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LIVE: Elon Musk Interviews Donald Trump on X at 8 PM ET

LIVE: Elon Musk Interviews Donald Trump on X at 8 PM ET

This should be fun.

Elon Musk interviews former Donald Trump on X at 8 PM ET.

Hopefully he keeps it clean or else the EU will come and get him! Oh, who am I kidding. Run wild, my darlings!

As soon as Elon releases the link I’ll post it!

*I managed to get in on my phone via the Twitter app. Still only playing music.


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“First of all a network of electric vehicle charging stations” – I’m out. It sounds like a list of Scott Adams’s worst ideas.

The Gentle Grizzly | August 12, 2024 at 8:04 pm

What can I click or do or whatever in order to watch?

The Gentle Grizzly | August 12, 2024 at 8:05 pm

Never mind. Got it.

X is undergoing a DOS attack.

Spaces is working on. Musk is “having a conversation” with Trump. He is starting out by asking about the assassination attempt.

The Gentle Grizzly | August 12, 2024 at 8:49 pm

Maybe they should try a shortwave broadcast. Most of today’s script kiddies don’t know how to jam a radio signal.

StillNeedToDrainTheSwamp | August 12, 2024 at 9:31 pm

I’m voting for Trump. But it’s a terrible conversation. Trump needs to not ramble. Stop looking backwards. Stop saying “this would have never happened with me”.

Stick with the issues. State your policies. Talk less, let Elon say something, then respond.

    Agree. I voted for him in both elections. He needs to drop the name calling, rambling, and stick with the issues about how to make this country great again. It shows strength when he leaves that off his plate.

    Right. DJT is handing the election to Harris. Vance is good, but can’t save DJT from himself.

      mailman in reply to Q. | August 13, 2024 at 2:28 am

      Does this make you feel better about yourself sweetie? 😂😂

      Why don’t you tell us all the wonderful things that have been delivered for the American people by the President you voted for these last few years 😂

    As the comedian Potato Salad said when the trooper pulled him over for a DUI, “I had the right to remain silent but not the ability”. That’s Trump. Isn’t there someone who can get to him and make him stop with the stupid name-calling and personal insults? If he would use her record and past statements he would win hands down. He constantly brings up crowd size which no one cares about. He constantly talks about when he was in office which no one cares about. Talk about what a loser she is with her woke programs and what she has done to our country and the American family. Show the real videos of her saying the terrible things she has said in the past and her proposals for everything unAmerican.

      Well said. DJT has really compelling arguments to make and facts to lay out, but he just doesn’t do it. He can do MUCH better at defining himself and Kamala.

Listening on Rumble

I love Trump but he’s monopolizing this conversation a bit too much

But in the end, let Trump be Trump
But we have a weak population and all they hear is “joyful” Kamala

As of this very moment:

Joe Biden is in a state of dementia-induced stupor.

Kamala Harris is hiding behind a cabal of journalists.

And Donald Trump is bro-talking about nuclear war and education reform while drinking a Diet Coke & winking at Melania.

There’s the choice, folks

I think some of you are wrapped too tight. It was billed as a “conversation” and that was exactly what we got. I sure don’t see Harris or Walz having conversation/interviews/press conferences,

Over 60 million on X alone and Musk pushed his “moderate” followers to support President Trump

Not a bad days work

DDOS attack tells us they are desperate. There are a large number of Dem leaders who belong in jail, they know that and that is why they are craping their drawers just like crooked Joe.

Harris will continue to hide until early voting starts and Democrats need that early voting because they know how easy it is to subvert an election when you dont have to turn up and vote in person, with ID, on paper.

Stark contrast between Trump/Vance campaign and the Harris/Walz campaign in substance and willingness to go before the Public, discuss policies and answer questions. Tens of millions viewed this interview on X and many millions more will do so in the coming days. These folks are interested enough to invest time to listen which makes them more likely to vote and that’s the audience campaigns must reach.

Using alt media platforms is a great way to not only get around the legacy media gatekeepers but to reach the audience which has largely tuned out from legacy media and get the bulk of their info/news from alt media. The lapdog legacy media is melting down nearly as much as the EU goons b/c they can’t control the narrative.

    Danny in reply to CommoChief. | August 13, 2024 at 8:47 am

    At issue is did he move anything in our direction with that interview?

