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Peter Navarro at RNC: ‘If They Can Come for Me, if They Can Come for Donald Trump, They Will Come for You’

Peter Navarro at RNC: ‘If They Can Come for Me, if They Can Come for Donald Trump, They Will Come for You’

“I went to prison so you won’t have to. I am your WAKE-UP CALL.”

Peter Navarro, former advisor to former President Donald Trump, left a Miami prison after four months for contempt of Congress.

Navarro went straight to the RNC.

The J6 committee claimed Navarro helped Trump to try to overturn the 2020 election before the Capitol Hill riot.

The committee issued a subpoena, which Navarro ignored because of executive privilege.

Navarro’s speech warned everyone that they would come for you as they did him and Trump.

My favorite part was when Navarro pointed out that Eric Holder and Alejandro Mayorkas, who have blood on their hands, are still free.

Never forget that Eric Holder’s DOJ was behind Operation Fast & Furious.


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I absolutely adore Peter Navarro

What a sham of a government

If they can’t jail us they sure as hell will kill us

henrybowman | July 17, 2024 at 8:39 pm

“I’ve got a very simple message for you: If they can come for me, and if they can come for Donald Trump, be careful. They will come for you.”

If they do, there’s really nothing we can do about it… other than do our best to ensure that when they do, they don’t go back home.

behind every blade of grass.
need i say more?

The RNC is killer. On ALL levels. Authentic. The 98 year old vet steals the show.

destroycommunism | July 17, 2024 at 11:47 pm

navvaro has more guts than all the leftists could even try to muster together

“I went to prison, so you don’t have to.”

If I go rob a bank and get caught I’m telling the Judge to let me go because Navarro already did my time for me.

Navarro and Bannon were both railroaded by the J6 committee, but in a way they tied themselves to the track by not making it crystal clear that the committee had the responsibility of requesting Trump to lift Executive Priv. over their communications, not them, and that they *would* appear before the committee in response to the subpoena, but could not answer any questions regarding communications with the Trump administration unless the committee had obtained a waiver of priv. from Trump. The partisan J6 committee wanted a public spectacle. Bannon and Navarro thought they could pull that weapon out of the Dems hands by not appearing and that the committee would not be so corrupt to throw them in jail for standing on long-standing principle. In hindsight, it would have been much better to sit through the mess and repeat one line. “Since the committee has neither sought or received a waiver of executive privilege from President Trump, and apparently has no desire to even ask, I am bound by Executive Privilege and cannot answer your question.”