Anti-Israel Student Protesters Preparing to Start Again in the Fall

The consequences for this have never been harsh enough to make it stop.

The Hill reports:

Students gearing up for round 2 of pro-Palestinian protests: ‘We’ve been working all this summer’The pro-Palestinian activists who disrupted campuses across the nation are plotting their return for the new academic year.Demonstrators say all forms of protest are still on the table, despite the more than 2,000 arrests so far, as students try to figure out a new strategy to demand their schools divest from Israel, among other goals.“What we will see [is] the students will continue their activism, will continue doing what they’ve done in conventional and unconventional ways. So not only protests, not only encampments, kind of any — any available means necessary to push Columbia to divest from from Israel,” said Mahmoud Khalil, student negotiator on behalf of Columbia University Apartheid Divest.“And we’ve been working all this summer on our plans, on what’s next to pressure Columbia to listen to the students and to decide to be on the right side of history,” Khalil added.Students will be heading back into the classroom this month after a chaotic ending to the last academic year.Dozens of schools across the country saw protests against the war in Gaza, including interruptions to multiple graduation ceremonies, and scores of students were suspended for their actions.Since then, the war in Gaza has only escalated with thousands killed and no clear end in sight.“There’s definitely conversations happening regarding how they can continue to advocate, to raise awareness about Palestinian human rights and genocide that’s happening in Gaza,” said Zainab Chaudry, director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations office in Maryland.“And I think that there’s some students who already started planning over the summer. There have been some meetings that have been organized by some student leaders at different campuses to strategize ahead of the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year.”

Tags: Antisemitism, College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel, protests