    As far as I could see he didn’t.

    A blown opportunity without hurting yourself is one thing if you are far ahead.

    If you are behind it is a major point for criticism. The contrast to make is between Trump and Vance. Right now I think Trump has a lot to learn from Vance.

      CommoChief in reply to Danny. | August 13, 2024 at 9:11 am

      Yeah he did IMO just by showing up. Where’s Harris going on a new/alt media platform to hold a long form unedited discussion? That’s the contrast and the context. This generates organic PR buzz and genuine interest among the public v the manufactured and inauthentic media drooling about Harris/Walz.

      Granted Trump is often, as was here, kinda scattershot in his communication style. IMO that’s baked into cake at this point so not a negative so much as it might be if this was an unknown quality.
      Agree about Vance doing yeoman service in his campaign media engagements.

      The bottom line here is that Harris is gonna hide from Q&A heck she gonna hide any policy positions to allow her media allies to paint her as whatever is popular; see the copycat of no tax on tips. Trump is now using X to reach past media gatekeepers and that’s a good thing.

        Baked into the cake is an election loser for Trump. He needs to change minds, show that he is disciplined and NORMAL to win votes he doesn’t already have. He needs to convince people outside his base that he’s presidential. This did not do that. By miles.

        He was doing great against Biden because he was focused on the issues . . now, he’s just flailing around like the schoolyard bully the left portrays him to be. He needs to go back to pretending to be normal. Rambling, self-absorbed guy reliving his butt hurt is not going to win anyone over. Ever. It’s a failure bomb that, if it continues, will result in a Kamala-Walz win. Not even kidding. Trump needs to get his crap together but fast.

          CommoChief in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | August 13, 2024 at 1:07 pm

          We will certainly find out in November. DJT was not my first choice but that’s the guy who won the primary. A great many people have already shifted away from Biden/Harris to DJT and they ain’t coming back b/c they shanked Biden, replaced him with Harris and chose a whacko like Walz as VP nominee. This is gonna be a pocket book/kitchen table economics election far more than anything and that helps Trump. When the d/prog party platform is produced in Chicago the wokiesta leftists gonna insist on all sorts of Cray Cray be included which will turn off normies. IMO, this election will be won on turnout of the marginal voters by the candidates AND by the efforts of the voters motivated enough to walk their own neighborhood to gin up support and take the voters THEY motivated to the polls.

        The main criticism I have for that point of view is we have fallen behind.

        Trump needs interviews like the ones with Elon Musk

        However he needs to use them to win over people who are either on the fence or mildly against and willing to vote for him.

        This interview did no such thing.

        The frustrating thing is that if this was J.D. Vance giving the same interview it likely would have moved the needle in our direction.

        About his return to X he absolutely sucks at it, and it cost him votes and in light of razor thin margins in the swing states those votes it cost him also cost him the election.

        Even if you go back to 2016 Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in other words more Americans disliked than liked him.

        His twitter account was a gigantic flop outside of people who will be voting for him no matter what.

          CommoChief in reply to Danny. | August 13, 2024 at 12:59 pm

          His X use so far in posting seems fine. The popular vote, fortunately, doesn’t mean diddly squat it is the electoral college count State by State that matters.

          He/we ain’t behind, not really. Sure there’s some shiny new/not Biden buzz….but that temp boost will wear off. Even with it the polling is even to a slight GoP advantage. Look at the internals of the polls v the headline numbers to get a better sense of accuracy. Particularly when they poll less than 800 and the party ID has more than a five point advantage for d/prog. National polls meh, State polling especially battleground/swing States are what matters.

          Could DJT do a better job of messaging? Yes. However the Harris/Walz campaign made a smart decision not to make any real policy proposals so far b/c it denies a target for DJT to swing at. This won’t last much longer, their convention in Chicago is gonna have to have a platform that will appease all the wokiesta leftist weirdos that are the d/prog core constituency.

          Trump is the nominee. Everyone can improve. Deal with it.

      gonzotx in reply to Danny. | August 13, 2024 at 10:42 am

      Danny is blind, so sad

        No, gonzo, you are blind. Trump blind. He’s beloved by you and your ilk, but you make up about 10% of voters (and that’s being generous). So say there are 3.5 million die-hard Trump voters like you . . . so what? Half won’t vote at all because they are lazy losers who just like to gripe and if he loses–despite their not moving their fat butts off the couch–they can continue to be miserable.

