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Video Shows Jewish NYC Banker was Attacked by ‘Queers for Palestine’ Mob Before Fighting Back

Video Shows Jewish NYC Banker was Attacked by ‘Queers for Palestine’ Mob Before Fighting Back

“…these agitators formed a ring at him, doused him with two unknown liquids, shoved him to the ground, and hurled antisemitic slurs at him.”

In early June, a 10-second video showing a man allegedly assaulting a woman on a New York City street during a Brooklyn Pride event went viral, with online outrage mobs calling for his identification and arrest.

It was soon revealed that the man’s name was Jonathan Kaye, a senior investment banker at Moelis & Co.:

Posters were even plastered on street poles with his name, phone number, home address, and employer:

Media outlets also joined in the feeding frenzy, with papers like the Daily Mail and the New York Post taking the short clip and running with it. They emphasized Kaye’s “millionaire” status as though it was a negative against him and the Post interviewed some of Kaye’s neighbors, who said they now lived in fear and claimed without evidence that he had a history of menacing behavior.

The outrage mobs put pressure on Moelis to fire Kaye:

Moelis soon announced they were investigating the incident, and put him on leave in the meantime:

Two weeks later, Kaye resigned:

Now here we are a week later, and not only has Kaye turned himself in, but a longer version of the video has surfaced, which puts things in context. It shows that it was a group of “Queers for Palestine” demonstrators who were harassing him and attacking him, presumably because he was Jewish:

The CCTV images, captured by a nearby restaurant, show Kaye emerging from the right side of the sidewalk, where the group of revelers appear to be hanging out on the corner.

The two parties appear to exchange words as Kaye walks by, but he continues walking, before glancing back at the group after they allegedly begin hurling slurs and insults.

As he continues up the sidewalk, he crosses paths with someone who appears to be returning to the same group of friends in the corner, and they exchange words as well.

It is unknown exactly what was said, but it was apparently provocative enough to cause Kaye to stop and turn around and approach the group.

The confrontation quickly turns chaotic and physical, with Kaye seen being surrounded and then shoved into the street, off screen, catching the attention of nearby onlookers.

After the altercation unfolds off camera, he reappears in frame seconds later and continues on his way down the sidewalk.


The Post quoted one of Kaye’s lawyers, Danya Perry, saying that the evidence proves her client was acting in self-defense:

“He’s a law abiding man is a middle aged guy with zero history of violence. He was attacked by a group of violent protesters and defended himself to get home to his family. So, you know, we will be presenting more and more evidence to the DA that this was nothing more than self defense,” his attorney,  Danya Perry, told The Post after Kaye’s arraignment.


Sources close to Kaye insisted days later that he’d only acted in self-defense after the group surrounded him and tossed liquid on him.

Perry doubled down on Monday, saying Kaye had been “terrorized, assaulted, and surrounded by a group of unruly antisemitic protesters.”

“What the previously released video clip does not show is what another video and other evidence we have shared with the DA does show: that these agitators formed a ring at him, doused him with two unknown liquids, shoved him to the ground, and hurled antisemitic slurs at him,” the attorney said in a statement.

Incredibly, as Kaye left a courtroom Monday, agitators showed up and harassed/attacked him again.  Because this is New York City, they of course got away with it:

Not surprisingly, the person who put his hands on Kaye is a professional agitator:

A person named Micah P., one of Kaye’s alleged victims, posted a message on her Instagram alleging Kaye is a beneficiary of white privilege, though last I checked it was Kaye who was having his life ruined by accusations that appear to be false, not Micah:

Just found out Jonathan Kaye was arrested today and his felony assault charges were taken down to misdemeanors, so he can beat us up and cause permanent, lifelong injuries and get away with it because he’s a rich white man?

I don’t even know how to move forward on this if folks have advice I’d love to hear it. The Brooklyn DA are cowards and I can’t believe this man is going to be able to walk away with essentially no record of his terror.

It looks like Micah is also a professional protester:

It’s always the same routine with these people. Every. Single. Time.

NYC Council Member Vickie Paladino summed up the state of things accordingly:

So a man was attacked on the street by a group of antisemitic thugs, defended himself, caused no injuries, and for that is now facing multiple charges and had to resign his position in investment banking.

Oh and he will likely be targeted by radicals for the rest of his life.

This is progressive ‘justice’, and it cannot continue. People are going to reach a breaking point.

