King Charles Gives Two-Tier Keir The Thumbs Up

This is incredible. The insane two-tiered justice system being applied against native Brits who merely look at a riot vs. the shrugging nothingness in the face of machete-wielding foreigners roaming the streets and attacking people and/or vandalizing pubs and other businesses is breath-taking.

But fear not! The great King Charles III, beta soy boi of the ages, has weighed in, and he is grateful for the crackdown on his subjects who dare to dislike rampant crime, murders, and rapes. Raping children you say? Murdering little girls at a Taylor Swift party, you say? Tosh. That’s just the exuberance of our new neighbors. Embrace them, their “culture.” Or be imprisoned. With the King’s approving nod and gentle girly hand wave.

The Daily Mail reports:

The King has praised ordinary Brits who rose up against far-right hate in the wake of the Southport stabbings, praising the way in which ‘the aggression and criminality from a few’ had been met by ‘the compassion and resilience of the many’.King Charles spoke warmly of the ‘many examples of community spirit’ that have thwarted attempts to instil hate and fear in communities across Britain during a call with Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer tonight in the wake of the rioting.He also spoke to police chiefs about the strain their officers have been under as more than 100 are thought to have been injured attempting to keep the peace amid hate riots stoked online by the far-right.

Hating those who slaughter tiny little girls at a party is wrong! We should not hate these people, in fact, hating them is a crime, a thought crime. Further, expressing that hate in peaceful protests is a violent act of terrorism. You will be imprisoned for noticing the slaughter of these children. Because we love our new neighbors who think slaughtering little girls is good.

Or something.

Everything is upside down now. What is good is bad, and what is bad, evil, is now good. This can’t end well.

The Daily Mail continues:

The Palace spokesperson continued: ‘This evening The King held a phone audience with the Prime Minister, and additionally had a joint call with the Chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, Chief Constable Gavin Stephens, and UK Gold Commander Ben Harrington, Chief Constable of Essex.’In these calls, His Majesty was updated on the current situation and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the police and emergency services for all they are doing to restore peace in those areas that have been affected by violent disorder.’Additionally, The King shared how he had been greatly encouraged by the many examples of community spirit that had countered the aggression and criminality from a few with the compassion and resilience of the many.’It remains His Majesty’s hope that shared values of mutual respect and understanding will continue to strengthen and unite the nation.’

Ah, that mutual respect and understanding that has two-tier Kier locking up native Brits who dared to “like” a post on Facebook? I have no words.

And apparently doing so with the support of the King. Surreal.

[Featured image via YouTube]

Tags: Britain, Hamas, protests