Ghouls. Hacks. Soulless.
The MSNBC broadcast cut away and showed no second of the Gold Families at the RNC. How do they live with themselves? That’s a rhetorical question.
Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal led to the deaths of 13 Marines.
All of the families want Biden gone. That interferes with MSNBC’s agenda, which is more important than honoring the heroes.
MSNBC didn't carry a single second of the Gold Star families at the #RNC2024. Not the video, not any of the speeches by family members of the fallen in Afghanistan, not the reading of names.
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 18, 2024
These people showing they don't care about Gold Star families. Disgusting.
Rachel Maddow, Nicolle Wallace, Joy Reid, and Jen Psaki (who lied in her book about Biden not checking his watch at the dignified transfer) did nothing. #RNC2024 https://t.co/EmjzUCfQqV
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 18, 2024

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That’s fine. I didn’t watch a single second of MSNBC.
They were not approved by the Ministry of Propaganda
Scummy is as scummy does.
I”d tune away myself, not being a fan of patriotic virtue signalling. There’s something to be proud of but the public celebrations get is badly wrong.
The right missing the actual virtue is offensive, or call it better disappointing.
I understand what you mean, and I don’t necessarily disagree. However, giving these families the opportunity to speak on a national stage of their loved ones and criticize the administration that got them killed is a good thing regardless of venue.
“I understand what you mean…” That took a bit of effort.
What I mean, is that I’ve been to some solemn ceremonies that had great speakers and content, but were handled poorly by the venue and event organizers. That being said, I thought last night’s RNC event was done really well.
God Your one sick puppy, but you already know that, don’t you?
Been told all your sick , pathetic, useless life…
The virtue is that you’re called and you go. It applies to everybody, killed or not. There’s no extra.
The rest is like the Patton opening, you’re job isn’t to die for your country but to make the other poor bastard die for his country.
Fascinating. DO tell us more.
Tell me, were you checking your watch just like Brandon the pedophile?
Blowhard comment pretending to be an authority on virtue and lecturing on the same.
It’s not virtue signalling when it’s real. Even a blowhard should know that!
I love it when vapid, pedantic mediocrities like this guy carry themselves with an air of intellectual superiority, when everyone knows at the core he’s just a pretentious insecure blowhard. But do share some more links from your undergraduate syllabi. We’re all HIGHLY impressed by your name dropping.
Patton was a movie.
Even if it was “virture signaling,” the fact of the matter is that MSNBC was engaging in propaganda-pushing by making the conscious, deliberate decision to omit a non-trivial part of the convention, thus portraying the RNC (and Republicans/ conservatives by extention) in a particular light.
What many people fail to realize is that bias is demonstrated not only by how something is presented, but by whether or not something is presented in the first place. You can report only facts, but if you’re selective in which facts you choose to report, that is defacto biased reporting.
I haven’t watched a single second of MSNBC for a decade and a half.
They were absolute garbage then, and it looks like they still are now.
Imus used to be on MSNBC, back when Imus was good. Then they cancelled Imus at the same time that Imus went woke himself and was never any good afterwards.
The real lesson here is that they refuse to show their few viewers anything that might pop the bubble they live in. FJB
To be fair, normal people are not their target audience.
MSNBC shouldn’t host any more presidential debates.
They are ignorantly digging their hole deeper and deeper. Only extremists will eventually tune in. Pity those with the Trump virus because for most it does not get better.
I don’t know why anyone is ever surprised about a bunch of Communists acting un-American.
Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal led to the deaths of 13 Marines.
1 SAILOR, I assume a Corpsman
they only care about the woke part of the military
MSNBC should change its name to MSDNC.
MSNBC = mainly shit, nothing but crap