Welcome to Joe Biden’s America, NYC edition.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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OwenKellogg-Engineer | July 3, 2024 at 11:14 am

I am so ready for adults to be running things again.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to OwenKellogg-Engineer. | July 3, 2024 at 3:29 pm

    I am so ready for one of those attacked to be very well-versed in hand to hand combat and breaks the neck of his attacker, or at the very least causes some permanent damage.

    Jews in leftist enclaves: time to learn self-defense. Alvin Bragg can’t jail all of you.

    docduracoat in reply to OwenKellogg-Engineer. | July 4, 2024 at 12:07 pm

    The video shows he was attacked by a group, an unknown liquid splashed on him, and his retreat blocked.
    Under New York self defense law, he is legally justified in using non lethal force in response.

    This is one situation where he should have called the police first.

    Even in NY, one person attacked by a group, and held against his will is the victim

      Edward in reply to docduracoat. | July 4, 2024 at 4:43 pm

      Hard to call 911 when you are under attack. What do you think they would have done if he whipped his phone out, let him call 911 or knocked it out of his hand/stole it? The police respond AFTER the crime has occurred more often than not, and that is not knocking law enforcement, that’s just the way it is. There’s a saying that “When seconds count the police are only minutes away.” The last figures I saw were that the US AVERAGE time for completion of a criminal act was 90 seconds. In the same report the BEST response time for law enforcement was NYPD at 4 minutes and (IIRC) 35 seconds – and that was for the highest priority calls (e.g. shots fired), NYPD response for mundane stuff like theft could be 24 to 48 hours. Rural areas were mostly up to 30 to 45 minutes, depending on where the closest deputy was in the county. And those response figures were more than a decade ago, I’m not sure they would still hold true today. The rural times would still be pretty good, I know at home 10 to 15 minutes is really fast response, so we know we are our first responders.

Brother, we sure could use a man like Kersey again.

I can’t help but notice that Mr. Protect and Serve does absolutely nothing. He has a pension to protect.

    rebelgirl in reply to Paddy M. | July 3, 2024 at 11:17 am

    Oh did you miss seeing him marching in the Pride parade this past weekend? /sarc

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Paddy M. | July 3, 2024 at 3:32 pm

    He has a pension to protect, follows orders, and is just behaving like his great-grand-fellow-LEOs did 90 years ago. They will only act when told to round up Jews and “raus!” them into trucks. (I trust cops of any kind about as far as I can throw a refrigerator.)

Being Jewish in NYC, he is probably getting what he voted for. Vote for the Democrats, who hate you, and expect the persecution to continue.

    Paula in reply to jamesleeiv. | July 3, 2024 at 11:57 am

    Is this enough to turn Jewish bankers into Republicans? Or will they take their lumps and continue to sip their kool aid?

      alaskabob in reply to Paula. | July 3, 2024 at 12:24 pm

      Wait until he finds out what “rule of law” is really like in NYC. He has no protected class shield.

        CommoChief in reply to alaskabob. | July 3, 2024 at 2:31 pm

        This is an under looked aspect. For a long while the d/prog coalition of various tribal factions was able to move in solidarity. Then came two things that revealed the fissures; BLM and Hamas.

        BLM began revealing to ‘white’ women the limits of their status as a protected class. The Hamas protesters and their enablers did the same for Jews. When both believed they were in full solidarity with other groups of the d/prog coalition putting blame for ills upon the mythical ‘white male patriarchy’ all was well….until it wasn’t and Women and Jews found out they were no longer seated at the grown up table and were relegated to tolerated affiliate status at best and even then only if they bent over and meekly took their medicine. Probably very world shattering to suddenly go from full partner to ranking with a temp hire in the oppression hierarchy.

    guyjones in reply to jamesleeiv. | July 3, 2024 at 2:43 pm

    Do you know anything about Kaye’s political loyalties? No, so, you have no reason to opine and speculate on that, other than the fact of his being Jewish. And, being in finance, Kaye is more likely to be a Republican.

    Save the “probably,” and write when you actually possess a factual basis for your claims. Speculation is idle bullshit.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to jamesleeiv. | July 3, 2024 at 3:58 pm

    And, you know this… how? Please explain.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to jamesleeiv. | July 4, 2024 at 10:39 am

    This stupid angle is so played out.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to jamesleeiv. | July 4, 2024 at 12:35 pm

    The expert on Jews and all things Jewish shares his expertise. Now you can tell us about Jewish Bolsheviks.

