    Far less charming, too.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to buck61. | August 6, 2024 at 12:03 pm

    “The Molotov Cocktail has been passed to a new generation…!”

      Parts of Minneapolis are now as dead as Watts after 1968 as with many other areas that got torched during the Summer of Saint George of Floyd. None will recover. All of these riots essentially killed small minority businesses…. big on hopes and dreams but leveled and buried under “insurance will pay for it” lie. (The mayor of Baltimore actively pulled back the police to let the mobs go wilding unopposed…. burn it out of their system by burning everything around them because of another of the Pantheon of Aggrieved Blacks…Freddie Gray)

      Securing the Muslim vote at all costs. Securing the BLM’ers at all cost. An ad driving through burned out Minneapolis to show what will come to ones neighborhood would be sobering..maybe.

How many people here really believe that Harris was the one who picked him?

Josh Shapiro did everything but don a keffiyeh and tear down hostage posters … but he still proved to be a Jew too far for today’s Democrat Party.


Kamala is not only copying 2020 Biden, she wants to be 2016 Hilary with the VP-Who? pick.

This is such a weak defective ticket for the Dems. Kamala is an idiot. Walz is a leftist communist. The 1972 Dem ticket against incumbent president Nixon was much stronger. George McGovern would be considered a reactionary by most of today’s Dem party. He was very well spoken and constructive, he just was left of Nixon. Sargent Shriver, the VP candidate, had some Kennedy connection which might be why he won their home state.

Nixon won 49 states. McGovern won Massachusetts.
(Then Nixon was forced out of office before too long, amazing for someone who had such a massive public mandate. How much did the news media orchestrate the Watergate thing? A whole lot.)

Anyway it was a more distinguished ticket than Kamala “giggles” Harris and Tim “I want to smell the burning tires” Walz.

If Trump is not inaugurated in January, against such historically weak candidates, I don’t see why Republicans would ever win another election, unless they turn into Democrats. The Dems would have won a historic final victory and shown their control over voter registration, vote counting, whatever it takes, “their democracy” would be in absolute control, unassailable.