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New RNC Platform Doesn’t Mention Abortion

New RNC Platform Doesn’t Mention Abortion

Never forget that without our natural rights don’t matter if we don’t protect our natural right to life.

Republican National Committee’s (RNC) 2024 mirrors Donald Trump’s platform.

It does not mention supporting protections for unborn human beings.

1. Seal the border
2. Carry out largest deportation op in US history
3. End inflation
4. Make US dominant energy producer
5. Stop outsourcing manufacturing
6. Large tax cuts for workers, no tax on tips
7. Defend the Constitution and fundamental freedoms
8. Prevent WW3
9. End weaponization of gov’t
10. Stop migrant crime epidemic
11. Rebuild US cities, make them safe, clean again
12. Strengthen/modernize military
13. Keep US $$ as reserve currency
14. Protect SS and Medicare
15. Cancel EV mandate
16. Cut funding for schools pushing gender ideology
17. Keep men out of women’s sports
18. Deport pro-Hamas radicals, esp from colleges
19. Secure elections: voter ID, paper ballots, proof of citizenship
20. Unite our country by bringing it to record levels of success

The previous platform said “the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.”

Now it says: “We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied life or liberty without due process and that the states are, therefore, free to pass laws protecting those rights.”

“This process is not how the rules of the Republican Party claim the process is supposed to work,” said Kristen Ullman, president of Eagle Forum. “The rules say that we are an open and transparent party and that the delegates have historically had the opportunity to read, digest, and amend the platform, and they were not given this opportunity. And it is very disappointing.”

Exactly. The platform only mentions the process.

Even if the party wants to keep it at the state level the platform can still say that the party supports protecting unborn human beings.

It’s not hard.

The absence betrays the defenseless babies.

It’s also a slap in the face to those who fought and still fight to end abortion.

RedState’s Jennifer Van Laar made an excellent point:

The absence or inclusion of language about abortion (or any other issue, for that matter) doesn’t restrict individual candidates or elected officials’ position or actions on the issue, but the absence of the ban language takes away one issue Democrats can use to scare swing voters – and there’s some polling to suggest that Dem scaremongering in 2022 was a big factor in the predicted “red wave” not materializing.

But it also means compromising principles to own the libs.

LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Then again, until the government accepts the science that life begins at conception, nothing can happen. Therefore, life doesn’t apply to unborn human beings.

If you bring up Dobbs, remember that SCOTUS ruled abortion is not in the Constitution. They left it to the people and their elected officials.

In other words, PUT IT THROUGH CONGRESS. I don’t think SCOTUS mentioned only at the state level so elected officials could mean Congress.

I see people on social media okay with compromising their principles. They forget that our other natural rights do not matter if we don’t have LIFE.

As I told Stevie…gotta own the libs!


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979AggHokie | July 8, 2024 at 5:15 pm

The ProLife Movement needs to take the fight to each state now. Starting at the precinct level. Overturning Roe was a great win. Since then, complacency has set in.

chrisboltssr | July 8, 2024 at 5:28 pm

You don’t win a fight by avoiding a fight.

This is disappointing. Frankly, the GOP should have just adopted Project 2025.

    henrybowman in reply to chrisboltssr. | July 8, 2024 at 6:20 pm

    Oh, don’t you? Ask the left how they took over our school systems and our election processes.
    Sometimes it isn’t about whether you choose to play checkers or chess.
    Sometimes you have to play poker.

CommoChief | July 8, 2024 at 5:38 pm

Dobbs moved abortion back to the status quo ante that existed prior to Roe. IOW it was an issue for the voters of each State to decide based upon the culture, traditions, religious outlook and history. This action automatically put into practice the State laws re abortion. In my own State of Alabama we had passed a very restrictive abortion statute that went into effect post Dobbs. We subsequently tightened it up further; abortion is for all practical purposes illegal and unavailable in Alabama.

The voters in each State who wish to emulate Alabama need to roll up their slaves and do the hard work in THEIR State to build the consensus for the most restrictive abortion statute they can achieve. Keep Congress the hell out of it. If not then be prepared for a temporary political alliance between Congressional delegations from very restrictive States like Alabama and the very unrestrained abortion States to oppose the imposition of a National abortion policy from DC. Any possible comprise at the National level would be more restrictive than Massachusetts would want and less restrictive than Mississippi would want.