Reached for comment, Ben Stiller and Tucker Carlson. told Kaye and his family that this needs to end.

Tony Blinken issued a statement”Everyone must follow the rules”

Jake Sullivan said “Everybody has valid points view that must be understood and valued and respected and cherished and enshrined in gold and worshipped”

Alvin Bragg, on behalf of NYC and UN and Norway said that theQueers For Palestine must be given permanent Room & Board in Kaye’s home

Judges Merchant, Engoron, and Kaplan met and ruled that two children from the Laye family must be handed over to the Queers For Palestine within ten days. Permanently.

And Leticia James has ordered that Kaye’s wife and sister shall be raped on livestream within 47 hours. At 06:00. And one or both shall have breasts sliced off and shot in head.

Asked to comment, Hamas and PLO and EU and Ireland and Spain and aoc and omar said “This outcome seems reasonable.” Tlaib said this is just the beginning

Queers For Palestine members were attending a rooftop celebration in gaza but could not comment because they were bound and gagged , and were about to be dropped onto their heads.

Ok. I have a question about a random white dude walking at night with a bag of carryout who is clearly assaulted by angry circus freaks.

And some spectator just happened to be there to get it onto the viral internet.

How did they know he is Jewish? The only reason we know anything about him is because he turned himself into LE. I guess that’s public knowledge.

I think this was a set-up that was staked out in advance by these angry circus freaks for more jew-hate propaganda.

    henrybowman in reply to LB1901. | July 3, 2024 at 2:02 pm

    “Ok. I have a question about a random white dude walking at night with a bag of carryout who is clearly assaulted by angry circus freaks.”
    Oh oh, acid flashback!
    It wasn’t a bag from Subway… was it?
    “This is maggot country!”

chrisboltssr | July 3, 2024 at 11:30 am

Leftists are all bit ensuring the only way to deal with them is with violence because that is what they want.

destroycommunism | July 3, 2024 at 11:39 am

it was never in doubt that the leftists started it

WHAT WAS/IS in doubt would be which “results’ would be allowed to be shown to the public!!???

the ones carefully orchestrated by the msm ( think abc “news” covering up the bleeding head of the attacked george zimmerman A few weeks ago, ABC News released video of Zimmerman being brought into a Florida police station. At first, the network said the video showed Zimmerman had no injuries, but a few a days later, using an enhanced version of the video, it concluded the video showed Zimmerman had sustained injuries to his head.)


and again

when the msm says that the election results are biden won in 2020

how do we know that was the truth?

what if a different media outlet says trump won ??

this is what could happen 2024 /in the future as AI is the new fall guy for lefty excuses to lie!!

destroycommunism | July 3, 2024 at 11:44 am


Far-left extremist Alvin Dan has a history of violently accosting Jewish people in New York City. I’ve reported on him before. He doesn’t face legal consequences for his actions so feels emboldened to continue. This is also the story of Antifa in the U.S.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to destroycommunism. | July 4, 2024 at 10:46 am

    “I’ve reported on him before.”

    Oooh the high IQ investigative reporter is on the scene, folks!

      Edward in reply to Thad Jarvis. | July 4, 2024 at 5:03 pm

      He failed to include quotation marks, but he is quoting Andy Ngo, who is a journalist who has reported on* Antifa and BLM extensively. You would know that if you had read the article, or at least retained what was written in the article.

      * And been physically attacked, injured and hospitalized by Antifa thugs who didn’t like his reporting.

      steves59 in reply to Thad Jarvis. | July 4, 2024 at 11:32 pm

      Can you refute anything he said? If so, then do so.
      Otherwise, you’re just an angry troll.

destroycommunism | July 3, 2024 at 11:44 am


Forward the Antifa ID to ivan raiklin

Moelis & Company hasn’t had any public tweets since the one where they announced they were investigating. The longer video speaks for itself. One of their Jewish employees was attacked in an obvious hate crime. They should conclude their ‘investigation’ with an apology to Mr. Kaye, a promise to fund his criminal defense and an unequivocal condemnation of antisemitism.

    destroycommunism in reply to TargaGTS. | July 3, 2024 at 1:01 pm

    they are still stuck

    its a pr mess to protect oneself from the lefty mob

    blmplo proved that during their takeover in 2020

    and bernie goetz was decades back but same situation

    we have moved further left since then

    JohnSmith100 in reply to TargaGTS. | July 3, 2024 at 6:58 pm

    Mr. Kaye should sue them.

