Report: ‘Anxiety is Only Increasing’ Inside Biden’s White House
“Everyone is freaking the f*** out.”

Axios learned that President Joe Biden’s White House and campaign staff feel “rage, sadness, frustration” after his awful debate performance.
They also feel anger towards senior aides over their “lack of candor.” It’s delicious to me:
On Friday, the senior aides and White House officials only gave the staffers “talking points” without any “real explanation of why Biden appeared unable to string sentences together or articulate a case for himself over Trump.”
The attitudes have only led to more anger:
- “It’s the first topic of every conversation,” one White House official said.
- “Senior leadership has given us nothing. To act like it’s business as usual is delusional.”
- Another official put it more bluntly: “Everyone is freaking the f*** out.”
- “The uncertainty after Thursday is palpable and anxiety is only increasing,” a third White House official told Axios.
- “People are looking for leadership and direction that they were told to trust, and hoped was there, but aren’t yet feeling in what is now clearly a defining moment for this presidency.”
The senior officials gave Axios the usual talking points, telling the outlet that, “Davos Dems love to hedge their bets against us and get hysterical, like they did in 2019. And just like after 2020, they will come back with their DNC convention lanyards in their hands, begging for Christmas party invitations and then for a plus-one.”
I guess “Davos Dems” refers to those who support the World Economic Forum.
But the atmosphere is grim.
“It’s dark,” a campaign official said. “It feels like there is zero leadership or information. People are being told to keep their heads down and keep working, but they’re not seeing the president or being given any reason why they should have faith in him.”
Another person thinks the louder the calls for Biden to step down, “the more he feels like a scrappy underdog and the more he digs in.”
“The atmosphere now is that he’s going to be the nominee, so put your head down,” the person continued. “But there is also frustration that we aren’t being given the materials to move the news cycle forward. He needs to be out there.”

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if they realllly want fjb out all they need to do is
leak some secrets on him
His secrets are all out in the open and it makes no difference.
never read the one about him
showering with hunter!?!!?!?
thats why hunter started calling him
the big guy
Like all the secret overseas bank accounts and who paid him for what?
If they really want FJB out all that needs to happen is he’s found dead in his Delaware bed. Because, you know, it’s really sad that he died but he was an old man with many medical issues after all it was just a matter of time before it happened (wink, wink) and we’ll get back to you on the funeral arrangements thank you very much and have a good day.
fjb declares:
no way will I leave
only over my dead cold body……
enter Hillary
The genie is out of the bottle. Unfortunately he’s an elderly genie with a poor memory who has forgotten how to grant wishes.
when / why did Axios become the preferred outlet to vent grievances?
Weak losers. Give them some crayons and coloring books to settle their nerves.
Deep anxiety is affecting nearly everyone in the White House.
The only exception is Kamala Harris who just popped a bottle of champagne.
And arranged for an interior decorator to measure the new drapes for the
OralOval Office.Sorry. The previous reference was for Bill Clinton.
It works for Kamala too
At this point, there are only a couple things I really want to know from the idiots in the White House. First, what is Biden’s diagnosis (I’m betting Lewy Body) and when did he get that diagnosis (I suspect several years ago)?
Second, were any government physicians, Cabinet Members or other government officers or even US Secret Service agents aware of of his cognitive impairment? At some point, we need to have a serious conversation about creating statutory exceptions to HIPAA and other privacy laws – perhaps even statutory obligations to disclose – when the ‘private medical condition’ is mental illness and/or cognitive impairment of the ONE person in the Republic who can launch the nuclear weapons.
I’m sure there are de facto exceptions already. A Fibbie or spook flashes a badge and the records pour out like a slot machine jackpot.
Or, they go through a database back door.
We were all aware of it … for years. The number of mentions of Traitor joe’s mental problems in threads, here, must be gargantuan – and going back before his 2020 campaign, too.
Why Lewy Body dementia?
Not a doctor. But, my wife is. Was at a dinner over the weekend w/many other docs, a couple neurologists. The debate was a BIG topic of conversation. The big tells for them are the gait/posture/facial problems that have become very noticeable in the last year. But, they also remarked about how Biden will frequently tale off mid-sentence and enter something that resembles trance-like state where he mumbles incoherently…almost like he’s having another conversation, with someone who isn’t there….because he may be. This is something that’s frequently seen in Lew Body patients.
That’s a very brief recap. The discussion became granular and their explanations very convincing. They’re certain he doesn’t just have age-related cognitive impairment (known as MCI) and instead, it’s something more serious affecting the frontal lobe.