My advice is do the work at home in your State and let the people of Mississippi and the people of Massachusetts figure out their own path. DC should be doing far less top down dictating to the States not more of it. I really don’t understand why we are having an internal issue among folks who profess to be in favor of a limited Federal govt. This is part of what that looks like; sovereign States in the laboratory of democracy working out solutions for themselves on issues unrelated to explicit Federal powers.

    henrybowman in reply to CommoChief. | July 8, 2024 at 6:22 pm

    “The voters in each State who wish to emulate Alabama need to roll up their slaves and do the hard work”
    Paging Doctor Freud…. 🤣

      CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | July 8, 2024 at 6:47 pm

      Sleeves obviously but considering how much some want to equate abortion to slavery/abolition you may have a point…through I don’t see many who make that claim ready to begin a civil war, prosecute it, do all the things necessary to win a bloody civil war then pass Constitutional amendments outlawing the practice….though I must admit that the idea of the victorious Pro Life Forces occupying the formerly Pro Abortion States and instituting a period of ‘reconstruction’ for a decade or so does have a certain appeal.

rhhardin | July 8, 2024 at 5:44 pm

To the extent it abortion becomes a Republican brand, Republicans lose every election.

The message from Republicans to right to life and anti-immigration ought to be: we can give you some things but we can’t give you everything. Otherwise we get nothing at all.

rhhardin | July 8, 2024 at 5:48 pm

The picture has to make the fetus cute, which requires a longer gestation time. That’s where the majority vote is, and therefore the stable law. I like 15 weeks. It needs to be long enough so that you find out you’re pregnant with a minimum of horror stories to overturn it; and in addition be cute.

It’s against the law in many places to kill puppies, as animal cruelty. That’s popular agreement on cuteness.

geronl | July 8, 2024 at 6:09 pm

This is very sad especially when the RNC is now inviting the founder of “Slut Walking” to speak…. seriously… what the crap…

henrybowman | July 8, 2024 at 6:15 pm

I don’t see anything about the Second Amendment, ditching the UN, or auditing the Fed in there, either. Ask me how upset I am about it.
Abortion is now “no longer a federal issue.” That’s the party line, andit’s the truth.
If the RNC wants to do the smart thing and “say the quiet part quiet” to avoid startling their new WalkAway voters, I’m willing to try it for a cycle. It’s not like the Republican platform is chiseled in granite tablets.

“If you see a bag on the street and something inside of it is moving, do you go and kick it?”

This was said the last time the GOP was set up for a landslide victory as big as 2024 is going to be. The left is aching for an issue to get voters fired up. I neither applaud nor condemn their spinelessness machinations. It’s the same thing they do on every day that ends in y.

Sanddog | July 8, 2024 at 6:37 pm

The Republican party wanted Roe overturned because the constitution neither approved of or prohibited abortion. It’s now been returned to the states where we’ve said for decades, it belonged. Any abortion battle needs to be fought on the state level.

“Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing,” Abortion is no longer a Federal issue and Republicans should not fall into that trap. Being President has to do with things like national defense, foreign wars, protecting the border, a strong economy, inflation, standard of living, national debt. Biden has screwed up on all of these and any comments on other issues should be met with, “Speak to the issues the President is responsible for addressing in the next 4 years.” You can’t do “squat” for the bad position this country and the average American are now in if you do not win.

Valerie | July 8, 2024 at 7:01 pm

Bear in mind that the abortion issue is one of a cluster of issues that belong with the States, not the Federal government.

The abortion issue was sent to the States. Promise kept. So, those who want to end abortion can now turn to action in the States instead of at the Federal level.

Education is another issue that needs to be sent to the States. The Dept. of Ed. has been a rancid failure, and it’s time to pull the plug on it.

Next up, close the damn border. THAT’s a Federal issue. So is taxing structure.

CDC, EPA, FBI, and CIA are all Federal Agencies that have lost their way. Restructuring them is a Federal issue.

It makes sense to divvy up the issues along the lines of where they should be decided,

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