        Trump voters (who actually drag their butts to the polls or dash off a mail-in) fall, generally speaking into three categories:

        1. Frothing at the mouth cultists who swear Trump is Teh One. (no one cares what they think about anything as a result; I wouldn’t ask one for a restaurant recommendation in their home town. Wouldn’t trust it.). These are people who are rather proud that they never voted in their lives until 2016. That’s just unfathomable to me. These people take our country, our Constitution, and their own civic responsibility so lightly that I am repulsed by them.

        2. Normal Americans who see what is going on and felt good about Trump’s policies and the effects on their lives. These people probably voted for W, then Obama or maybe McCain, and/or Clinton/Trump. Squishies really. They love Trump’s policies but deeply dislike the constant discord and chaos he brings. (amplified and teased and writ large by the media, but they don’t care about that, they just don’t like the drama and crazy and will always associate that with Trump and not the actual culprits. Tilt all day long, that windmill’s going to keep spinning.).

        3. Former Democrats who have been driven off the Democrat plantation in recent years (say a decade or two). There aren’t many, but they can make a difference. These people have voted Democrat their whole life and are now kind of embarrassed that they voted for many a (D) glass of water. These actually might be Trump’s most fervent (non-cultist) voters. They finally see what is going on and are disgusted.

        I’m sure there are other categories, but writ large, this is it. And the voters Trump needs and should ONLY care about are the indies. The ones who may or may not have voted for him 2016 but abandoned him in 2020, not because of his policies (which were very good) but because they just hate the mess, the chaos, the humiliation of America at the hands of Democrats. These people will NEVER fight back, they will just slink on over to the easiest thing. And that thing, right now, is Kackles-Coward.

        Get this through your head: Trump supporters, the die-hard cultist types, make up about the same percentage of the population as Bernie Bros. These are not winning numbers, and Trump needs to expand his appeal to people outside his cult base and Republican voters who are voting more against Kackles-Coward than FOR Trump. In fact, he needs to ignore these people for the good of the country.

        Nothing will change either Trump voters’ minds (i.e. yours or mine–we’re voting Trump) at this point, so the question is: how does he reach and convert the last remaining gettable votes? He has yours, he has mine. So what? We not only live in “safe” Trump states, but we don’t make up enough the electorate for him to win as handily as he must (i.e. outside the margin of Democrat cheating).

Yeah, this was not good.. Trump is clearly freaking out about the “joy” all-in from the media (he LOVES the media and would give his last dime to be as beloved by them as Obama was or as Harris is). The only way Trump wins is by a cheat-beating landslide, and that is not going to happen if he keeps sounding like this. Rambling on and on, navel-gazing about the wrongs against him (and the list is long, don’t get me wrong), but voters don’t give a crap about all that.

They want to know what Trump will do to make their lives better, not blah blah butt hurt blah. He really missed a big opportunity here. It’s a shame.

    Lets be honest Fuzzy…there is literally NOTHING Trump could do for you never trampers to get you to vote for him 🤣 You guys are nothing more than small c conservatives 🤣

      mailman in reply to mailman. | August 13, 2024 at 7:15 am

      with the same amount of small energy 🤣

      I am not a #NeverTrumper, mailman. But you need to get your head out of your butt and see that what he’s doing is destroying his chances of winning. I want him to win. I am going to vote for him. But your idol worship crazy is just self-defeating.

      You want Trump to win? Stop backing his every false move and step that will only alienate the potential swing voters he needs. He has your Trump cult vote, and he has my anything but the commie-commie ticket vote.

      But what about the votes he actually NEEDS, the ones he does not have? This self-indulgent blather is not going to win them over. It’s going to alienate them and make them think he’s self-absorbed, butt hurt, and a bit of a whiner. NO ONE likes a whiner, mailman.

        Wade Hampton in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | August 13, 2024 at 8:14 am

        Literally a conversation between 2 guys over a beer. The way regular people talk. I think the average Joe can relate. 80 million average Joes. How is that a bad thing?

          We are behind. Elon Musk gave Trump an opportunity to reach people, redefine Kamala, and define himself.

          He failed on every point there.

