Rep. Adam Schiff Tells Biden to Withdraw From Presidential Race
“I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November.”

Rep. Adam Schiff (R-CA), a Senate candidate, has officially called for President Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race.
From the LA Times:
In his statement, Schiff said Biden “has been one of the most consequential presidents in our nation’s history, and his lifetime of service as a Senator, a Vice President, and now as President has made our country better.”
“But our nation is at a crossroads,” he said. “A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November.”
Schiff said the “choice to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone,” but that he believes it is time for Biden “to pass the torch” and “secure his legacy of leadership” by allowing another Democrat to beat Trump.
Schiff also said he will fully support whoever ends up at the top of the Democratic ticket — including if it remains Biden.
“I will do everything I can to help them succeed,” Schiff said. “There is only one singular goal: defeating Donald Trump. The stakes are just too high.”
Schiff becomes the latest Democrat telling Biden to step aside:

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Who put him in charge?
Is the dem party now controlled by the dem party elites or dem voters?
The elites didn’t schedule a single primary debate even though there were no less than two announced primary challengers. Res ipsa loquitur.
Biden only became an issue when he places the electability of other democrats in jeopardy.
Old Yeller has exceeded his shelf life, and now the democrats want to put him out to pasture.
Mixed metaphor, because we all know that the FBLie is monitoring these forums and I don’t want them to have a reason to make a visit to my house.
Are you now or have you ever been a Christian, patriot, military veteran, heterosexual, LEO or parent?
Note: An answer of either yes or no to any of these questions is deemed suspicious by the FBI and refusal to answer will be held against you!
I am already on their terrorist watch list.
Are you now or ever been:
Christian – Yes,
Patriot – Yes
Military veteran – Yes
Heterosexual – Yes
LEO – Yes
Parent – Yes a liar and almost as bad as Quisling Joe. Only idiots and dems pay attention to what he says. It’s lies.
” . . . and now as President has made our country better.”
Or just Adam Schiff’s lifestyle, which is better for him.
His face speaks to me. It says, “I may be an ugly, oleaginous, repulsive worm, but I have power over you, and I’m not going away.”
He is a vile human being.
It’s fascinating that they’re not even bothering with the pretense that this is about Biden’s cognitive dysfunction being a danger to America and instead, it has everything to do with beating Trump. If Biden were 10-points up on Trump and had shit himself on that stage during that debate, no one would be calling for Biden’s departure. You can’t loathe these people enough.
Correction The article needs to change “Rep. Adam Schiff (R-CA), a Senate candidate, ” to
“Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), a Senate candidate, “
Not one single word from Schiff – or any other Communist Party hack – about the deadly danger of having a figurehead whose strings are being pulled by a behind-the-scenes cabal stay in power.
The same people are probably pulling Schiff’s strings. He probably has some skeletons in his closet which stay hidden because he’ll do whatever he’s told.
It still fascinates me that the Democrats have to ASK Biden to withdraw…Really? I just can’t wrap my head around the idea that someone so obviously failing ( and they known that damn well for months (a year?) can’t just be swept aside by the Party.
The other thing that REALLY bothers me is –
If Biden hadn’t insisted on the debate with Trump were they just going to let him “keep running things” (sic) for four more years? Alternately, did they presume a 25th Amendment removal after the election with a President Harris as the figurehead?
Hands Off Uncle Joe!
Let me see if I can translate from BullSchiff: “We have to protect our phoney baloney jobs here, gentlemen! We must do something about this immediately! Immediately! Immediately! Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph!”
Don’t go Joe, your the best Puppet we ever had
Shiffty reminded fjb that if he didnt leave:
we still have the hollywood producers on retainer and you know what we did to trump
When on the subject of resigning. Let’s start with pencil neck because of his Russia lies if nothing else.
Positioning himself for a 2028 Presidential run already. The sharks smell blood in the water.
Schiff is exactly the type of Democrat that is causing people to walk away. That he will continue in DC is a negative for his party and the country.
This punk is one of the most worthless pieces of sh*t in the entire government. He used his position on the intelligence committee to lend credence to the lies about ‘Russia collusion’ over and over and over again. In a sane world, somebody would beat the teeth out of this c*nts lying mouth.
There may be a reason. If Trump is truly setting up for a huge win because Biden is so diminished, then Schiff may not find it easy sailing into the Senate. He is running against baseball legend Steve Garvey.
Jesus, when is that lying sack of shit going away
Pretty much never. He’s going to become a Senator and be even more disgusting and evil than a mere Rep.
Adam Schiff…who committed treason with the fake ‘Russia Collusion’ lie that he participated in, calling on someone else to withdraw from public office. Schiff is a proven pathological liar, and an unrepentant piece of left wing garbage. But he is typical of today’s modern democrat, in that no matter how much he has lied to undermine a duly elected president, he has zero. shame, and will continue to do it.
I notice that the good congressman is only worried about the 2024 presidential race. He does not seem to be concerned about the 6 months that a mentally enfeebled Joe Biden has remaining in this term. Clearly this statement is not about patriotism but about self-serving politics.
Which brings us to other thing of note: the good congressman’s political calculus. Joe Biden is not likely to relinquish the Democratic nomination; he is not likely to win; Adam Schiff needs to appeal to a lot of California voters that think Biden should not run for president. So the likelihood of any recriminations from the next president is going to be low and the likelihood of getting elected will be incrementally higher.
Dems never worry about our country have a man without a brain as Commander in Chief. It’s only that they are afraid that he will lose ie that they will lose power.
Pencil Neck!!! Wasn’t this idiot part of that corrupt J6 committee? You know the one that destroyed evidence, refused exculpatory evidence, had hearings in secret…..Schiff is trying to cover his own ass. This is one corrupt loser trying to force another corrupt loser off the stage. These people are reprehensible in every way….
This man (?) is to me, the most repulsive example of America gone wrong.
What a POS