FBI Released Trump Shooter’s Body for Cremation Days After Assassination Attempt
“Yes, Butler County Coroner technically had legal authority over the body, but I spoke with the Coroner, and he would have never released Crooks’ body to the family for cremation or burial without specific permission from the FBI.”

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA), a member of the bipartisan House task force investigating President Donald Trump’s assassination attempt, blasted the FBI for releasing the shooter’s body days after the incident.
The task force arranged for Higgins to travel to Butler, PA, to investigate the assassination attempt on Trump.
Higgins wanted to “observe and investigate the available crime scene site, along with consideration of both anticipated and unanticipated interactions with witnesses, the crime scene landscape, hard evidence, corroborative evidence, and circumstantial evidence.”
The lack of a body just adds more questions to the case.
Higgins accused the FBI of obstructing the investigation by releasing the body.
“My effort to examine Crooks’ body on Monday, August 5, caused quite a stir and revealed a disturbing fact… the FBI released the body for cremation 10 days after J13. On J23, Crooks was gone,” Higgins wrote in his preliminary report. “Nobody knew this until Monday, August 5, including the County Coroner, law enforcement, Sheriff, etc. Yes, Butler County Coroner technically had legal authority over the body, but I spoke with the Coroner, and he would have never released Crooks’ body to the family for cremation or burial without specific permission from the FBI.”
Higgins added: “Again, similar to releasing the crime scene and scrubbing crime scene biological evidence… this action by the FBI can only be described by any reasonable man as an obstruction to any following investigative effort.”
(I’ll get to the crime scene problems in a bit.)
Higgins noted the coroner’s and autopsy reports were late as of August 5.
Without the shooter’s body, Higgins cannot examine it to determine if the reports are correct.
“We will actually never know,” Higgins continued. “Yes, we’ll get the reports and pictures, etc, but I will not ever be able to say with certainty that those reports and pictures are accurate according to my own examination of the body.”
The House Homeland Security Committee and Oversight Committee already started an investigation when the FBI released the body:
Please note, Mr. Chairman, that on J23, the day that Crooks was cremated, both the Homeland Security Committee and the Oversight Committee had begun House Committee jurisdictional investigation into J13, and Speaker Johnson had already stated that he was forming an Official Congressional investigative body. Why, then, by what measure, would the FBI release his body to the family for cremation? This pattern of investigative scorched earth by the FBI is quite troubling.
Higgins discovered other disturbing moves by the FBI, which also troubled local law enforcement.
Butler County runs the radio communications tower out of their 911 Call Center. That is pretty much the way radio communications work across America in every County, in every State. If their radios are “interoperable,” a visiting law enforcement agency is assigned a frequency, a “channel” for their operation while in that County. If their radios are not “interoperable” with the County Communications tower, then the visiting agency is assigned/offered actual radios to use while they are running their operation in the County.
Well, the Secret Service never picked up the radios set aside for the agents:
The radio comms were properly and perfectly arranged during the extensive pre-mission planning. On J12, the Butler County ESU Commander personally reminded the USSS counter-sniper teams to pick up their assigned radios at the ESU Command Post RV, which was positioned according to planning at the Butler Fairgrounds, the following morning before 1100 hrs. It didn’t happen.
After three days, the FBI released the crime scene, which surprised local law enforcement and Higgins.
The agents also released all of the First Responders on the evening of the attempt:
- The FBI released all First Responders that evening, much to everyone’s surprise. I interviewed several… EMS, cops, etc.
- The FBI released the crime scene after just 3 days, much to everyone’s surprise. I interviewed several First Responders who expressed everything from surprise to dismay to suspicion regarding the fact that the FBI released the crime scene so early after J13. It should be noted that the FBI was fully aware of the fact that Congress would be investigating J13. The FBI does not exist in a vacuum. They had to know that releasing the J13 crime scene would injure the immediate observations of any following investigation.
- The FBI cleaned up biological evidence from the crime scene, which is unheard of. Cops don’t do that, ever.

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What did the tox screen show?
SSRI’s? MKUltra???
It’s sad the way “conservatives” have let themselves become the handmaidens of Scientology.
I think there’s a volcano joke in there somewhere.
If the coroner did his job correctly I’m not sure what else could have been learned from the body. I’m still waiting for that weapon to be positively identified. Most I can find is “AR Style” which could mean almost anything. If someone has a link please post it on this.
Maybe whether he died as a result of being shot or was killed later to stop him from talking?
It was a DPMS AR15. There are a couple of media sites reportjng it but most didn’t know or care that it might acually be useful info.
Very fishy stuff
Crooks was spirited away by submarine, and now is living in Argentina. The cremated ashes are those of a body double.
Hard to do, given the number of people who saw his head pop like a melon at a Gallagher show.
That same FBI that pressure-washed the roof the day after the assassination attempt?? Fastest crime scene “clean up” in history.
On the other hand, in the San Bernadino jihadi shooter case, the FBI never bothered to look at the apartment, didn’t clean it up or do anything and, in fact, left it open so that journalists could rifle through it the next day with impunity and find tons of actual evidence that the FBI didn’t want to see.
We have many, many prison cells sitting, waiting for their federal prisoners from the FBI, the CIA, and all of the corrupt, anti-American executive agencies to luxuriate in for the rest of their useless, treasonous lives.
“The FBI cleaned up biological evidence from the crime scene, which is unheard of. Cops don’t do that, ever.”
It’s not just odd that the crime scene was cleaned so soon after the crime, it’s also unusual that FBI agents cleaned the scene themselves. That’s not their responsibility. Someone ordered the agents to do that. It’s not something they would do without being instructed to do so.