          Again we have fallen behind, right now the media is winning. If Trump can’t bring himself to do a good job he should promote J.D. Vance to head of the ticket so someone who actually is doing a good job could bring us back ahead.

          If he wants to debunk the joy he could spam Kamala’s attack on Christmas joy everywhere.

          Attacking her as joyless in his interviews makes him look well petty and like he doesn’t care about real issues (otherwise he would bring them up).

          I voted against him in primary, I voted for him for president, I donated to his presidential campaign after he won, and am voting for him in November.

          I even very consistently defended him when he moderated the Republican Platform in ways I don’t like (i.e. on abortion) because once someone wins the nomination we do have to back their judgement on what policy preferences could win.

          I am not lying to myself or anyone else that the train wreck last night was a smash hit for reaching the people we need to win over.

        You nailed it, Ms. Slippers. Thank you.

        Azathoth in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | August 13, 2024 at 2:50 pm

        I am not a #NeverTrumper, mailman. But you need to get your head out of your butt and see that what he’s doing is destroying his chances of winning.

        The head that needs to come out of the ass is yours, Fuzzy. Yours and the rest of the nevertrumper ilk.

        Surely in glancing through the comments you noticed that the only naysayers are you and your little cabal of self referencing nevertrumpers

        Between 7:47 PM and 10:47 PM ET, President Donald Trump’s Space post received 73 million views. During the same period, there were 4 million posts about Elon Musk and President Trump’s conversation on 𝕏, generating a total of 998 million views.

        You are alone.

          What? So you are implying that views and posts are . . . what? Positive? There is literally no connection at all between your false statement that I am a #NeverTrumper and this citing of views.

          How many people watched Sadam Hussein’s hanging? Did they all approve and love it? What about Daniel Pearl’s beheading? That was the first thing I ever watched involving violence against a human being that made me cry. Not just cry, but sob. I watched it. Does that mean I approved it? I loved it? No. I was horrified and to this day wish that I never watched it at all because it haunts me. But we have to see this evil, feel it. We have to know, clearly and without a cloud or shadow of doubt, that we are standing against pure evil.

          You are the most annoying commenter we’ve had in a while in that you are completely devoid of logic and of critical thinking skills. Your sophomoric whimpering is pathetic. Truly.

          You blather on like some kind of crazed “I can include all the logical fallacies in one post” nutter. You win, you are definitely the commenter who indulges in the most logical fallacies all at once. Woohoo! Yay you! (or you know, mad cringe)

      You sound like a DJT cheerleader. Please join us in real-time reality. DJT must show more focus and do much better in communicating. There are too many marbles at stake for him to ramble and waste opportunities to reach noncheerleader voters.

    tbonesays in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | August 13, 2024 at 2:46 pm

    Agree, DJT should spend half of his time talking about why people’s lives will be better from 2025-8.

    One talking point that needs to be discarded is unilateral disarmament by refusing to attack on XYZ grounds. There is no one argument that will tip the scales. Trump needs to blast Kamala on all fronts, no shying away from: border czar, DEI hire, riots, transgenderism mandates, her affair with a married man etc.

32 posts and zero value. Look, my 17 year old son was listening. He said Elon was talking too much. I this a huge win for Trump. My son never listens to anything political. Pure association with Musk is key to the young vote. Not that it will over come the cheating, but musk said it is to give future generations something to look forward too.

Maybe The original Hawk Tauh Girl can get her step daughter to help. Musk interview/ conservation is an interesting turning point.

From Musk

Between 7:47 PM and 10:47 PM ET, President Donald Trump’s Space post received 73 million views. During the same period, there were 4 million posts about Elon Musk and President Trump’s conversation on 𝕏, generating a total of 998 million views.

A billion views

People are desperate for truth, Trump, Musk and the

American Way

Morning Sunshine | August 13, 2024 at 10:59 am

I did not see it. Where can I watch it now? search engine, is, of course, only giving my (left-wing) interpretations of if, not the interview itself.

A Fork in the road…

I think November 5th will be the most important day in the history of our country. I think that election will be the most important election, and I think it’ll end up being maybe the most important day in the history of our country, because if we don’t win, I just feel so sorry for everybody.

Elon Musk: No, I think we’re at a fork in the road of destiny of civilization, and I think we need to take the right path, and I think you’re the right path. I think that’s what it comes down to.