destroycommunism | July 3, 2024 at 12:58 pm

This is relevant to the ongoing AND GROWING lefty takeover of america:



ANYONE else notice that Trump and his voters are called TERRORISTS??

anyone else notice that whatever the dems say others are doing


the omar squad led takeover of america with fjb currently at the helm

have called pro americans terrrrrorists

    Thad Jarvis in reply to destroycommunism. | July 3, 2024 at 1:17 pm

    I THINK the answer!!!!! is more UNHINGED posts in ALL CAPS!!!!!!!!! with LOTS of EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Thad Jarvis. | July 3, 2024 at 3:40 pm

      You left out ThIs sOrT oF aNnOyInG sTuFf.

        Thad Jarvis in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | July 4, 2024 at 10:48 am

        I find E Howard’s manic obsession with homosexuality and “nancy boys” much more entertaining.

          I’m kind of confused about why you are here, Thad. You don’t comment on our posts or the general topic. Or on anything except how much you dislike and disdain various individuals here. If that’s true, why even come here and inflict this (clearly negative) experience on yourself?

          I don’t get the perpetual mean-spiritedness of your comments. It’s one thing to lash out now and again (who doesn’t do that?), but you seem to add nothing of any value to any discussion and do nothing but attack our commenters and call them names. Do you just have no thoughts to offer? Are you just an unpleasant person who can only criticize people? Are you seeking attention? Are you miserable in your real life and taking it out on us? I just don’t get it.

        Quit feeding the troll and it will go away (eventually, at least). Not that I’m not guilty of the same, but I now promise to stop.

Another woman finds out that men can hit really hard. Factor that in next time.

    CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | July 3, 2024 at 2:43 pm

    But …are saying that if she believes very hard in equips the sexes, aligns her horoscope, polishes her crystals….that equality (physically interchangeable) won’t manifest? How unfair!

    There are far too many women who don’t understand (IMO more like refuse to accept) just how large the physical differences in terms of all the things needed to do violence to another person actually are. Categories exist for valid reasons; weight, age, sex differences produce vastly different ability to inflict physical violence.

Gremlin1974 | July 3, 2024 at 3:58 pm

I just hope his hand is not injured.

Kaye should sue Alvin Dan and Micah P, then refuse to settle. Get discovery of all their sources of funds. Then sue those, on up the chain. It’s time to bankrupt some of these people.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to boldface. | July 4, 2024 at 12:02 am

    Yep. The process is the punishment. From that build a train of follow-on charges: conspiracy, money laundering, hate speech civil rights violations, whatever. With discovery for each step of the chain.

So I noticed that the video of the woman being escorted from the city council meeting and screaming like a lunatic shows that the guy who assaulted Kaye when Kaye was leaving the courthouse was there as well.

    Just Al in reply to Just Al. | July 3, 2024 at 5:00 pm

    I feel dumb now because I didn’t read the text of the tweet with the video and it already pointed that out. Derp

The odds he actually struck a female is near zero when all the lefties are insisting it was a “woman”.

I could not watch the full video because it made me so mad. Is there no law and order in NYC? They just allow these attacks by organized agitators? Will the authorities actuallly come down on people defending themselves? This is justice in progressive America?

Good for this guy for having stood up for himself. There seems no option except to defend one’s self. Just make sure the attack is recorded. Kav Maga is an excellent start.

Do these sorts of thing only happen in jurisdictions (i.e. Blue cities) in which the actual victims of these types of attacks are unlikely to be armed?

BierceAmbrose | July 4, 2024 at 12:06 am


Once you;’re surrounded, whether you live of die is pretty much up to them. Once they get physical, you know what they’re willing to do. Seems like “fear for your life” time.

If he will be the target of these pieces of excrement for the rest of his life, I believe Mr. Kaye needs to move to a location with a greater understanding of the term law abiding. NY City most certainly doesn’t fit that description any longer. The older son and wife used to enjoy vacation trips to NYC, but now say it will be a cold day that sees them in the city again.

Mr. Kaye, did nothing wrong. He was obviously defending himself. Personally, I would have used a handgun.

He is still charged with misdemeanors? Where are the felony charges against those who assaulted him? We have several names.

And Moelis had better rehire him or pay him off real good, or else I hope he can own that firm.