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Arrest Warrants Issued After Antisemitic Vandalism Left on Jewish Frat House at Temple University

Arrest Warrants Issued After Antisemitic Vandalism Left on Jewish Frat House at Temple University

“As the police continue to pursue all leads, Temple’s Division of Student Affairs is also actively investigating these recent incidents”

Where are all the leftists who claim that hate has no place on a college campus?

Campus Reform reports:

Arrest warrants issued following anti-Semitic vandalism on Temple University Jewish fraternity

A Jewish fraternity at Temple University in Philadelphia has been vandalized multiple times by anti-Israel individuals who damaged property and left anti-Semitic messages behind.

There were two trespassing incidents against the Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) fraternity in May and one in late July, according to The Jerusalem Post. During the July incident, a group of vandals reportedly trespassed onto the fraternity’s roof and urinated into a door on the rooftop.

During another occurrence, vandals spray-painted the phrase, “Free Palestine,” onto the Jewish fraternity’s roof.

“AEPi identifies as a Jewish fraternity and there was evidence the incidents were motivated by antisemitism,” Temple President Richard Englert and Senior Vice President and Provost Gregory Mandel said in an Aug. 2 message to the university community.

“As the police continue to pursue all leads, Temple’s Division of Student Affairs is also actively investigating these recent incidents,” the officials continued. “If students are found to be involved, they will be subject to disciplinary action under the Student Conduct Code. This would be in addition to any criminal charges filed against students and non-students.”

On Aug. 12, the university posted another update to the situation, stating that it had obtained arrest warrants for two individuals connected to the anti-Semitic vandalism.

“The approved felony charges are in connection with incidents that occurred on May 24 and July 27, 2024, at an off-campus row home that houses several Temple student members of AEPi, a national fraternity,” Englert and Mandel stated. “We are grateful to the [Temple University Police Department] detectives and police officers and the District Attorney’s Office for their continued efforts to keep the Temple community safe.”


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destroycommunism | August 14, 2024 at 5:05 pm

would love to see the assaulters get *disabled* by some j ewish students

Some “street circumcisions” may be necessary to make a point.

Temple is not coddling its criminal faction. Good for Tempkle for taking a strong stance. An arrest warrant is no slap on the wrist..

Considering that the Philadelphia DA is a Soros civil rights activist who has been impeached once already for not doing his job, who want’s to bet all charges will be dropped?