Trump Was Denied Additional Security Contrary To Secret Service Assertions, WaPo Reports

A new report from the Washington Post confirms that the Trump campaign asked the Secret Service for additional security and was denied. Alejandro Mayorkas denied this was true during a recent interview. He and Kim Cheatle of the Secret Service should resign immediately.

Dan Bongino has been saying this for days.

So has Sean Davis.

They were right.

This is the spokesman for the Secret Service.

From the Washington Post:

Secret Service said to have denied requests for more security at Trump eventsTop officials at the U.S. Secret Service repeatedly denied requests for additional resources and personnel sought by Donald Trump’s security detail in the two years leading up to his attempted assassination at a rally in Pennsylvania last Saturday, according to four people familiar with the requests.Agents charged with protecting the former president requested magnetometers and more agents to screen attendees at sporting events and other large public gatherings Trump attended, as well as additional snipers and specialty teams at other outdoor events, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive security discussions. The requests, which have not been previously reported, were sometimes denied by senior officials at the agency, who cited various reasons, including a lack of resources at an agency that has long struggled with staffing shortages, they said.Those rejections — in response to requests that were several times made in writing — led to long-standing tensions that pitted Trump, his top aides and his security detail against Secret Service leadership, as Trump advisers privately fretted that the vaunted security agency was not doing enough to protect the former president.The Secret Service, after initially denying turning down requests for additional security, is now acknowledging some may have been rejected. The revelation comes as agency veterans say the organization has been forced to make difficult decisions amid competing demands, a growing list of protectees and limited funding.

Heads should roll over this.

Here’s part of what Sean Davis wrote at The Federalist:

Nobody wants to hear this because of the implications, but oh well, because it needs to be said: Joe Biden’s security regime deliberately and with malice aforethought created the conditions that led to an attempted assassin shooting Donald Trump in the head. It is by the grace of God that he lived and our nation is not currently in the midst of a violent civil war.They deliberately starved Trump’s security team of the resources it needed. And they did it repeatedly, over many weeks and months.With Trump’s security detail understaffed, under-resourced, and stretched to its limits, Biden’s security regime reportedly diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area.Biden’s security regime then ordered the most obvious assassination perch in the entire area to remain outside the main security perimeter.

This has to be fully investigated and there must be consequences.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Alejandro Mayorkas, Dan Bongino, DHS, Donald Trump, Secret Service, Trump Assassination Attempt - Pennsylvania, Washington Post