“White Dudes For Harris” (Not Parody, Just Progressive)

I’m still not sure if this is real, or a 4Chan hoax, like the #PissForEquality Hoax.

It’s sometimes so hard to tell whether it’s legit progressive or parody, we came up with a post tag, Progressive or Parody?

Apparently the Harris campaign has been helping coordinate and promote various identity support groups, like “Black Women” and “White Women” for Harris.

I kind of understood those. Black women want to support a woman who identifies as black for president. Liberal white women are, well, never mind.

But “White Dudes for Harris”? I was suspicious.

But according to the internets, it’s real.

Looks like this guy kicked it off.

And now all the usual suspects are getting involved.

The Harris campaign is the first fully DEI campaign – identity politics down the line. With a large dose of group psychotherapy thrown in.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Progressive or Parody?