Anxiety has been increasing across the planet ever since this guy stepped into the white house. Who cares how these DEI elites feel about Joe’s dementia. It’s not like it wasn’t obvious to the rest of us.
All the dems have to do is leak the Hur deposition tape and he’s toast. All the CNN anchors can cry crocodile tears as they run it 6 times an hour.
Such a COA by the media in service of d/prog would offer themselves up as the willing co conspirators they and d/prog insiders have been throughout.
The spin that ‘golly, gee whiz nobody knew nuttin’ until the debate is BS. They got caught up in their efforts of lying and misleading to prop up Biden and deceive folks about his true level of performance. Hell, the same week of the debate the narrative talking point was to refer to video of Biden stumbling and bumbling as ‘cheap fakes’.
Not my monkeys, not my show. I am disinclined to have any sympathy at all for everybody that is allegedly freaking out. They remind me of the lady elephants in Dumbo having a fit about the mouse.
Everybody in the media, everybody in both Houses of Congress, and anybody with any interest in politics during the last Presidential election knew or should have known that Joe Biden was substantially impaired before he was elected. What else could be the explanation of him campaigning out of his basement, not to mention all the videos showing him moving and speaking like a sick person?
If it weren’t for Russia, China, and Iran, not to mention an army’s worth of men from the prisons and mental hospitals of South America, every Islamist nation on the planet, and also China, I’d have no concerns at all.
10% Joe’s presidency has been a grand con, those behind that must be brought to justice.
Yep, the real story is here is NOT ‘hey. Biden seems confused and incoherent’. Instead it is the list of media figures, political officials and others who knew this was the case since 2019.
Agree 100% that this fiasco was created by the d/prog and their enablers. Up to them to figure it out. We are under no obligation to assist. Nor are our political leaders in Red States under any obligation to alter our ballot access statutes to accommodate the d/prog.
LOL. ANyone with an IQ over 70 has known that Traitor Joe has been demented for years. We all knew it back during the 2020 campaign – which is why they kept the nasty, old criminal locked in the basement. He has never had any real press conferences during his “presidency”, never answered any open questions, never did much of anything. The traitor has been on vacation for more than a quarter of his “presidency”. We all have known that Traitor Joe wasn’t running things and couldn’t run things.
And now these treasonous sh*tweasels are trying to act as if they had no idea that they were working for a near-vegetable.
Also, I find it interesting that throughout the basement campaign and through Traitor Joe’s part-time residency in the White House, no media has ever saw fit to mention that the retard had doctors scooping pieces of his brain out … TWICE! Not even a single mention of this fact – that a guy who was an idiot to begin with had a couple of brain surgeries, on top of it. Sort of an important thing, you would think …
Our country is worse than the old Soviet Union was at the end. That’s pathetic. That’s what we get for having won the Cold War …
Today, 10% Joe would be lucky to score 50
“He has never had any real press conferences during his ‘presidency’.”
Not even one?
No. Not one!
Well, I’ll be!
It really makes no difference in how the country is “ruled”.
This regime is full of key officials from the Obama administration. It is interesting how many of those officials have worked for or have close ties to Soros and his various organizations.
Perhaps that is a key to why so much of the policy of both Obama and Biden as well as the administrative state have been to the determent of the America.
And since Joe has been mentally incompetent since before the 2020 election, none of his policies are applicable. Disregard at will. Kind of like he disregards the Supreme Court.
The walls are closing in, the inner sanctum has fewer and fewer people
Democrats/ Marxists have a problem, a failing candidate and no way to get him to quit.
“Democrats/ Marxists have a problem, a failing candidate and no way to get him to quit.”
accident happen every single day … he is old and has health issues besides mental health…
there are drugs …
I must be some sort of freakin’ genius because…
1) I watched the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearing. I know Joe Biden has a double digit IQ.
2) I read “My Grandfather’s Son”. I know Joe Biden is a backstabbing SOB.
3) I was around for all of his failed presidential campaigns. I know he’s a brazen liar.
4) I was around for Strom Thurmond & Robert Byrd and a litany of his remarks. I know that Joe Biden is a racist.
5) I actually watched the 2020 election. I know that Joe Biden had the beginning stages of dementia.
Nothing that has happened in the past week was a surprise to me.
Maybe Dr Fauci will work with the CCP to develop a vaccine for Biden’s dementia. It could be any day now . . .
Get your masks ready.