The scene should have been in local/ state control. A crime scene log recording every entry and exit to the scene. Crime scene tech’s photographing and securing evidence, the body under the jurisdiction of the ME and a forensic investigator. The body usually would stay in position until all pertinent measurements, angles, evidence has been obtained. The way this went is NOT usual..
They didn’t know if it was an act of terrorism which is why the fed took it. We werenotthee and we don’t know that they didn’t do proper evidence collection.
One of the perks of forcing women into positions as agents. Now the FBI will cook and clean.
I don’t know why didn’t have cleaners available but hosing the site down after collecting the body and available evidence prevents trophy hunters or malicious actors from scraping blood off the roof and making up crazy claims. This is the world we live in today.
Just like the SS were quick to clean up JFK’s limo after that little incident in Dallas. So much for preserving evidence from a crime scene….
Yes, and by letting journalists handle the evidence they purposely tainted chain of custody, making it difficult or impossible to use at trial.
Coverup? What coverup?
Honestly, a toxicology report doesn’t really tell us much, and other forensic details won’t change the outcome of “Who did this?”
But, along with all of the other stupidity and lies and incompetence, it adds more fuel to the fire for talk of conspiracy and “it was deliberate” and everything else. It makes it nearly impossible to counter even the nuttiest theories, as you just keeping see examples of “They didn’t even have to lie, but they did, anyway.”
* keep seeing
It might not answer who did this, but it might answer who they worked with
What was on the
What was on the skin? What was on the nails? What was in the hair? What was on the clothing?
He was walking around the fairgrounds then shimmied up a metal roof. How is any debris on his clothing or dust on his skin going to tell you who he worked with?
This level of incompetence isn’t limited to the Trump assassination attempt, the FBI’s hiring standards are so low, chances are you won’t be hired unless you are fat, lazy and stupid with a lot of debt and zero ethics.
It’s not incompetence. The FBI is the equivalent of the Cheka and they work for the Democrat party.
From the day of Trump’s assassination attempt, it becomes crystal clear why it failed only in the sense that it didn’t go as planned.
Add to that, the FBI is now *investigating,* which means that the fox is in the henhouse and feasting.
How monumentally convenient!
It is interesting how the assassination attempt came at the moment when Traitor Joe and the dems were at their lowest point, in terms of re-election chances and losing control of the propaganda lid and desperately needed things to change – some way … any way. “Curious”, one might say …
And, 999,999 times out of 1,000,000 Trump would be dead, right now and Traitor Joe and the dems would have put the whole country on sooper-lockdown and all of the accompanying tyrannical mechanisms. It was only by PURE LUCK that Trump lived. And now, the MSM and the dems act as if the assassination attempt never happened.
The cancerous rot is so deep in our “government” … And so deadly. People are trying their hardest not to acknowledge how far down the road to doom we are.
What’s also very interesting is that the calls for Biden to resign didn’t ramp up until right after the assassination attempt. There was some grumbling before, but they didn’t really start to build until immediately after this. Then pretty soon Biden was out. Almost as if they knew it was coming.
Bring in the Monkey Pox
you mean the
*registered* republican????
f the left
I don’t think there was any question about cause of death.
Do you think that was the only forensic evidence they could pull off of the body?
Do you think a random congressman examining a corpse and sticking his fingers into bullet holes is going to come up with some major evidence?
What a surprise, not only could they not interrogate the guy cuz he was dead. But now they also don’t get the forensic evidence off of his body. Because if you think that they got everything right the first time, think again. This is the government, incompetence is their calling card.
How long does it take to determine the motive of an attempted assassination?
We have heard basically nothing about the shooter a month later.
And there is zero chance that a tower dump wasn’t done to ID every phone in the area to secure call detail, texts and witness statements, video and photographs. The phone that allegedly went to a DC location has to have been id’d by now along with call detail, texts and ownership. These things do not take long. The movement history of every device in the area has got to be known by now.
they didnt want the shooters obam tattoos to be revealed
Radio interoperability: I’ve been involved in major operations with hundreds of personnel, including Feds. Radio interoperability is not difficult at all; neither is audio recording especially in the digital age. The body: the body should have been held under local jurisdiction of the ME in conjunction with the PSP/local homicide investigators and the Feds. But ultimately the control of the body should have been local/state and ME. These things, along with the fact that nobody put hands on this goof, but were able to photograph him , makes zero sense. Stupidity, incompetence, malfeasance or a combination. Heads need to roll.
Alllllll aboarrrrrrrrrd the Sicknick Express!
Long retired Peace Officer here with literally decades on the job. This is not the way it is supposed to go. It is a massive violation of SOP, and done apparently solely at the behest of the FBI and their superiors. If they will do this in an attempted presidential assassination; what will they do in any other case or to influence a presidential election?
Subotai Bahadur
What is SOP on keeping a body on ice after an autopsy? If I recall correctly, Lee Harvey Oswald was buried a day after he died. After an autopsy, how long before it’s returned to the family? The FBI didn’t cremate him, his family did.
“Nice body you have here. It would be a shame if something didn’t happen to it.”
You mean, like destroying the front door to Mount Carmel in Waco to hide the fact that all the bullet holes were exclusively incoming?
would you expect the cultists to shoot their own door from the inside?
But after all this time what difference does it make?
(Hopefully not necessary but I will add /sarc)
I thought it was great a Butler Cop got the first shot at him and stopped any further fire.
Additionally, I often breeze through a story just to get to the comments.
We have some very observant and insightful people here.