Lest we relish this deserved angst too much, Biden may be the easiest candidate for Trump to beat. Don’t forget the polls that said the majority wanted neither of them. No thinking person can now vote for Biden. Every thinking person conceivably could vote for a younger Democrat without baggage.
But who?
Gretchen, The Wicked Witch of the Mid-West?
Gavin Hair Gel?
Less is Moore from Maryland?
Kamala Kackles – The Mistress (defined as something that lies between a Mister and a Mattress) who has had more sex than Stormy Daniels (sans Donald Trump, which shows at least He had standards).
Pritzger – The guy who will beat Krispy Kreme Christie to a donut shop?
The bench is wide and shallow.
I agree with “wide and shallow”. You could also include Hillary on your list. Although Tulsi Gabbard would never be picked, I think she would have a lot of appeal. IMO Cory Booker is a lightweight, but he could be “sold”.
Yep. I’ve seen some people online claiming this is all some 7d chess game by Democrats, but behind the scenes is nothing but chaos. They don’t have a replacement. Harris is the one who should get it if Biden is forced out, but she sucks and they all know it. Michelle Obama doesn’t seem interested (although I don’t rule out a convention surprise). Newsom wants it but he has competition, and well… no one likes him. The others don’t have a chance. And that’s not even getting into the fact that it’s not easy to replace a president who doesn’t want to go, and dementia patients are ridiculously stubborn.
The time to replace Biden was years ago. Too late now.
All told, Michelle Obama is lazy., and will not let go of the multi million $$$$$ lifestyle for a paltry $400,000 plus $50,000 expenses, and the scrutiny associated with the job.
When MO worked at the hospital before his husband became president, Michelle was making $350,000 plus – and that was before 2008. Michelle is not going back after 16 years of living high on the hog.
Oh man… Clyburn just came out and said basically if Joe is replaced… Kamala is the ONLY option… he will make sure of that… lol
She is the only option by the way , in that world of identity politics they can’t dare replace her with a white man or a white woman , only a transgender Palestinian would possibly out do her on the identity cool points.
They painted themselves into a corner.
Only she would have access to all the the Biden-Harris campaign warchest of ~$91M. Everyone else would be starting from zero, when they got the nomination.
To take a phase from the movie Argo.,”Sir, this is the best bad idea we have.”
On the flip side, if she either become President before the election and loses, or even if she becomes President for a few weeks after, the Democrats will be able to say they had the first woman, woman of color (woman from a slave holding family), and they might even get style points if someone produces evidance she was bi.
If she goes on to lose, this serves to get the Dems of the identiy politics hamster wheel.
FWIW, that’s grown to $151M according to the most recent FEC filings this week.
Yep. Jim Clyburn has already announced that his support, and by extension the political machinery of his faction, views Harris as the only possible successor. The d/prog put themselves into this culdesac and there isn’t an easy path out.
I think that interview didn’t get the coverage it deserved, outside of rabidly political circles. That was an effective acknowledgement by one of the most powerful voices in the House that Biden isn’t going to be the nominee.
before you ‘LOL’, keep in mind that there a re a significant number of women in this country that will vote for her because she is a her
Not those of us with functioning brains.
A scrappy under dog that’s hilarious ; more like an over dog , because we are all over him and have been for a while.
Carl Bernstein of “All the President’s Men” fame, the Lord of Watergate, knew about Biden’s dementia and his episodes more than 18 times in the past few years – and said NOTHING about it.
The guy who couldn’t wait to destroy Nixon covered for a guy who was more corrupt with more criminal acts than anything that Nixon could have done.
Woodward and Bernstein were the death of News.
I remember learning only in the very recent past that one of those losers wasn’t even a journalist, but an Intelligence Community resource sent to the WaPo with marching orders to help the other bury Nixon… because Nixon let it be known that he knew they killed JFK.
Excellent point.
“Senior leadership has given us nothing. To act like it’s business as usual is delusional.”
You’re delusional. It’s precisely business as usual. The sausage is still being made exactly the same way today as it was yesterday. Just because you, personally, saw the process yesterday means less than nothing.
Two important Dem goals are heading for an epic clash:
–We have power.
–We want to keep power
In order to grab the next election, they need an attractive candidate. The one they have in office is *not* and the VP is worse. The longer the current president keeps his fingers dug into their office, the less chance the Dems have of keeping their looting positions in four months. So the “keep” and the “have” sections of their party are going to war against each other, and if they both lose, we all win.
I’m making popcorn.